public override void InitCraftList()
int index;
/*m_Circle = 0;
m_Mana = 4;
AddSpell( typeof( ReactiveArmorScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( ClumsyScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Nightshade );
AddSpell( typeof( CreateFoodScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( FeeblemindScroll ), Reg.Nightshade, Reg.Ginseng );
AddSpell( typeof( HealScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.SpidersSilk );
AddSpell( typeof( MagicArrowScroll ), Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( NightSightScroll ), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( WeakenScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Nightshade );
m_Circle = 1;
m_Mana = 6;
AddSpell( typeof( AgilityScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( CunningScroll ), Reg.Nightshade, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( CureScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng );
AddSpell( typeof( HarmScroll ), Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SpidersSilk );
AddSpell( typeof( MagicTrapScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( MagicUnTrapScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( ProtectionScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( StrengthScroll ), Reg.Nightshade, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
m_Circle = 2;
m_Mana = 9;
AddSpell( typeof( BlessScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( FireballScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl );
AddSpell( typeof( MagicLockScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Garlic, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( PoisonScroll ), Reg.Nightshade );
AddSpell( typeof( TelekinisisScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( TeleportScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( UnlockScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( WallOfStoneScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Garlic );
m_Circle = 3;
m_Mana = 11;
AddSpell( typeof( ArchCureScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( ArchProtectionScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( CurseScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( FireFieldScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( GreaterHealScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Ginseng );
AddSpell( typeof( LightningScroll ), Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( ManaDrainScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( RecallScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
m_Circle = 4;
m_Mana = 14;
AddSpell( typeof( BladeSpiritsScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( DispelFieldScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Garlic, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( IncognitoScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Garlic, Reg.Nightshade );
AddSpell( typeof( MagicReflectScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk );
AddSpell( typeof( MindBlastScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( ParalyzeScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk );
AddSpell( typeof( PoisonFieldScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SpidersSilk );
AddSpell( typeof( SummonCreatureScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk );
m_Circle = 5;
m_Mana = 20;
AddSpell( typeof( DispelScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( EnergyBoltScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Nightshade );
AddSpell( typeof( ExplosionScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( InvisibilityScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Nightshade );
AddSpell( typeof( MarkScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot );
AddSpell( typeof( MassCurseScroll ), Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( ParalyzeFieldScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.SpidersSilk );
AddSpell( typeof( RevealScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
m_Circle = 6;
m_Mana = 40;
AddSpell( typeof( ChainLightningScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( EnergyFieldScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( FlamestrikeScroll ), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( GateTravelScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( ManaVampireScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk );
AddSpell( typeof( MassDispelScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( MeteorSwarmScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh, Reg.SpidersSilk );
AddSpell( typeof( PolymorphScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk );
m_Circle = 7;
m_Mana = 50;
AddSpell( typeof( EarthquakeScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( EnergyVortexScroll ), Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Nightshade );
AddSpell( typeof( ResurrectionScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng );
AddSpell( typeof( SummonAirElementalScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk );
AddSpell( typeof( SummonDaemonScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( SummonEarthElementalScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk );
AddSpell( typeof( SummonFireElementalScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.SulfurousAsh );
AddSpell( typeof( SummonWaterElementalScroll ), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SpidersSilk );
if ( Core.SE )
AddNecroSpell( 0, 23, 39.6, typeof( AnimateDeadScroll ), Reg.GraveDust, Reg.DaemonBlood );
AddNecroSpell( 1, 13, 19.6, typeof( BloodOathScroll ), Reg.DaemonBlood );
AddNecroSpell( 2, 11, 19.6, typeof( CorpseSkinScroll ), Reg.BatWing, Reg.GraveDust );
AddNecroSpell( 3, 7, 19.6, typeof( CurseWeaponScroll ), Reg.PigIron );
AddNecroSpell( 4, 11, 19.6, typeof( EvilOmenScroll ), Reg.BatWing, Reg.NoxCrystal );
AddNecroSpell( 5, 11, 39.6, typeof( HorrificBeastScroll ), Reg.BatWing, Reg.DaemonBlood );
AddNecroSpell( 6, 23, 69.6, typeof( LichFormScroll ), Reg.GraveDust, Reg.DaemonBlood, Reg.NoxCrystal );
AddNecroSpell( 7, 17, 29.6, typeof( MindRotScroll ), Reg.BatWing, Reg.DaemonBlood, Reg.PigIron );
