
So I thought I had this down but seems it's not really working. I need every toon created to be applied with the young status, regardless of age. I'm using the Young Tag as an identifier to then start another gump that actually removes it, doing this would allow only new toons to get my gump and continue to get the gump until they pick a race.

Problem is, at first it wasn't every toon getting the young status, now it's none of them.

I figured this was the proper code but seems im wrong on some level


                young = pm.Young = true;
Fair enough =p
using System;
using Server.Accounting;
using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;
using Server.Items;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;

namespace Server.Misc
    public class CharacterCreation
        private static readonly CityInfo m_NewHavenInfo = new CityInfo("New Haven", "The Bountiful Harvest Inn", 5392, 2771, 25, Map.Alfheim);
        private static Mobile m_Mobile;
        public static void Initialize()
            // Register our event handler
            EventSink.CharacterCreated += new CharacterCreatedEventHandler(EventSink_CharacterCreated);

        public static bool VerifyProfession(int profession)
            if (profession < 0)
                return false;
            else if (profession < 4)
                return true;
            else if (Core.AOS && profession < 6)
                return true;
            else if (Core.SE && profession < 8)
                return true;
                return false;

        private static void AddBackpack(Mobile m)
            Container pack = m.Backpack;

            if (pack == null)
                pack = new Backpack();
                pack.Movable = false;


//            PackItem(new RedBook("a book", m.Name, 20, true));
//            PackItem(new Gold(1000)); // Starting gold can be customized here
//            PackItem(new Candle());

//            if (m.Race != Race.Gargoyle)
//                PackItem(new Dagger());
//            else
//                PackItem(new FairyDagger());
//            #if(Alignment)
//            PackItem(new CharacterStartBook()); // Added for Race System
//            PackItem(new RaceSelectionBook() ); // Added for Race System

        private static Item MakeNewbie(Item item)
            if (!Core.AOS)
                item.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

            return item;

        private static void PlaceItemIn(Container parent, int x, int y, Item item)
            item.Location = new Point3D(x, y, 0);

        private static Item MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect type, int hue)
            PotionKeg keg = new PotionKeg();

            keg.Held = 100;
            keg.Type = type;
            keg.Hue = hue;

            return MakeNewbie(keg);

        private static void FillBankAOS(Mobile m)
            BankBox bank = m.BankBox;

            // The new AOS bankboxes don't have powerscrolls, they are automatically 'applied':

            for (int i = 0; i < PowerScroll.Skills.Count; ++i)
                m.Skills[PowerScroll.Skills[i]].Cap = 120.0;

            m.StatCap = 250;

            Container cont;

            // Begin box of money
            cont = new WoodenBox();
            cont.ItemID = 0xE7D;
            cont.Hue = 0x489;

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 16, 51, new BankCheck(500000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 28, 51, new BankCheck(250000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 40, 51, new BankCheck(100000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 52, 51, new BankCheck(100000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 64, 51, new BankCheck(50000));

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 16, 115, new Factions.Silver(9000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 34, 115, new Gold(60000));

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 18, 169, cont);
            // End box of money

            // Begin bag of potion kegs
            cont = new Backpack();
            cont.Name = "Various Potion Kegs";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.CureGreater, 0x2D));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.HealGreater, 0x499));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly, 0x46));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.RefreshTotal, 0x21));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 141, 149, MakePotionKeg(PotionEffect.ExplosionGreater, 0x74));

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 82, new Bottle(1000));

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 53, 169, cont);
            // End bag of potion kegs

            // Begin bag of tools
            cont = new Bag();
            cont.Name = "Tool Bag";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 30, 35, new TinkerTools(1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 60, 35, new HousePlacementTool());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 90, 35, new DovetailSaw(1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 30, 68, new Scissors());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 68, new MortarPestle(1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 75, 68, new ScribesPen(1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 90, 68, new SmithHammer(1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 30, 118, new TwoHandedAxe());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 60, 118, new FletcherTools(1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 90, 118, new SewingKit(1000));

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 36, 51, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.DullCopper, 1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 42, 51, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.ShadowIron, 1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 48, 51, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Copper, 1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 54, 51, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Bronze, 1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 61, 51, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Gold, 1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 67, 51, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Agapite, 1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 73, 51, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Verite, 1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 79, 51, new RunicHammer(CraftResource.Valorite, 1000));

