I would like to download this script for wood - leather -mineral clicko but if I get the name of a script called time system ... where do I find the script of
Daat99's OWLTR ?
I don't think any one has updated this to work with Publish 54
You can get it here but I'm sure there will be tons of error's http://www.servuo.com/attachments/servuo-com-owltr-3-01-00-zip.996/
I so far got it to at least compile , but getting crash bug with the harvesting or more specific the onFinishHarvest ..and isprospected causing my crash error according to debugger a null reference exception ,object reference not set to an instance of an object ..but if I comment out a couple lines a code in harvestsystem.cs that checks if the harvest vein isprospcted no crash..but don't seem to be able to mine anything beyond dull copper. Still testing..and checking test results .
- Demented
@demented maybe if you post the crash error (in debug mode) we might be able to get a few to help out with the problem, I'm sure there are a few who would enjoy having this :)
Server Crash Report
RunUO Version 0.5, Build 5330.31050
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service pack 1
.Net framework: 4.0.30319.18444
Time: 19/12/2014 6:26:51Am
Mobiles: 24920
Items: 111198
Exception :
System.Null Reference Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at daat99.ResourceHelper.Get DaatHarvestedTypDaatHarvestedType, Boolean prospected, Double skill) in Resource Helper.cs : line 74 at Server.Engines.Harvest.Harvest System.Finish Harvesting(Mmobile from, item tool, Harvest Definition def, Object toHarvest, Object locked) in HarvestSystem.cs : line 168
Im getting these errors when i merge new shard
ServUO - [http://www.servuo.com] Version 0.5, Build 5493.3280
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 2 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
OpenUO Error: Client files not found.
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 6 errors, 0 warnings
+ Items/Armor/BaseArmor.cs:
CS0101: Line 13: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition
for 'BaseArmor'
CS0102: Line 708: The type 'Server.Items.BaseArmor' already contains a defin
ition for 'SaveFlag'
+ Items/Clothing/BaseClothing.cs:
CS0101: Line 10: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition
for 'ClothingQuality'
CS0101: Line 17: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition
for 'IArcaneEquip'
CS0101: Line 24: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition
for 'BaseClothing'
CS0102: Line 715: The type 'Server.Items.BaseClothing' already contains a de
finition for 'SaveFlag'
+ Items/Jewels/BaseJewel.cs:
CS0101: Line 7: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition f
or 'GemType'
CS0101: Line 21: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition
for 'BaseJewel'
+ Items/Skill Items/Tools/BaseRunicTool.cs:
CS0101: Line 6: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition f
or 'BaseRunicTool'
+ Items/Weapons/BaseWeapon.cs:
CS0101: Line 18: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition
for 'ISlayer'
CS0101: Line 24: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition
for 'BaseWeapon'
CS0102: Line 532: The type 'Server.Items.BaseWeapon' already contains a defi
nition for 'ResetEquipTimer'
CS0102: Line 2601: The type 'Server.Items.BaseWeapon' already contains a def
inition for 'SaveFlag'
CS0101: Line 3577: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definitio
n for 'CheckSlayerResult'
+ Services/XmlSpawner 2/XmlItems/XmlSocketItems/BagOfResources.cs:
CS0101: Line 5: The namespace 'Server.Items' already contains a definition f
or 'BagOfResources'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
If i remove them i get like 73 new errors
Those error's are telling you that this is in the server- so you must of merged wrong or added scripts which have these as posted in the error's
This is in the Installation text file:


1. Place all the files anywhere in **\runuo\scripts\custom\**
2. Go over all the files in the modified directory and make sure you replace the original files with them (if you miss even 1 it won't compile and will get you tons of errors.
3. Restart the shard and set the settings you want in the OWLTR control center ([add daat99owltr).
4. Restart the server and let your players have fun :)

1. In order for your players to get custom leather on monsters you need to add them to your monsters, check the leather elementals for the way to add leather.
2. If you want the scales to be on monsters you need to add it too, check the distro scripts (drake, dragon...) for how to add it.
3. There are 2 scales.cs files in runuo, you need to replace the 1 inside the blacksmith folder.
4. If you have druidic reagents already then you need to delete your version and add the version that attached to this pack.