AddNecroSpell( 8, 5, 19.6, typeof( PainSpikeScroll ), Reg.GraveDust, Reg.PigIron );
AddNecroSpell( 9, 17, 49.6, typeof( PoisonStrikeScroll ), Reg.NoxCrystal );
AddNecroSpell( 10, 29, 64.6, typeof( StrangleScroll ), Reg.DaemonBlood, Reg.NoxCrystal );
AddNecroSpell( 11, 17, 29.6, typeof( SummonFamiliarScroll ), Reg.BatWing, Reg.GraveDust, Reg.DaemonBlood );
AddNecroSpell( 12, 23, 98.6, typeof( VampiricEmbraceScroll ), Reg.BatWing, Reg.NoxCrystal, Reg.PigIron );
AddNecroSpell( 13, 41, 79.6, typeof( VengefulSpiritScroll ), Reg.BatWing, Reg.GraveDust, Reg.PigIron );
AddNecroSpell( 14, 23, 59.6, typeof( WitherScroll ), Reg.GraveDust, Reg.NoxCrystal, Reg.PigIron );
AddNecroSpell( 15, 17, 79.6, typeof( WraithFormScroll ), Reg.NoxCrystal, Reg.PigIron );
AddNecroSpell( 16, 40, 79.6, typeof( ExorcismScroll ), Reg.NoxCrystal, Reg.GraveDust );
if (Core.ML)
index = this.AddCraft(typeof(EnchantedSwitch), 1044294, 1072893, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(SwitchItem), 1073464, 1, 1044253);
this.SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.ML);
index = this.AddCraft(typeof(RunedPrism), 1044294, 1073465, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 1, 1044378);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(SpidersSilk), 1044360, 1, 1044253);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1044353, 1, 1044253);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(HollowPrism), 1072895, 1, 1044253);
this.SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.ML);
// Runebook
index = this.AddCraft(typeof(Runebook), 1044294, 1041267, 45.0, 95.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 8, 1044378);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(RecallScroll), 1044445, 1, 1044253);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(GateTravelScroll), 1044446, 1, 1044253);
if (Core.AOS)
this.AddCraft(typeof(Engines.BulkOrders.BulkOrderBook), 1044294, 1028793, 65.0, 115.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 10, 1044378);
if (Core.SE)
this.AddCraft(typeof(Spellbook), 1044294, 1023834, 50.0, 126, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 10, 1044378);
#region Mondain's Legacy
if (Core.ML)
index = this.AddCraft(typeof(ScrappersCompendium), 1044294, 1072940, 75.0, 125.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 100, 1044378);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(DreadHornMane), 1032682, 1, 1044253);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(Taint), 1032679, 10, 1044253);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(Corruption), 1032676, 10, 1044253);
this.AddRecipe(index, (int)TinkerRecipes.ScrappersCompendium);
this.SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.ML);
index = this.AddCraft(typeof(SpellbookEngraver), 1044294, 1072151, 75.0, 100.0, typeof(Feather), 1044562, 1, 1044563);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(BlackPearl), 1015001, 7, 1044253);
this.SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.ML);
this.AddCraft(typeof(NecromancerSpellbook), 1044294, "Necromancer spellbook", 50.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 10, 1044378);
// AddCraft(typeof(SpellweavingBook), 1044294, "Spellweaving book", 50.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 10, 1044378);
this.AddCraft(typeof(MysticBook), 1044294, "Mysticism spellbook", 50.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 10, 1044378);
#region Stygian Abyss
if (Core.SA)
index = this.AddCraft(typeof(GargoyleBook100), 1044294, 1113290, 60.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 40, 1044378);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(Beeswax), 1025154, 2, "You do not have enough beeswax.");
index = this.AddCraft(typeof(GargoyleBook200), 1044294, 1113291, 72.0, 100.0, typeof(BlankScroll), 1044377, 40, 1044378);
this.AddRes(index, typeof(Beeswax), 1025154, 4, "You do not have enough beeswax.");
index = AddCraft(typeof(ScrollBinderDeed), 1044294, 1113135, 75.0, 125.0, typeof(WoodPulp), 1113136, 1, 1044253);
SetNeededExpansion(index, Expansion.SA);
SetItemHue(index, 1641);
AddMysticSpell(1031678, 4, 0.0, typeof(NetherBoltScroll), Reg.SulfurousAsh, Reg.BlackPearl);
AddMysticSpell(1031679, 4, 0.0, typeof(HealingStoneScroll), Reg.Bone, Reg.Garlic, Reg.Ginseng, Reg.SpidersSilk);
AddMysticSpell(1031680, 6, 0.0, typeof(PurgeMagicScroll), Reg.FertileDirt, Reg.Garlic, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh);
AddMysticSpell(1031681, 6, 0.0, typeof(EnchantScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.SulfurousAsh);
AddMysticSpell(1031682, 9, 3.5, typeof(SleepScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.Nightshade);
AddMysticSpell(1031683, 9, 3.5, typeof(EagleStrikeScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Bone);
AddMysticSpell(1031684, 11, 17.8, typeof(AnimatedWeaponScroll), Reg.Bone, Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Nightshade);
AddMysticSpell(1031685, 11, 17.8, typeof(StoneFormScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.FertileDirt, Reg.Garlic);
AddMysticSpell(1031686, 14, 32.1, typeof(SpellTriggerScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Garlic, Reg.DragonBlood);
AddMysticSpell(1031687, 14, 32.1, typeof(MassSleepScroll), Reg.SpidersSilk, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.Ginseng);
AddMysticSpell(1031688, 20, 46.4, typeof(CleansingWindsScroll), Reg.Ginseng, Reg.Garlic, Reg.DragonBlood, Reg.MandrakeRoot);
AddMysticSpell(1031689, 20, 46.4, typeof(BombardScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.DragonBlood, Reg.SulfurousAsh, Reg.Bloodmoss);
AddMysticSpell(1031690, 40, 60.7, typeof(SpellPlagueScroll), Reg.Garlic, Reg.DragonBlood, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SulfurousAsh, Reg.DaemonBone);
AddMysticSpell(1031691, 40, 60.7, typeof(HailStormScroll), Reg.DragonBlood, Reg.BlackPearl, Reg.MandrakeRoot, Reg.Bloodmoss);
AddMysticSpell(1031692, 50, 75.0, typeof(NetherCycloneScroll), Reg.Bloodmoss, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.SulfurousAsh, Reg.MandrakeRoot);
AddMysticSpell(1031693, 50, 75.0, typeof(RisingColossusScroll), Reg.DaemonBone, Reg.FertileDirt, Reg.DragonBlood, Reg.Nightshade, Reg.MandrakeRoot);*/
this.MarkOption = true;