A long time ago on RunUO forums there was a custom skillcheck.cs that allowed you to edit skill gain rate for each skill as well as based on skill level.

I found it a couple years after it was published and never could get it working right. Just curious if anyone else does skill gain rates like this and if so would you be willing to share your script or point me in the right direction of how to achieve this?

You can edit individual skill gains by modifying the last number in each of these lines...

new SkillInfo(0, "Alchemy", 0.0, 5.0, 5.0, "Alchemist", null, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0)

...in Skills.cs in the core.

public SkillInfo(
			int skillID,
			string name,
			double strScale,
			double dexScale,
			double intScale,
			string title,
			SkillUseCallback callback,
			double strGain,
			double dexGain,
			double intGain,
			double gainFactor)

In SkillCheck.cs we find this...

gc *= skill.Info.GainFactor;

..in the CheckSkill method.

The higher the number, the more likelihood of a gain.
I was always under the impression that that number was the chance for a successful stat gain...going to check this out. Thanks m309

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Total amount