
ServUO Version
Publish 57
Ultima Expansion
Endless Journey
Does anyone know where or what script(s) I need to look in for finding control slots for pets?
I did this once to add some new pets and limit the number of some pets. I am out of town for three days. If no one else chimes in, I will look through my files when I get home.
What are you wanting to do?
Add more control slots to player?
Remove control slots from pets?
Indeed because of you want to change the number of control slots a pet takes up that is edited in each individual pets script separately.

As for the players max follower count I'd assume that would be in Server/Mobile.cs. However, as I use a custom script that makes follower count based off intelligence I'm not super exact on that one but should help until the meantime.
Last edited:
The followersMax is set in Mobile.cs in the Server, you can edit directly, or you'll need to make a script to update the followersmax after the init of a playermobile!
The followersMax is set in Mobile.cs in the Server, you can edit directly, or you'll need to make a script to update the followersmax after the init of a playermobile!
Indeed it is on line 6105 - 6109 of Server/Mobile.cs for me:

if (version < 15)
    m_Followers = 0;
    m_FollowersMax = 5;

But again here is a script I use that just overrides it and makes follower count based on Intelligence if interested OP.
// Max Followers Based On Intelligence v1.2.0
// Author: Felladrin
// Started: 2013-08-23
// Updated: 2016-01-18

// Installation:
// Open PlayerMobile.cs and find, in the ValidateEquipment_Sandbox() method, the following line:
// Mobile from = this;
// Below that line, add the following line:
// Felladrin.Automations.MaxFollowersBasedOnIntelligence.Evaluate(from);

private void ValidateEquipment_Sandbox()
                if (Map == null || Map == Map.Internal)

                var items = Items;

                if (items == null)

                bool moved = false;

                int str = Str;
                int dex = Dex;
                int intel = Int;

                #region Factions
                int factionItemCount = 0;

                Mobile from = this;
                Felladrin.Automations.MaxFollowersBasedOnIntelligence.Evaluate(from); //This Line is your addition needed for this script

                #region Ethics
                Ethic ethic = Ethic.Find(from);


  • MaxFollowersBasedOnIntelligence.cs
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