LOVE IT, how do I add the new ethereals to the [add list, I can type it out but wondering if I can get them in the [add gump
Replace this file in data folder, image are too large and ethereal tiger go under, but it show in the menu. :)


  • objects.xml
    289.6 KB · Views: 20
The names should be renamed to remove the NORMAL, after that this SHOULD be added to the repo.

also in this order

Boura comes first


the Tiger and HellHound

in this file it is out of order.
The names should be renamed to remove the NORMAL, after that this SHOULD be added to the repo.


In fact they are NOT ethereal hues, they are normal hues like on OSI when you use the Ethereal Mount Retouching Tool, 11th year veteran reward. This is why they are called Normal, its still acting like an ethereal mount but its normal hue.

The mount name use same cliloc, so it say same name, like on OSI.
so the cliloc says Normal? I was just comparing to the polar bear that ALSO spawns in a normal HUE and not the ethereal hue.

If so then AS I WAS and move forward. Should still be added to repo.
I would like to see them added but WITH their real names. So when they do get added to the REPO there is no possibility of these copies being deleted.
The cliloc numbers are correct in my files. The cliloc never say Normal... Its the hue that is normal hue or ethereal hue... Nothing to do with the name.

Those should be the names. When the tool gets added all ethys will get an extra property that decides if it is ethy color or a normal hue. Their NAME will not change and should be the EA stock names is all I was saying.
I dont know why you say that... It IS in the .cs file already. o_O

        public override int LabelNumber { get { return 1150006; } } // Boura
        public override int LabelNumber { get { return 1155723; } } // Ancient HellHound
        public override int LabelNumber { get { return 1154589; } } // Ethereal Tiger Statuette
I've changed objects in the data folder and added the CS file in my custom scripts folder, but i'm having errors...
You should post your error's along with the game client patch number and are you using ServUO or Runuo?

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