
Our server player said he couldn't have Charydbis bait even though he had completed fishing quest for two months. (http://www.uoguide.com/Professional_Fisher_Quest)
Some scripts have lines about Charydbis bait, but the [add command could not create this item on the game.

In fishing.cs show that Charydbis can be shown up but there is no montion about a Chardbis Bait.

                #region High Seas Charydbis
                if (tool is FishingPole && CharydbisSpawner.SpawnInstance != null && CharydbisSpawner.SpawnInstance.IsSummoned)
                    Item oracle = from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(OracleOfTheSea));
                    FishingPole pole = tool as FishingPole;
                    CharydbisSpawner sp = CharydbisSpawner.SpawnInstance;

                    if (oracle != null && sp != null)
                        if (from.Map != sp.Map)
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150861); //Charybdis have never been seen in these waters, try somewhere else.

                        else if (pole.BaitType == typeof(Charydbis) && from.Skills[SkillName.Fishing].Value >= 100)
                            if (sp.Charydbis == null && !sp.HasSpawned && sp.CurrentLocation.Contains(loc))
                                Server.Multis.BaseBoat boat = Server.Multis.BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(from, from.Map);
                                sp.SpawnCharydbis(from, loc, sp.Map, boat);
                                sp.HasSpawned = true;
                                pole.OnFishedHarvest(from, true);
                                return true;
                            else if (sp.LastLocation.Contains(loc))
                                from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150862); //The charybdis has moved on from this location, consult Oracle Of The Seas again.
                            from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150858); //You see a few bubbles, but no charybdis.

When I opened the script below(FishQyestHelper.cs), there was the phrase, and HS was activated when I created the world.

                    if (FishInfo.GetTypeFromIndex(bait.Index) == typeof(Charydbis))
                        bait.UsesRemaining = 5;
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150871); //You receive charybdis bait

                        if (0.08 >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                            bait.Enhanced = true;

Does this item not come out, or does it not come out with a very rare probability?
Am I missing things to do?
I may not be too familiar with the subject, but isn't it Charybdis not Charydbis? You have both spellings in your script (while only the former is correct)
I may not be too familiar with the subject, but isn't it Charybdis not Charydbis? You have both spellings in your script (while only the former is correct)
As written in the code above, I think this Charybdis is the correct spelling.
But I didn't ask for spelling.
It doesn't seem difficult to understand the text because the script doesn't have a similar name, so please understand and move on.
Just looked through the ServUO code and realized that both variations exist. Quite confusing.
Of course I didn't mean to correct the spelling as such - sorry for being obscure. Only suggested that the mismatch might cause some code work not as expected.
Masquerader - you're 100% right in pointing out the two spellings. Scripts don't work with "close" labels; they're either the same or they're different.

No one is obligated to assist anyone who wants to be so gruff and rude toward others trying to help. I hope everyone just "understands and moves on" instead of wasting any time helping anyone with that kind of attitude.
TBH, being a no native English speaker I didn't quite get the phrase and hence took no real offense. Thank you for your support Falkor. Not sure about the project's policy towards making changes to something which may be already working on live shards, but such discrepancy looks like a subject for a fix in the next release.
TBH, being a no native English speaker I didn't quite get the phrase and hence took no real offense. Thank you for your support Falkor. Not sure about the project's policy towards making changes to something which may be already working on live shards, but such discrepancy looks like a subject for a fix in the next release.
Did you want to say, "I don't know, but it might be modified next time by someone who can." Why did you ask about the alphabetical order of d and b? You are so fun :)
Nope. Sorry for being obscure. Just I still wonder why people wrote that kind of comment, even they didn’t know the answer. Attention seekers maybe?

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