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 36, 55, new RunicSewingKit(CraftResource.SpinedLeather, 1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 42, 55, new RunicSewingKit(CraftResource.HornedLeather, 1000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 48, 55, new RunicSewingKit(CraftResource.BarbedLeather, 1000));

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 118, 169, cont);
            // End bag of tools

            // Begin bag of archery ammo
            cont = new Bag();
            cont.Name = "Bag Of Archery Ammo";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 48, 76, new Arrow(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 72, 76, new Bolt(5000));

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 118, 124, cont);
            // End bag of archery ammo

            // Begin bag of treasure maps
            cont = new Bag();
            cont.Name = "Bag Of Treasure Maps";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 30, 35, new TreasureMap(1, Map.Trammel));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 35, new TreasureMap(2, Map.Trammel));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 60, 35, new TreasureMap(3, Map.Trammel));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 75, 35, new TreasureMap(4, Map.Trammel));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 90, 35, new TreasureMap(5, Map.Trammel));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 90, 35, new TreasureMap(6, Map.Trammel));

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 30, 50, new TreasureMap(1, Map.Trammel));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 50, new TreasureMap(2, Map.Trammel));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 60, 50, new TreasureMap(3, Map.Trammel));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 75, 50, new TreasureMap(4, Map.Trammel));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 90, 50, new TreasureMap(5, Map.Trammel));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 90, 50, new TreasureMap(6, Map.Trammel));

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 55, 100, new Lockpick(30));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 60, 100, new Pickaxe());

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 98, 124, cont);
            // End bag of treasure maps

            // Begin bag of raw materials
            cont = new Bag();
            cont.Hue = 0x835;
            cont.Name = "Raw Materials Bag";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 92, 60, new BarbedLeather(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 92, 68, new HornedLeather(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 92, 76, new SpinedLeather(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 92, 84, new Leather(5000));

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 30, 118, new Cloth(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 30, 84, new Board(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 57, 80, new BlankScroll(500));

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 30, 35, new DullCopperIngot(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 37, 35, new ShadowIronIngot(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 44, 35, new CopperIngot(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 51, 35, new BronzeIngot(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 58, 35, new GoldIngot(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 65, 35, new AgapiteIngot(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 72, 35, new VeriteIngot(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 79, 35, new ValoriteIngot(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 86, 35, new IronIngot(5000));

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 30, 59, new RedScales(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 36, 59, new YellowScales(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 42, 59, new BlackScales(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 48, 59, new GreenScales(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 54, 59, new WhiteScales(5000));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 60, 59, new BlueScales(5000));

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 98, 169, cont);
            // End bag of raw materials

            // Begin bag of spell casting stuff
            cont = new Backpack();
            cont.Hue = 0x480;
            cont.Name = "Spell Casting Stuff";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 105, new Spellbook(UInt64.MaxValue));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 65, 105, new BookOfDarkness((UInt64)0xFFFF));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 85, 105, new BookOfLight((UInt64)0x3FF));
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 105, 105, new BookOfDefense());    //Default ctor = full
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 125, 105, new BookofAssassins()); //Default ctor = full

            Runebook runebook = new Runebook(10);
            runebook.CurCharges = runebook.MaxCharges;
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 145, 105, runebook);

            Item toHue = new BagOfAllReagents(150);
            toHue.Hue = 0x2D;
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 150, toHue);

            toHue = new BagOfNecroReagents(150);
            toHue.Hue = 0x488;
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 65, 150, toHue);

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 140, 150, new BagOfAllReagents(500));

            for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 45 + (i * 10), 75, new RecallRune());

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 141, 74, new FireHorn());

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 78, 169, cont);
            // End bag of spell casting stuff

            // Begin bag of ethereals
            cont = new Backpack();
            cont.Hue = 0x490;
            cont.Name = "Bag Of Ethy's!";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 66, new EtherealHorse());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 82, new EtherealOstard());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 99, new EtherealLlama());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 115, new EtherealKirin());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 132, new EtherealUnicorn());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 66, new EtherealRidgeback());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 82, new EtherealSwampDragon());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 99, new EtherealBeetle());

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 38, 124, cont);
            // End bag of ethereals

            // Begin first bag of artifacts
            cont = new Backpack();
            cont.Hue = 0x48F;
            cont.Name = "Bag of Artifacts";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 66, new TitansHammer());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 82, new InquisitorsResolution());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 99, new BladeOfTheRighteous());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 115, new ZyronicClaw());

