What if
in fiddler
to make a double partial hue
you'd pick a color that's the inverse // factor of a color applied to the partial hue
such as, to have a flower whose petals are red and stem is purple when the whole thing is greyscale
the stem would be an inverse color to the color you're trying to achieve, um it's hard to explain.
the stem would be greyscale-blue, that when red is applied, becomes purple, whereas the actual partial hue is red.
whereas if the stem is yellow and red is applied, than the stem becomes orange and the petals are red.
I guess that's not really double partial, because, it's just a variant of the flower you'd have to have multiple different flower itemIDs
each one would be a different 'inverse color -- base color' I don't know. theory.
that's how I'd do it anyway, just have multiple flowers partial hue with each a different color stem.