
Hello, everyone, I could not think of a better name for this post. I am looking for ideas or help, I need a script that will allow you to set something up as a double click and it will send you to a location. Like for example, a wreath will send you to a snowy area where a quest is set up. I hope this makes sense any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. I am also looking for a gate similar to an advance player gate where it will give a player items like for example the step through a gate and get a pair of wings or talisman. I am running the latest release of ServeUO.
Use a regular moongate and props it with where you want it to go, etc. Then change its itemid into what you want it to look like -- a wreath, for example. If it is placed where players cannot walk onto it, they can still "use" it by walking next to it and double-clicking.

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