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 58, 124, cont);
            // End first bag of artifacts

            // Begin second bag of artifacts
            cont = new Backpack();
            cont.Hue = 0x48F;
            cont.Name = "Bag of Artifacts";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 66, new GauntletsOfNobility());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 82, new MidnightBracers());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 99, new VoiceOfTheFallenKing());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 115, new OrnateCrownOfTheHarrower());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 132, new HelmOfInsight());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 66, new HolyKnightsBreastplate());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 82, new ArmorOfFortune());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 99, new TunicOfFire());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 115, new LeggingsOfBane());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 132, new ArcaneShield());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 66, new Aegis());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 82, new RingOfTheVile());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 99, new BraceletOfHealth());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 115, new RingOfTheElements());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 132, new OrnamentOfTheMagician());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 66, new DivineCountenance());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 82, new JackalsCollar());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 99, new HuntersHeaddress());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 115, new HatOfTheMagi());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 132, new ShadowDancerLeggings());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 66, new SpiritOfTheTotem());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 82, new BladeOfInsanity());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 99, new AxeOfTheHeavens());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 115, new TheBeserkersMaul());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 132, new Frostbringer());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 66, new BreathOfTheDead());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 82, new TheDragonSlayer());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 99, new BoneCrusher());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 115, new StaffOfTheMagi());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 132, new SerpentsFang());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 66, new LegacyOfTheDreadLord());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 82, new TheTaskmaster());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 99, new TheDryadBow());

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 78, 124, cont);
            // End second bag of artifacts

            // Begin bag of minor artifacts
            cont = new Backpack();
            cont.Hue = 0x48F;
            cont.Name = "Bag of Minor Artifacts";

            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 66, new LunaLance());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 82, new VioletCourage());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 99, new CavortingClub());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 115, new CaptainQuacklebushsCutlass());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 132, new NightsKiss());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 66, new ShipModelOfTheHMSCape());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 82, new AdmiralsHeartyRum());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 99, new CandelabraOfSouls());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 115, new IolosLute());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 132, new GwennosHarp());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 66, new ArcticDeathDealer());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 82, new EnchantedTitanLegBone());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 99, new NoxRangersHeavyCrossbow());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 115, new BlazeOfDeath());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 132, new DreadPirateHat());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 66, new BurglarsBandana());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 82, new GoldBricks());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 99, new AlchemistsBauble());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 115, new PhillipsWoodenSteed());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 132, new PolarBearMask());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 66, new BowOfTheJukaKing());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 82, new GlovesOfThePugilist());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 99, new OrcishVisage());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 115, new StaffOfPower());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 132, new ShieldOfInvulnerability());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 66, new HeartOfTheLion());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 82, new ColdBlood());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 99, new GhostShipAnchor());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 115, new SeahorseStatuette());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 69, 132, new WrathOfTheDryad());
            PlaceItemIn(cont, 93, 66, new PixieSwatter());

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 117, 128, new MessageInABottle(Utility.RandomBool() ? Map.Trammel : Map.Felucca, 4));

            PlaceItemIn(bank, 18, 124, cont);

            if (Core.SE)
                cont = new Bag();
                cont.Hue = 0x501;
                cont.Name = "Tokuno Minor Artifacts";

                PlaceItemIn(cont, 42, 70, new Exiler());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 38, 53, new HanzosBow());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 45, 40, new TheDestroyer());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 92, 80, new DragonNunchaku());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 42, 56, new PeasantsBokuto());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 44, 71, new TomeOfEnlightenment());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 35, 35, new ChestOfHeirlooms());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 29, 0, new HonorableSwords());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 49, 85, new AncientUrn());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 51, 58, new FluteOfRenewal());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 70, 51, new PigmentsOfTokuno());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 40, 79, new AncientSamuraiDo());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 51, 61, new LegsOfStability());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 88, 78, new GlovesOfTheSun());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 55, 62, new AncientFarmersKasa());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 55, 83, new ArmsOfTacticalExcellence());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 50, 85, new DaimyosHelm());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 52, 78, new BlackLotusHood());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 52, 79, new DemonForks());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 33, 49, new PilferedDancerFans());

                PlaceItemIn(bank, 58, 124, cont);

            if (Core.SE)    //This bag came only after SE.
                cont = new Bag();
                cont.Name = "Bag of Bows";

