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Hello guys
is there a method to delete a gump icon from character creation or from a spell book? So user coudn't (click) use them. For example "advanced" option on character creation interface or a spell icon from Bushido magic book. If its possible Could you pls direct me to the scripts where those gumps are handling
Both of those are client side. If you use ClassicUO they can be removed.
i'm using official" UO client or (is just Razor client) im not sure
and how i cam do that with ClassicUO client?
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In general it's not possible without modyfing client.exe on very low level. In some cases you can remove just the gump graphic and it will not allow to click the button so with that approach you can remove main login screen buttons leading to main uo site :) But advanced uses also label as button (link) and that can't be removed easily.

For CUO you can probably look for creation gumps and modify them then build and distribute your own version but that doesn't prevent users from using regular CUO and connect with that. So to validate this you'd need to modify protocol on server and client to "break" regular uo clients and then enforce custom CUO version. On top of that you probably want to implement some creation verification code on the server to see if nobody is sending you custom character data. This may be a bit complext approach but with CUO you can customize all of it :)
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This should do the trick:

/*Professions[new ProfessionInfo
                        Name = "Advanced",
                        Localization = 1061176,
                        Description = 1061226,
                        Graphic = 5545,
                        TopLevel = true,
                        Type = PROF_TYPE.PROFESSION,
                        DescriptionIndex = -1,
                        TrueName = "advanced"
                    }] = null;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair<ProfessionInfo, List<ProfessionInfo>> kvp in Professions)
                        kvp.Key.Childrens = null;

                        if (kvp.Value != null)
                            foreach (ProfessionInfo info in kvp.Value)
                                info.Childrens = null;
In some cases you can remove just the gump graphic and it will not allow to click the button so with that approach you can remove main login screen buttons leading to main uo site :)
OK i'm would like to start with this method. So i guess i need to find this icon with UOFiddler editor and just delete that icon Right?
charactercreation.jpg so i changed gump and prof description on characterCreation Thanks to this post
The cliloc is editting just by dbl click on name and text save. You don't need to convert anything just copy paste the cliloc.enu file.
Changing the gump is a little bit more confuse but hopefully last version of uoFiddler already included pack plugins (you just need to check it in settings to appear tab) In the tab "One file" I converted Gumpart.MUL and GumpIDX.MUL to GumpArtLegacyMUL.uop and just copy replaced original (backup made first)
The ADVANCED option i leaved as it is It should be even more interesting (will change only server script)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bushido icons----
you can change variety of chivalry (paladins) spells nad i think Bushido and Nin two by changing content of the book code "
Spellbook book = new BookOfChivalry((ulong)0x84D);
or [props of the book in game
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