The leathers & scales are in the BaseCreature.cs modifed file. You get them by skinning the mobs & should still be based on difficulty of the mobs as to which Hides or scales the player gets. Leather ele's just drop leather.
ServUO - [http://www.servuo.com] Version 0.5, Build 5493.3280
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 2 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
OpenUO Error: Client files not found.
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 10 errors, 4 warnings
+ Mobiles/AI/SpeedInfo.cs:
CS0105: Line 5: The using directive for 'Server.Factions' appeared previousl
y in this namespace
+ Skills/AnimalTaming.cs:
CS0105: Line 8: The using directive for 'Server.Network' appeared previously
in this namespace
CS0105: Line 11: The using directive for 'Server.Targeting' appeared previou
sly in this namespace
+ Mobiles/Vendors/BaseVendor.cs:
CS0114: Line 91: 'Server.Mobiles.BaseVendor.IsInvulnerable' hides inherited
member 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature.IsInvulnerable'. To make the current member
override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new ke
+ Items/Talismans/TalismanSummons.cs:
CS0114: Line 30: 'Server.Mobiles.BaseTalismanSummon.IsInvulnerable' hides in
herited member 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature.IsInvulnerable'. To make the current
member override that implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add th
e new keyword.

+ Items/- BaseClasses/BaseArmor.cs:
CS1061: Line 2261: 'Server.AosAttributes' does not contain a definition for
'Brittle' and no extension method 'Brittle' accepting a first argument of type '
Server.AosAttributes' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an as
sembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 2264: 'Server.AosAttributes' does not contain a definition for
'NoRepairs' and no extension method 'NoRepairs' accepting a first argument of ty
pe 'Server.AosAttributes' could be found (are you missing a using directive or a
n assembly reference?)
+ Items/- BaseClasses/BaseWeapon.cs:
CS0029: Line 1318: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long
CS0029: Line 1386: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long
CS1061: Line 4324: 'Server.AosAttributes' does not contain a definition for
'Brittle' and no extension method 'Brittle' accepting a first argument of type '
Server.AosAttributes' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an as
sembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 4327: 'Server.AosAttributes' does not contain a definition for
'NoRepairs' and no extension method 'NoRepairs' accepting a first argument of ty
pe 'Server.AosAttributes' could be found (are you missing a using directive or a
n assembly reference?)
+ Custom Systems/New/BodRewards/Gargoyles Knife.cs:
CS0117: Line 201: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Polar'
CS0117: Line 225: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Synthetic'
CS0117: Line 247: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'BlazeL'
CS0117: Line 267: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Daemonic'
CS0117: Line 285: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Shadow'
CS0117: Line 301: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Frost'
+ Custom Systems/New/BodRewards/Masters Knife.cs:
CS0117: Line 108: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Polar'
CS0117: Line 110: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Synthetic'
CS0117: Line 112: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'BlazeL'
CS0117: Line 114: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Daemonic'
CS0117: Line 116: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Shadow'
CS0117: Line 118: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Frost'
CS0117: Line 120: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Ethereal'
+ Custom Systems/New/Elementals.cs:
CS1061: Line 179: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Polar' and no extension method 'Polar' accepting a first argument of type 'Se
rver.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an a
ssembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 180: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Synthetic' and no extension method 'Synthetic' accepting a first argument of
type 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive
or an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 181: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'BlazeL' and no extension method 'BlazeL' accepting a first argument of type '
Server.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an
assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 182: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Daemonic' and no extension method 'Daemonic' accepting a first argument of ty
pe 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive o
r an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 183: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Shadow' and no extension method 'Shadow' accepting a first argument of type '
Server.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an
assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 184: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Frost' and no extension method 'Frost' accepting a first argument of type 'Se
rver.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an a
ssembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 185: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Ethereal' and no extension method 'Ethereal' accepting a first argument of ty
pe 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive o
r an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 204: 'Server.Mobiles.ScaleType' does not contain a definition f
or 'Copper' and no extension method 'Copper' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Mobiles.ScaleType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or
an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 205: 'Server.Mobiles.ScaleType' does not contain a definition f
or 'Silver' and no extension method 'Silver' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Mobiles.ScaleType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or
an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 206: 'Server.Mobiles.ScaleType' does not contain a definition f
or 'Gold' and no extension method 'Gold' accepting a first argument of type 'Ser
ver.Mobiles.ScaleType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an a
ssembly reference?)
+ Custom Systems/New/LeatherElementals.cs:
CS1061: Line 276: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Polar' and no extension method 'Polar' accepting a first argument of type 'Se
rver.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an a
ssembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 347: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Synthetic' and no extension method 'Synthetic' accepting a first argument of
type 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive
or an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 418: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'BlazeL' and no extension method 'BlazeL' accepting a first argument of type '
Server.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an
assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 489: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Daemonic' and no extension method 'Daemonic' accepting a first argument of ty
pe 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive o
r an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 561: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Shadow' and no extension method 'Shadow' accepting a first argument of type '
Server.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an
assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 565: 'Server.Mobiles.ScaleType' does not contain a definition f
or 'Copper' and no extension method 'Copper' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Mobiles.ScaleType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or
an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 633: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Frost' and no extension method 'Frost' accepting a first argument of type 'Se
rver.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an a
ssembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 637: 'Server.Mobiles.ScaleType' does not contain a definition f
or 'Silver' and no extension method 'Silver' accepting a first argument of type
'Server.Mobiles.ScaleType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or
an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 705: 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' does not contain a definition fo
r 'Ethereal' and no extension method 'Ethereal' accepting a first argument of ty
pe 'Server.Mobiles.HideType' could be found (are you missing a using directive o
r an assembly reference?)
CS1061: Line 709: 'Server.Mobiles.ScaleType' does not contain a definition f
or 'Gold' and no extension method 'Gold' accepting a first argument of type 'Ser
ver.Mobiles.ScaleType' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an a
ssembly reference?)
+ Items/- BaseClasses/BaseClothing.cs:
CS1061: Line 924: 'Server.AosAttributes' does not contain a definition for '
Brittle' and no extension method 'Brittle' accepting a first argument of type 'S
erver.AosAttributes' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an ass
embly reference?)
CS1061: Line 927: 'Server.AosAttributes' does not contain a definition for '
NoRepairs' and no extension method 'NoRepairs' accepting a first argument of typ
e 'Server.AosAttributes' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an
assembly reference?)
+ Items/- BaseClasses/BaseJewel.cs:
CS1061: Line 546: 'Server.AosAttributes' does not contain a definition for '
Brittle' and no extension method 'Brittle' accepting a first argument of type 'S
erver.AosAttributes' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an ass
embly reference?)
CS1061: Line 549: 'Server.AosAttributes' does not contain a definition for '
NoRepairs' and no extension method 'NoRepairs' accepting a first argument of typ
e 'Server.AosAttributes' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an
assembly reference?)
+ Spells/Base/Spell.cs:
CS0029: Line 552: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