                PlaceItemIn(cont, 31, 84, new Bow());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 78, 74, new CompositeBow());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 53, 71, new Crossbow());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 56, 39, new HeavyCrossbow());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 82, 72, new RepeatingCrossbow());
                PlaceItemIn(cont, 49, 45, new Yumi());

                for (int i = 0; i < cont.Items.Count; i++)
                    BaseRanged bow = cont.Items[i] as BaseRanged;

                    if (bow != null)
                        bow.Attributes.WeaponSpeed = 35;
                        bow.Attributes.WeaponDamage = 35;

                PlaceItemIn(bank, 108, 135, cont);

        private static void FillBankbox(Mobile m)
            if (Core.AOS)

            BankBox bank = m.BankBox;

            bank.DropItem(new BankCheck(1000000));

            // Full spellbook
            Spellbook book = new Spellbook();

            book.Content = ulong.MaxValue;


            Bag bag = new Bag();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                bag.DropItem(new Moonstone(MoonstoneType.Felucca));

            // Felucca moonstones

            bag = new Bag();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                bag.DropItem(new Moonstone(MoonstoneType.Trammel));

            // Trammel moonstones

            // Treasure maps
            bank.DropItem(new TreasureMap(1, Map.Trammel));
            bank.DropItem(new TreasureMap(2, Map.Trammel));
            bank.DropItem(new TreasureMap(3, Map.Trammel));
            bank.DropItem(new TreasureMap(4, Map.Trammel));
            bank.DropItem(new TreasureMap(5, Map.Trammel));

            // Bag containing 50 of each reagent
            bank.DropItem(new BagOfAllReagents(50));

            // Craft tools
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Scissors()));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SewingKit(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SmithHammer(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new FletcherTools(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DovetailSaw(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new MortarPestle(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new ScribesPen(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new TinkerTools(1000)));

            // A few dye tubs
            bank.DropItem(new Dyes());
            bank.DropItem(new DyeTub());
            bank.DropItem(new DyeTub());
            bank.DropItem(new BlackDyeTub());

            DyeTub darkRedTub = new DyeTub();

            darkRedTub.DyedHue = 0x485;
            darkRedTub.Redyable = false;


            // Some food
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Apple(1000)));

            // Resources
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Feather(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BoltOfCloth(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BlankScroll(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Hides(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Bandage(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Bottle(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Log(1000)));

            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new IronIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new DullCopperIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new ShadowIronIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new CopperIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BronzeIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new GoldIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new AgapiteIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new VeriteIngot(5000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new ValoriteIngot(5000)));

            // Reagents
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new BlackPearl(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Bloodmoss(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Garlic(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Ginseng(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new MandrakeRoot(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Nightshade(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SulfurousAsh(1000)));
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new SpidersSilk(1000)));

            // Some extra starting gold
            bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new Gold(9000)));

            // 5 blank recall runes
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
                bank.DropItem(MakeNewbie(new RecallRune()));


        private static void AddPowerScrolls(BankBox bank)
            Bag bag = new Bag();

            for (int i = 0; i < PowerScroll.Skills.Count; ++i)
                bag.DropItem(new PowerScroll(PowerScroll.Skills[i], 120.0));

            bag.DropItem(new StatCapScroll(250));


        private static void AddShirt(Mobile m, int shirtHue)
            int hue = Utility.ClipDyedHue(shirtHue & 0x3FFF);

            if (m.Race == Race.Elf)
                EquipItem(new ElvenShirt(hue), true);
            else if (m.Race == Race.Human)
                switch ( Utility.Random(3) )
                    case 0:
                        EquipItem(new Shirt(hue), true);
                    case 1:
                        EquipItem(new FancyShirt(hue), true);
                    case 2:
                        EquipItem(new Doublet(hue), true);
            else if (m.Race == Race.Gargoyle)
                EquipItem(new FairyClothChest(hue));

        private static void AddPants(Mobile m, int pantsHue)
            int hue = Utility.ClipDyedHue(pantsHue & 0x3FFF);

            if (m.Race == Race.Elf)
                EquipItem(new ElvenPants(hue), true);
            else if (m.Race == Race.Human)
                if (m.Female)
                    switch ( Utility.Random(2) )
                        case 0:
                            EquipItem(new Skirt(hue), true);
                        case 1:
                            EquipItem(new Kilt(hue), true);
                    switch ( Utility.Random(2) )
                        case 0:
                            EquipItem(new LongPants(hue), true);
                        case 1:
                            EquipItem(new ShortPants(hue), true);
            else if (m.Race == Race.Gargoyle)
                EquipItem(new FairyClothKilt(hue));

        private static void AddShoes(Mobile m)
            if (m.Race == Race.Elf)
                EquipItem(new ElvenBoots(), true);
            else if (m.Race == Race.Human)
                EquipItem(new Shoes(Utility.RandomYellowHue()), true);

        private static Mobile CreateMobile(Account a)
            if (a.Count >= a.Limit)
                return null;

