Our server player said he couldn't have Charydbis bait even though he had completed fishing quest for two months. (http://www.uoguide.com/Professional_Fisher_Quest)
Some scripts have lines about Charydbis bait, but the [add command could not create this item on the game.
In fishing.cs show that Charydbis can be shown up but there is no montion about a Chardbis Bait.
When I opened the script below(FishQyestHelper.cs), there was the phrase, and HS was activated when I created the world.
Does this item not come out, or does it not come out with a very rare probability?
Am I missing things to do?
Some scripts have lines about Charydbis bait, but the [add command could not create this item on the game.
In fishing.cs show that Charydbis can be shown up but there is no montion about a Chardbis Bait.
#region High Seas Charydbis
if (tool is FishingPole && CharydbisSpawner.SpawnInstance != null && CharydbisSpawner.SpawnInstance.IsSummoned)
Item oracle = from.Backpack.FindItemByType(typeof(OracleOfTheSea));
FishingPole pole = tool as FishingPole;
CharydbisSpawner sp = CharydbisSpawner.SpawnInstance;
if (oracle != null && sp != null)
if (from.Map != sp.Map)
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150861); //Charybdis have never been seen in these waters, try somewhere else.
else if (pole.BaitType == typeof(Charydbis) && from.Skills[SkillName.Fishing].Value >= 100)
if (sp.Charydbis == null && !sp.HasSpawned && sp.CurrentLocation.Contains(loc))
Server.Multis.BaseBoat boat = Server.Multis.BaseBoat.FindBoatAt(from, from.Map);
sp.SpawnCharydbis(from, loc, sp.Map, boat);
sp.HasSpawned = true;
pole.OnFishedHarvest(from, true);
return true;
else if (sp.LastLocation.Contains(loc))
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150862); //The charybdis has moved on from this location, consult Oracle Of The Seas again.
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150858); //You see a few bubbles, but no charybdis.
When I opened the script below(FishQyestHelper.cs), there was the phrase, and HS was activated when I created the world.
if (FishInfo.GetTypeFromIndex(bait.Index) == typeof(Charydbis))
bait.UsesRemaining = 5;
from.SendLocalizedMessage(1150871); //You receive charybdis bait
if (0.08 >= Utility.RandomDouble())
bait.Enhanced = true;
Does this item not come out, or does it not come out with a very rare probability?
Am I missing things to do?