CS0019: Line 658: Operator '<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'System
.DateTime' and 'long'
CS0029: Line 1146: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long
+ Skills/AnimalTaming.cs:
CS0029: Line 134: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

CS0029: Line 278: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

CS0029: Line 285: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

CS0029: Line 292: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

CS0029: Line 299: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

CS0029: Line 306: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

CS0029: Line 313: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

CS0029: Line 320: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

CS0029: Line 327: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

CS0029: Line 357: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.DateTime' to 'long'

Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.

im trying to get it to work so any help will be apreciated
Definetly missed edits (hides & scales) + looks like some things were overwritten (the Brittle errors). As for the System.DateTime to long errors, those are due to changes in the time system itself. You'll need to go through and manually change those to the new one. On the NoRepairs error, must be something new to the ServUO server?
Hey guys I have been trying to put this in and I am having probems getting it to work on a fresh install of uo and latest version of servuo svn.I have done this twice and havnt done no merging just replaced all files in distro as instructed. Should I have merged the playermobile distro? Since it is publish 54 mentioned above. Have been playing with this game for 10 years or better just been out of loop for awhile.my client version is Having trouble crossing bridges and going into caves lol.Any information on this system would be much appreciated .Thanks

error log

ServUO - [http://www.servuo.com] Version 0.5, Build 5514.24987
Publish 54
Core: Optimizing for 4 64-bit processors
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
OpenUO Error: Client files not found.
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 2 errors, 3 warnings
+ Mobiles/AI/SpeedInfo.cs:
CS0105: Line 5: The using directive for 'Server.Factions' appeared previousl
y in this namespace
+ Skills/AnimalTaming.cs:
CS0105: Line 8: The using directive for 'Server.Network' appeared previously
in this namespace
CS0105: Line 11: The using directive for 'Server.Targeting' appeared previou
sly in this namespace
+ Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs:
CS0108: Line 338: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.IsStealthing' hides inherited
member 'Server.Mobile.IsStealthing'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended
CS0108: Line 351: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.IgnoreMobiles' hides inherite
d member 'Server.Mobile.IgnoreMobiles'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intend
+ Items/Talismans/TalismanSummons.cs:
CS0115: Line 30: 'Server.Mobiles.BaseTalismanSummon.IsInvulnerable': no suit
able method found to override
+ Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs:
CS0506: Line 1777: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.Hidden.get': cannot override
inherited member 'Server.Mobile.Hidden.get' because it is not marked virtual, a
bstract, or override
CS0506: Line 1781: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.Hidden.set': cannot override
inherited member 'Server.Mobile.Hidden.set' because it is not marked virtual, a
bstract, or override
CS0508: Line 4944: 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.ComputeMovementSpeed(Server.
Direction, bool)': return type must be 'int' to match overridden member 'Server.
Mobile.ComputeMovementSpeed(Server.Direction, bool)'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
I am going to tackle this next week if you can wait till then maybe we can help each other muddle though it I opened it up and seen all those files and was like ok I got to save this till I had a whole day or weekend to play with it lol
WTF? Any knows the reason? pfff its put on a clean servuo