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; ++i)
                if (a[i] == null)
                    return (a[i] = new PlayerMobile());

            return null;

        private static void EventSink_CharacterCreated(CharacterCreatedEventArgs args)
            if (!VerifyProfession(args.Profession))
                args.Profession = 0;

            NetState state = args.State;

            if (state == null)

            Mobile newChar = CreateMobile(args.Account as Account);

            if (newChar == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: Character creation failed, account full", state);

            args.Mobile = newChar;
            m_Mobile = newChar;

            newChar.Player = true;
            newChar.AccessLevel = args.Account.AccessLevel;
            newChar.Female = args.Female;
            //newChar.Body = newChar.Female ? 0x191 : 0x190;

            if (Core.Expansion >= args.Race.RequiredExpansion)
                newChar.Race = args.Race;    //Sets body
                newChar.Race = Race.DefaultRace;

            //newChar.Hue = Utility.ClipSkinHue( args.Hue & 0x3FFF ) | 0x8000;
            newChar.Hue = newChar.Race.ClipSkinHue(args.Hue & 0x3FFF) | 0x8000;

            newChar.Hunger = 20;
            newChar.Skills.Cap = 100000;
            newChar.StatCap = 950;

            bool young = true;

            if (newChar is PlayerMobile)
                PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)newChar;
                double skillcap = Config.Get("PlayerCaps.SkillCap", 1000.0d) / 10;
                if (skillcap != 100.0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Enum.GetNames(typeof(SkillName)).Length; ++i)
                        pm.Skills[i].Cap = skillcap;
                pm.Profession = args.Profession;

                pm.Profession = args.Profession;
// added below line to force young on ALL new toons.  Removed during race pick               
                pm.Young = true;

//               if (pm.IsPlayer() && ((Account)pm.Account).Young)
//                   young = pm.Young = true;

            SetName(newChar, args.Name);


            SetStats(newChar, state, args.Str, args.Dex, args.Int);
            SetSkills(newChar, args.Skills, args.Profession);

            Race race = newChar.Race;

            if (race.ValidateHair(newChar, args.HairID))
                newChar.HairItemID = args.HairID;
                newChar.HairHue = race.ClipHairHue(args.HairHue & 0x3FFF);

            if (race.ValidateFacialHair(newChar, args.BeardID))
                newChar.FacialHairItemID = args.BeardID;
                newChar.FacialHairHue = race.ClipHairHue(args.BeardHue & 0x3FFF);

//            if (args.Profession <= 3)
//            {
//                AddShirt(newChar, args.ShirtHue);
//                AddPants(newChar, args.PantsHue);
//                AddShoes(newChar);
//            }

            if (TestCenter.Enabled)

            if (young)
                NewPlayerTicket ticket = new NewPlayerTicket();
                ticket.Owner = newChar;

            CityInfo city = GetStartLocation(args, young);

            newChar.MoveToWorld(city.Location, city.Map);

            Console.WriteLine("Login: {0}: New character being created (account={1})", state, args.Account.Username);
            Console.WriteLine(" - Character: {0} (serial={1})", newChar.Name, newChar.Serial);
            Console.WriteLine(" - Started: {0} {1} in {2}", city.City, city.Location, city.Map.ToString());

            new WelcomeTimer(newChar).Start();

            if (XmlSpawner.PointsEnabled)
                XmlAttach.AttachTo(newChar, new XmlPoints());
                XmlAttach.AttachTo(newChar, new XmlMobFactions());

        private static CityInfo GetStartLocation(CharacterCreatedEventArgs args, bool isYoung)
            if (Core.ML)
                //if( args.State != null && args.State.NewHaven )
                return m_NewHavenInfo;    //We don't get the client Version until AFTER Character creation
                //return args.City;  TODO: Uncomment when the old quest system is actually phased out

            bool useHaven = isYoung;

