
Hey there I would like to make our shard to have one click daily bod reward where all the bod go in your pack depending on your level that last 24 hour time limit, and all bod within 24 hour drop in pack.

The problem we need to solve is where the gump come up, and ask you if you will accept this bod, or not I like to have that removed, and make it where it make you accept anyway, and automatic put it in pack after click bulk order.

#region Bulk Orders
public override BODType BODType { get { return BODType.Smith; } }

public override Item CreateBulkOrder(Mobile from, bool fromContextMenu)
PlayerMobile pm = from as PlayerMobile;

if (pm != null && pm.NextSmithBulkOrder == TimeSpan.Zero && (fromContextMenu || 0.2 > Utility.RandomDouble()))
double theirSkill = pm.Skills[SkillName.Blacksmith].Base;

if (theirSkill >= 70.1)
pm.NextSmithBulkOrder = TimeSpan.FromHours(6.0);
else if (theirSkill >= 50.1)
pm.NextSmithBulkOrder = TimeSpan.FromHours(2.0);
pm.NextSmithBulkOrder = TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0);

if (theirSkill >= 70.1 && ((theirSkill - 40.0) / 300.0) > Utility.RandomDouble())
return new LargeSmithBOD();

return SmallSmithBOD.CreateRandomFor(from);

return null;
Can somebody show me how to make this give more than 1 bods in random in one click?

if (theirSkill >= 70.1)
pm.NextSmithBulkOrder = TimeSpan.FromHours(6.0);

I think maybe we still have to go to BulkOrderSystem.CS to make it give bod, but if that is true then it may have to be custom to make it random, or something?
public static List<CollectionItem> GetRewardCollection(BODType type)
switch (type)
case BODType.Smith: return SmithRewardCalculator.Instance.RewardCollection;
case BODType.Tailor: return TailorRewardCalculator.Instance.RewardCollection;
case BODType.Alchemy: return AlchemyRewardCalculator.Instance.RewardCollection;
case BODType.Inscription: return InscriptionRewardCalculator.Instance.RewardCollection;
case BODType.Tinkering: return TinkeringRewardCalculator.Instance.RewardCollection;
case BODType.Fletching: return FletchingRewardCalculator.Instance.RewardCollection;
case BODType.Carpentry: return CarpentryRewardCalculator.Instance.RewardCollection;
case BODType.Cooking: return CookingRewardCalculator.Instance.RewardCollection;

I was thinking maybe something like this here.
case BODType.Smith: return SmithRewardCalculator.Instance.RewardCollection; (24);

Something like that, but I am unsure how to separate it per hour depend on levels, and how to make it random it could be easy, or complex, but I am hoping it would be something simple, and if it is complex I am all game for it.

Active Shards


Total amount