    CS0101: Line 369: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Items' ya contiene una defin
ición para 'BaseGlovesOfMining'
+ Items/Weapons/BaseWeapon.cs:
    CS0101: Line 20: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Items' ya contiene una defini
ción para 'ISlayer'
    CS0101: Line 26: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Items' ya contiene una defini
ción para 'BaseWeapon'
    CS0102: Line 460: El tipo 'Server.Items.BaseWeapon' ya contiene una definici
ón para 'UnBlessEntry'
    CS0102: Line 1170: El tipo 'Server.Items.BaseWeapon' ya contiene una definic
ión para 'ResetEquipTimer'
    CS0102: Line 3663: El tipo 'Server.Items.BaseWeapon' ya contiene una definic
ión para 'SaveFlag'
    CS0102: Line 3713: El tipo 'Server.Items.BaseWeapon' ya contiene una definic
ión para 'SetFlag'
    CS0101: Line 5102: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Items' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'CheckSlayerResult'
+ Misc/ResourceInfo.cs:
    CS0101: Line 7: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Items' ya contiene una definic
ión para 'CraftResource'
    CS0101: Line 69: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Items' ya contiene una defini
ción para 'CraftResourceType'
    CS0101: Line 78: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Items' ya contiene una defini
ción para 'CraftAttributeInfo'
    CS0101: Line 1091: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Items' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'CraftResourceInfo'
    CS0101: Line 1157: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Items' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'CraftResources'
    CS0101: Line 1436: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Items' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'OreInfo'
+ Mobiles/AI/SpeedInfo.cs:
    CS0101: Line 9: El espacio de nombres 'Server' ya contiene una definición pa
ra 'SpeedInfo'
+ Mobiles/Vendors/BaseVendor.cs:
    CS0101: Line 16: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'VendorShoeType'
    CS0101: Line 25: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'BaseVendor'
    CS0102: Line 169: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseVendor' ya contiene una defini
ción para 'BulkOrderInfoEntry'
    CS0101: Line 1706: El espacio de nombres 'Server.ContextMenus' ya contiene u
na definición para 'VendorBuyEntry'
    CS0101: Line 1723: El espacio de nombres 'Server.ContextMenus' ya contiene u
na definición para 'VendorSellEntry'
    CS0101: Line 1743: El espacio de nombres 'Server' ya contiene una definición
para 'IShopSellInfo'
    CS0101: Line 1764: El espacio de nombres 'Server' ya contiene una definición
para 'IBuyItemInfo'
+ Mobiles/Vendors/GenericSell.cs:
    CS0101: Line 8: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defin
ición para 'GenericSellInfo'
+ Mobiles/BaseCreature.cs:
    CS0101: Line 29: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'FightMode'
    CS0101: Line 39: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'OrderType'
    CS0101: Line 63: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'FoodType'
    CS0101: Line 76: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'PackInstinct'
    CS0101: Line 89: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'ScaleType'
    CS0101: Line 107: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una def
inición para 'MeatType'
    CS0101: Line 114: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una def
inición para 'HideType'
    CS0101: Line 134: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una def
inición para 'DamageStore'
    CS0101: Line 155: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una def
inición para 'FriendlyNameAttribute'
    CS0102: Line 516: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'DeleteTimer'
    CS0102: Line 1474: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' ya contiene una def
inición para 'Allegiance'
    CS0102: Line 3980: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' ya contiene una def
inición para 'TameEntry'
    CS0102: Line 4034: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' ya contiene una def
inición para 'TeachResult'
    CS0102: Line 5447: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' ya contiene una def
inición para 'DeathAdderCharmTarget'
    CS0102: Line 5814: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.BaseCreature' ya contiene una def
inición para 'FKEntry'
    CS0101: Line 7500: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una de