            ClientFlags flags = args.State == null ? ClientFlags.None : args.State.Flags;
            Mobile m = args.Mobile;

            switch ( args.Profession )
                case 4: //Necro
                        if ((flags & ClientFlags.Malas) != 0)
                            return new CityInfo("Umbra", "Mardoth's Tower", 2114, 1301, -50, Map.Malas);
                            useHaven = true;

                            new BadStartMessage(m, 1062205);
                            * Unfortunately you are playing on a *NON-Age-Of-Shadows* game
                            * installation and cannot be transported to Malas. 
                            * You will not be able to take your new player quest in Malas
                            * without an AOS client.  You are now being taken to the city of
                            * Haven on the Trammel facet.
                            * */

                case 5:    //Paladin
                        return m_NewHavenInfo;
                case 6:    //Samurai
                        if ((flags & ClientFlags.Tokuno) != 0)
                            return new CityInfo("Samurai DE", "Haoti's Grounds", 368, 780, -1, Map.Malas);
                            useHaven = true;

                            new BadStartMessage(m, 1063487);
                            * Unfortunately you are playing on a *NON-Samurai-Empire* game
                            * installation and cannot be transported to Tokuno.
                            * You will not be able to take your new player quest in Tokuno
                            * without an SE client. You are now being taken to the city of
                            * Haven on the Trammel facet.
                            * */

                case 7:    //Ninja
                        if ((flags & ClientFlags.Tokuno) != 0)
                            return new CityInfo("Ninja DE", "Enimo's Residence", 414,    823, -1, Map.Malas);
                            useHaven = true;

                            new BadStartMessage(m, 1063487);
                            * Unfortunately you are playing on a *NON-Samurai-Empire* game
                            * installation and cannot be transported to Tokuno.
                            * You will not be able to take your new player quest in Tokuno
                            * without an SE client. You are now being taken to the city of
                            * Haven on the Trammel facet.
                            * */


            if (useHaven)
                return m_NewHavenInfo;
                return args.City;

        private static void FixStats(ref int str, ref int dex, ref int intel, int max)
            int vMax = max - 30;

            int vStr = str - 10;
            int vDex = dex - 10;
            int vInt = intel - 10;

            if (vStr < 0)
                vStr = 0;

            if (vDex < 0)
                vDex = 0;

            if (vInt < 0)
                vInt = 0;

            int total = vStr + vDex + vInt;

            if (total == 0 || total == vMax)

            double scalar = vMax / (double)total;

            vStr = (int)(vStr * scalar);
            vDex = (int)(vDex * scalar);
            vInt = (int)(vInt * scalar);

            FixStat(ref vStr, (vStr + vDex + vInt) - vMax, vMax);
            FixStat(ref vDex, (vStr + vDex + vInt) - vMax, vMax);
            FixStat(ref vInt, (vStr + vDex + vInt) - vMax, vMax);

            str = vStr + 10;
            dex = vDex + 10;
            intel = vInt + 10;

        private static void FixStat(ref int stat, int diff, int max)
            stat += diff;

            if (stat < 0)
                stat = 0;
            else if (stat > max)
                stat = max;

        private static void SetStats(Mobile m, NetState state, int str, int dex, int intel)
            int max = state.NewCharacterCreation ? 90 : 80;

            FixStats(ref str, ref dex, ref intel, max);

            if (str < 10 || str > 60 || dex < 10 || dex > 60 || intel < 10 || intel > 60 || (str + dex + intel) != max)
                str = 10;
                dex = 10;
                intel = 10;

            m.InitStats(str, dex, intel);

        private static void SetName(Mobile m, string name)
            name = name.Trim();

            if (!NameVerification.Validate(name, 2, 16, true, false, true, 1, NameVerification.SpaceDashPeriodQuote))
                name = "Generic Player";

            m.Name = name;

        private static bool ValidSkills(SkillNameValue[] skills)
            int total = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < skills.Length; ++i)
                if (skills[i].Value < 0 || skills[i].Value > 50)
                    return false;

                total += skills[i].Value;

                for (int j = i + 1; j < skills.Length; ++j)
                    if (skills[j].Value > 0 && skills[j].Name == skills[i].Name)
                        return false;

            return (total == 100 || total == 120);

        private static void SetSkills(Mobile m, SkillNameValue[] skills, int prof)
            switch ( prof )
                case 1: // Warrior
                        skills = new SkillNameValue[]
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Anatomy, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Healing, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Swords, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Tactics, 0)

