

I have made some tests on Mono/Linux.

First, I should specify the configuration I use. I'm on Ubuntu 12.10, and I have installed Mono 3.0.7 on it (there are some tricks on the web to have it easily installed ^^).

Then, I tried to compile, all with success, with this command :
mcs -sdk:4.5 -out:ServUO.exe -d:MONO -optimize+ -unsafe -r:System,System.Configuration.Install,System.Data,System.Drawing,System.EnterpriseServices,System.Management,System.Security,System.ServiceProcess,System.Web,System.Web.Services,System.Windows.Forms,System.Xml,OpenUO.Core.dll,OpenUO.Ultima.dll,OpenUO.Ultima.Windows.Forms.dll,SevenZipSharp.dll -nowarn:219 -recurse:Server/*.cs

Launching the server with "sudo mono ServUO.exe", gave me those errors :
+ Services/XmlSpawner 2/XmlEngines/XmlSpawnerGumps.cs:
    CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: Line 287: `Server.Gumps.Gump.AddTextEntry(int, int, int, int, int, int, string)' and `Server.Gumps.Gump.AddTextEntry(int, int, int, int, int, int, Server.Gumps.GumpResponse, string, string)'
    CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: Line 288: `Server.Gumps.Gump.AddTextEntry(int, int, int, int, int, int, string)' and `Server.Gumps.Gump.AddTextEntry(int, int, int, int, int, int, Server.Gumps.GumpResponse, string, string)'
+ Services/XmlSpawner 2/XmlEngines/XmlQuest/XmlQuestGumps.cs:
    CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: Line 203: `Server.Gumps.Gump.AddTextEntry(int, int, int, int, int, int, string)' and `Server.Gumps.Gump.AddTextEntry(int, int, int, int, int, int, Server.Gumps.GumpResponse, string, string)'
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.

After A LOT of testing :
- trying with Mono 2.11.4, Mono 3.0.3 and even other versions
- trying with Wine
- trying on Windows XP (there it worked ^^)
I just decided to open the two script files XmlSpawnerGumps.cs and XmlQuestGumps.cs. On the specified lines, the use of "null" was posing the problem. So I changed "null" to "" (empty char).

Another relaunch and I had my server up :)

I'm not sure the influence it might have on XmlSpawner gumps ... I will test it today. ;)

But I also encountered other problems : I've created a gargoyle necro, who was created with all 0 skills, I tried to create a char with Enhanced Client but wasn't able to do it (I saw a fix about it in the forums though. I will try it too ^^).

Anyway, thank you for ServUO. It's great and I will support as much as I can and test things as they come. :)

Thanks for posting the issues. Will fix them when I get enough time to push a commit. Your fixes won't have any negative effects.
I get an error when I create the administrator account.
The server crash and it says that Dll not found "kernel32"
I'm using Mono 3.0.6 on Debian

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