finición para 'LoyaltyTimer'
+ Mobiles/PlayerMobile.cs:
    CS0101: Line 32: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'PlayerFlag'
    CS0101: Line 62: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'NpcGuild'
    CS0101: Line 79: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Mobiles' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'SolenFriendship'
    CS0102: Line 152: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'CountAndTimeStamp'
    CS0102: Line 2388: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' ya contiene una def
inición para 'CancelRenewInventoryInsuranceGump'
    CS0102: Line 2449: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' ya contiene una def
inición para 'ContextCallback'
    CS0102: Line 2451: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' ya contiene una def
inición para 'CallbackEntry'
    CS0102: Line 4254: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' ya contiene una def
inición para 'PlayerPropertiesEventHandler'
    CS0102: Line 4275: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' ya contiene una def
inición para 'PlayerPropertiesEventArgs'
    CS0102: Line 5576: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile' ya contiene una def
inición para 'ChampionTitleInfo'
    CS0102: Line 5581: El tipo 'Server.Mobiles.PlayerMobile.ChampionTitleInfo' y
a contiene una definición para 'TitleInfo'
+ Services/BulkOrders/Books/BOBFilterGump.cs:
    CS0101: Line 10: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contie
ne una definición para 'BOBFilterGump'
+ Services/BulkOrders/Books/BOBGump.cs:
    CS0101: Line 11: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contie
ne una definición para 'BOBGump'
    CS0102: Line 675: El tipo 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders.BOBGump' ya contiene un
a definición para 'SetPricePrompt'
+ Services/BulkOrders/Books/BODType.cs:
    CS0101: Line 5: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contien
e una definición para 'BODType'
+ Services/BulkOrders/BulkMaterialType.cs:
    CS0101: Line 7: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contien
e una definición para 'BulkMaterialType'
    CS0101: Line 48: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contie
ne una definición para 'BulkGenericType'
    CS0101: Line 58: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contie
ne una definición para 'BGTClassifier'
+ Services/BulkOrders/LargeBOD.cs:
    CS0101: Line 11: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contie
ne una definición para 'LargeBOD'
+ Services/BulkOrders/LargeBODAcceptGump.cs:
    CS0101: Line 8: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contien
e una definición para 'LargeBODAcceptGump'
+ Services/BulkOrders/LargeBODGump.cs:
    CS0101: Line 9: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contien
e una definición para 'LargeBODGump'
+ Services/BulkOrders/LargeSmithBOD.cs:
    CS0101: Line 11: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contie
ne una definición para 'LargeSmithBOD'
+ Services/BulkOrders/LargeTailorBOD.cs:
    CS0101: Line 10: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contie
ne una definición para 'LargeTailorBOD'
+ Services/BulkOrders/Rewards.cs:
    CS0101: Line 7: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contien
e una definición para 'ConstructCallback'
    CS0101: Line 9: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contien
e una definición para 'RewardType'
    CS0101: Line 47: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contie
ne una definición para 'RewardItem'
    CS0101: Line 100: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya conti
ene una definición para 'RewardGroup'
    CS0101: Line 154: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya conti
ene una definición para 'RewardCalculator'
    CS0101: Line 237: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya conti
ene una definición para 'SmithRewardCalculator'
    CS0101: Line 609: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya conti
ene una definición para 'TailorRewardCalculator'
+ Services/BulkOrders/SmallBOD.cs:
    CS0101: Line 10: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contie
ne una definición para 'SmallBOD'
+ Services/BulkOrders/SmallBODAcceptGump.cs:
    CS0101: Line 8: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contien
e una definición para 'SmallBODAcceptGump'
+ Services/BulkOrders/SmallBODGump.cs:
    CS0101: Line 9: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contien
e una definición para 'SmallBODGump'
+ Services/BulkOrders/SmallSmithBOD.cs:
    CS0101: Line 11: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contie
ne una definición para 'SmallSmithBOD'
+ Services/BulkOrders/SmallTailorBOD.cs:
    CS0101: Line 9: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.BulkOrders' ya contien
e una definición para 'SmallTailorBOD'
+ Services/CannedEvil/ChampionSpawn.cs:
    CS0101: Line 14: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil' ya contie
ne una definición para 'ChampionSpawn'
    CS0102: Line 1407: El tipo 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil.ChampionSpawn' ya cont
iene una definición para 'DropGatheredTimer'
    CS0101: Line 1447: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil' ya cont
iene una definición para 'ChampionSpawnRegion'
    CS0101: Line 1485: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil' ya cont
iene una definición para 'IdolOfTheChampion'
+ Services/CannedEvil/ChampionSpawnType.cs:
    CS0101: Line 7: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil' ya contien
e una definición para 'ChampionSpawnType'
    CS0101: Line 28: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil' ya contie
ne una definición para 'ChampionSpawnInfo'
+ Services/ChampionSystem/ChampionSpawn.cs:
    CS0101: Line 10: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil' ya contie
ne una definición para 'ChampionSpawn'
    CS0101: Line 1346: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil' ya cont
iene una definición para 'ChampionSpawnRegion'
    CS0101: Line 1384: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil' ya cont
iene una definición para 'IdolOfTheChampion'
+ Services/ChampionSystem/ChampionSpawnType.cs:
    CS0101: Line 6: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil' ya contien
e una definición para 'ChampionSpawnType'
    CS0101: Line 23: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.CannedEvil' ya contie
ne una definición para 'ChampionSpawnInfo'
+ Services/Craft/Core/CraftGump.cs:
    CS0101: Line 11: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'CraftGump'
    CS0102: Line 23: El tipo 'Server.Engines.Craft.CraftGump' ya contiene una de
finición para 'CraftPage'
+ Services/Craft/Core/CraftItem.cs:
    CS0101: Line 13: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'ConsumeType'
    CS0101: Line 20: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'ICraftable'
    CS0101: Line 25: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'CraftItem'
    CS0102: Line 1657: El tipo 'Server.Engines.Craft.CraftItem' ya contiene una
definición para 'InternalTimer'
+ Services/Craft/Core/Repair.cs:
    CS0101: Line 9: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene una
definición para 'Repair'
    CS0102: Line 27: El tipo 'Server.Engines.Craft.Repair' ya contiene una defin
ición para 'InternalTarget'
+ Services/Craft/Core/Resmelt.cs:
    CS0101: Line 7: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene una
definición para 'SmeltResult'
    CS0101: Line 14: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'Resmelt'
    CS0102: Line 35: El tipo 'Server.Engines.Craft.Resmelt' ya contiene una defi
nición para 'InternalTarget'
+ Services/Craft/DefBlacksmithy.cs:
    CS0101: Line 7: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene una
definición para 'SmithRecipes'
    CS0101: Line 57: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'DefBlacksmithy'
    CS0102: Line 205: El tipo 'Server.Engines.Craft.DefBlacksmithy' ya contiene
una definición para 'InternalTimer'
    CS0101: Line 855: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene u
na definición para 'ForgeAttribute'
    CS0101: Line 862: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene u
na definición para 'AnvilAttribute'
+ Services/Craft/DefBowFletching.cs:
    CS0101: Line 7: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene una
definición para 'BowRecipes'
    CS0101: Line 28: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'DefBowFletching'
+ Services/Craft/DefCarpentry.cs:
    CS0101: Line 7: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene una
definición para 'CarpRecipes'
    CS0101: Line 39: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'DefCarpentry'
+ Services/Craft/DefMasonry.cs:
    CS0101: Line 7: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene una
definición para 'DefMasonry'
    CS0102: Line 76: El tipo 'Server.Engines.Craft.DefMasonry' ya contiene una d
efinición para 'InternalTimer'
+ Services/Craft/DefTailoring.cs:
    CS0101: Line 6: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene una
definición para 'TailorRecipe'