                case 2: // Magician
                        skills = new SkillNameValue[]
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.EvalInt, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Wrestling, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Magery, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Meditation, 0)

                case 3: // Blacksmith
                        skills = new SkillNameValue[]
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Mining, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.ArmsLore, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Blacksmith, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Tinkering, 0)

                case 4: // Necromancer
                        skills = new SkillNameValue[]
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Necromancy, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Focus, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.SpiritSpeak, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Swords, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Tactics, 0)

                case 5: // Paladin
                        skills = new SkillNameValue[]
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Chivalry, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Swords, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Focus, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Tactics, 0)

                case 6:    //Samurai
                        skills = new SkillNameValue[]
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Bushido, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Swords, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Anatomy, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Healing, 0)
                case 7:    //Ninja
                        skills = new SkillNameValue[]
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Ninjitsu, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Hiding, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Fencing, 0),
                            new SkillNameValue(SkillName.Stealth, 0)
                        if (!ValidSkills(skills))


            bool addSkillItems = false;
            bool elf = (m.Race == Race.Elf);
            bool human = (m.Race == Race.Human);
            bool gargoyle = (m.Race == Race.Gargoyle);

/*           switch ( prof )
                case 1: // Warrior
                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new LeafChest());
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new LeatherChest());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new FairyLeatherChest());

                case 4: // Necromancer
   //                     Container regs = new BagOfNecroReagents(50);

                        if (!Core.AOS)
   //                         foreach (Item item in regs.Items)
     //                           item.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

       //                 PackItem(regs);

         //               regs.LootType = LootType.Regular;

                        if (elf || human)
                            EquipItem(new BoneHelm());

                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new ElvenMachete());
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new LeafChest()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new LeafArms()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new LeafGloves()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new LeafGorget()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new LeafGorget()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new ElvenPants()));    //TODO: Verify the pants
                            EquipItem(new ElvenBoots());
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new BoneHarvester());
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new LeatherChest()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new LeatherArms()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new LeatherGloves()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new LeatherGorget()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new LeatherLegs()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new Skirt()));
                            EquipItem(new Sandals(0x8FD));
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new FairyGlassSword());
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new FairyLeatherChest()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new FairyLeatherArms()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new FairyLeatherLegs()));
                            EquipItem(NecroHue(new FairyLeatherKilt()));

//                        Spellbook book = new BookOfDarkness((ulong)0x8981); // animate dead, evil omen, pain spike, summon familiar, wraith form

//                        PackItem(book);

//                        book.LootType = LootType.Blessed;

                        addSkillItems = false;
                case 5: // Paladin
                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new ElvenMachete());
                            EquipItem(new WingedHelm());
                            EquipItem(new LeafGorget());
                            EquipItem(new LeafArms());
                            EquipItem(new LeafChest());
                            EquipItem(new LeafLegs());
                            EquipItem(new ElvenBoots());    //Verify hue
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new Broadsword());
                            EquipItem(new Helmet());
                            EquipItem(new PlateGorget());
                            EquipItem(new RingmailArms());
                            EquipItem(new RingmailChest());
                            EquipItem(new RingmailLegs());
                            EquipItem(new ThighBoots(0x748));
                            EquipItem(new Cloak(0xCF));
                            EquipItem(new BodySash(0xCF));
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new DreadSword());
                            EquipItem(new FairyPlateChest());
                            EquipItem(new FairyPlateArms());
                            EquipItem(new FairyPlateLegs());
                            EquipItem(new FairyPlateKilt());

//                       Spellbook book = new BookOfLight((ulong)0x3FF);
//                       book.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
//                       PackItem(book);

                        addSkillItems = false;
                case 6: // Samurai
                        if (elf || human)
                            EquipItem(new HakamaShita(0x2C3));
                            EquipItem(new Hakama(0x2C3));
                            EquipItem(new SamuraiTabi(0x2C3));
                            EquipItem(new TattsukeHakama(0x22D));
                            EquipItem(new Bokuto());

                            if (elf)
                                EquipItem(new RavenHelm());
                                EquipItem(new LeatherJingasa());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new FairyGlassSword());
                            EquipItem(new FairyPlateChest());
                            EquipItem(new FairyPlateArms());
                            EquipItem(new FairyPlateLegs());
                            EquipItem(new FairyPlateKilt());

                        PackItem(new Scissors());
                        PackItem(new Bandage(50));

//                        Spellbook book = new BookOfDefense();
//                        PackItem(book);

                        addSkillItems = false;
                case 7: // Ninja
                        int[] hues = new int[] { 0x1A8, 0xEC, 0x99, 0x90, 0xB5, 0x336, 0x89 };
                        //TODO: Verify that's ALL the hues for that above.

