Yeah I haven't found a download for that yet, still trying to transfer all my old scripts over, I just added it to try and work out the statue thing
I have the Xanthos Shrink System its plug n play , though you need the Utilities and they may require pulling out a couple of distro scripts.
Oh and I used Milva's script for the Mechanical Pet . The plan is to make the statuette spawn in world , when dbl clicked there will be a small chance of getting a Rideable Mount. (Much like the Ghost tiger/Camel on WoW haha )
Though I don't know where to put in a switch. Would it be better to have non ridable and ridable Tigers ?
I had already added the tigers to the bodyTable as they weren't in mine and I had 0x9844 in the shrink.cfg, I just changed it to 0x4E7 but still no joy :(

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