    CS0101: Line 19: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'DefTailoring'
+ Services/Craft/DefTinkering.cs:
    CS0101: Line 11: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'TinkerRecipes'
    CS0101: Line 24: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene un
a definición para 'DefTinkering'
    CS0101: Line 643: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene u
na definición para 'TrapCraft'
    CS0102: Line 703: El tipo 'Server.Engines.Craft.TrapCraft' ya contiene una d
efinición para 'ContainerTarget'
    CS0101: Line 762: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene u
na definición para 'DartTrapCraft'
    CS0101: Line 779: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene u
na definición para 'PoisonTrapCraft'
    CS0101: Line 796: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Craft' ya contiene u
na definición para 'ExplosionTrapCraft'
+ Services/Harvest/Core/HarvestSystem.cs:
    CS0101: Line 11: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Harvest' ya contiene
una definición para 'HarvestSystem'
    CS0101: Line 560: El espacio de nombres 'Server' ya contiene una definición
para 'IChopable'
    CS0101: Line 566: El espacio de nombres 'Server' ya contiene una definición
para 'FurnitureAttribute'
+ Services/Harvest/Core/HarvestVein.cs:
    CS0101: Line 5: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Harvest' ya contiene u
na definición para 'HarvestVein'
+ Services/Harvest/Lumberjacking.cs:
    CS0101: Line 10: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Engines.Harvest' ya contiene
una definición para 'Lumberjacking'
+ Skills/AnimalTaming.cs:
    CS0101: Line 16: El espacio de nombres 'Server.SkillHandlers' ya contiene un
a definición para 'AnimalTaming'
    CS0102: Line 115: El tipo 'Server.SkillHandlers.AnimalTaming' ya contiene un
a definición para 'InternalTarget'
    CS0102: Line 249: El tipo 'Server.SkillHandlers.AnimalTaming.InternalTarget'
ya contiene una definición para 'InternalTimer'
+ Spells/Base/Spell.cs:
    CS0101: Line 16: El espacio de nombres 'Server.Spells' ya contiene una defin
ición para 'Spell'
    CS0102: Line 147: El tipo 'Server.Spells.Spell' ya contiene una definición p
ara 'DelayedDamageContextWrapper'
    CS0102: Line 1088: El tipo 'Server.Spells.Spell' ya contiene una definición
para 'AnimTimer'
    CS0102: Line 1121: El tipo 'Server.Spells.Spell' ya contiene una definición
para 'CastTimer'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
With a closer look with his download, some one found many missing edits to this-they are working to update and do testing to be sure this works correct before releasing :)
And here I thought I was going mad. I know I'm new to ServUO and C# but was pretty sure I was following everything correctly. Any idea on when the re-release will be up?
Been years since I took a swing at it lol. Sphere was my last interaction back in 2000(ish). I went to play UO and they wanted money, needed a UO fix/project so...... here I am :)
i have it completely working but my player.cs and basecreature.cs are heavely modified with other things it will take me a bit to put together file to post. but i will as soon as i figure out an exploit a player used on my server.
Well here is a OWLTR 3.01.00 for Serv UO 54. I have made it so all you have to do is replace your destro edits with the ones in the modified folder. I got it to work on a clean server, so i hope that means i was able to edit out all my heavy mods i had. as far as i know i have fixed all the issues along with those with the runic storage except the bard ones and i will now that i know about them. i added in the gem crafting and edited the storage to accept the runics also. i am still rather new at this scripting but will be glad to give a hand with this.


  • OWLTR 3.01.00 for Serv UO 54.zip
    512.4 KB · Views: 53
Actually, my Gem Craft was never intended to be part of OWLTR. Its just an addin to go with an OWLTR server, which is why there is also one for servers without it. Daat99 & I had discussed that very thing & it was decided to leave it as is. Not everyone wants the GemCraft that wants OWLTR.
ok i have to say i was wrong though the file works and compiles ect, hammerhand pointed out to me that there are several bugs i did not not about and saying that, it means i didnt fix them. so if you find them and do fix them, could you please telll me about them and how you you fixed and if you need help i will give my limited know how a go at. thanx guys. YOU ROCK

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