                        if (elf || human)
                            EquipItem(new Kasa());
                            EquipItem(new TattsukeHakama(hues[Utility.Random(hues.Length)]));
                            EquipItem(new HakamaShita(0x2C3));
                            EquipItem(new NinjaTabi(0x2C3));

                            if (elf)
                                EquipItem(new AssassinSpike());
                                EquipItem(new Tekagi());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new FairyDagger());

                            int hue = hues[Utility.Random(hues.Length)];

                            EquipItem(new FairyClothChest(hue));
                            EquipItem(new FairyClothArms(hue));
                            EquipItem(new FairyClothLegs(hue));
                            EquipItem(new FairyClothKilt(hue));

                        PackItem(new SmokeBomb());

//                       Spellbook book = new BookofAssassins();
//                       PackItem(book);

                        addSkillItems = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < skills.Length; ++i)
                SkillNameValue snv = skills[i];

                if (snv.Value > 0 && (snv.Name != SkillName.Stealth || prof == 7) && snv.Name != SkillName.RemoveTrap && snv.Name != SkillName.Spellweaving)
                    Skill skill = m.Skills[snv.Name];

                    if (skill != null)
                        skill.BaseFixedPoint = snv.Value * 10;
                        if ( addSkillItems )
                            AddSkillItems(snv.Name, m);

        private static void EquipItem(Item item)
            EquipItem(item, false);

        private static void EquipItem(Item item, bool mustEquip)
            if (!Core.AOS)
                item.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

            if (m_Mobile != null && m_Mobile.EquipItem(item))

            Container pack = m_Mobile.Backpack;

            if (!mustEquip && pack != null)

        private static void PackItem(Item item)
            if (!Core.AOS)
                item.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

            Container pack = m_Mobile.Backpack;

            if (pack != null)

        private static void PackInstrument()
            switch ( Utility.Random(6) )
                case 0:
                    PackItem(new Drums());
                case 1:
                    PackItem(new Harp());
                case 2:
                    PackItem(new LapHarp());
                case 3:
                    PackItem(new Lute());
                case 4:
                    PackItem(new Tambourine());
                case 5:
                    PackItem(new TambourineTassel());

        private static void PackScroll(int circle)
            switch ( Utility.Random(8) * (circle + 1) )
                case 0:
                    PackItem(new ClumsyScroll());
                case 1:
                    PackItem(new CreateFoodScroll());
                case 2:
                    PackItem(new FeeblemindScroll());
                case 3:
                    PackItem(new HealScroll());
                case 4:
                    PackItem(new MagicArrowScroll());
                case 5:
                    PackItem(new NightSightScroll());
                case 6:
                    PackItem(new ReactiveArmorScroll());
                case 7:
                    PackItem(new WeakenScroll());
                case 8:
                    PackItem(new AgilityScroll());
                case 9:
                    PackItem(new CunningScroll());
                case 10:
                    PackItem(new CureScroll());
                case 11:
                    PackItem(new HarmScroll());
                case 12:
                    PackItem(new MagicTrapScroll());
                case 13:
                    PackItem(new MagicUnTrapScroll());
                case 14:
                    PackItem(new ProtectionScroll());
                case 15:
                    PackItem(new StrengthScroll());
                case 16:
                    PackItem(new BlessScroll());
                case 17:
                    PackItem(new FireballScroll());
                case 18:
                    PackItem(new MagicLockScroll());
                case 19:
                    PackItem(new PoisonScroll());
                case 20:
                    PackItem(new TelekinisisScroll());
                case 21:
                    PackItem(new TeleportScroll());
                case 22:
                    PackItem(new UnlockScroll());
                case 23:
                    PackItem(new WallOfStoneScroll());

        private static Item NecroHue(Item item)
            item.Hue = 0x2C3;

            return item;

        private static void    AddSkillItems(SkillName skill, Mobile m)
            bool elf = (m.Race == Race.Elf);
            bool human = (m.Race == Race.Human);
            bool gargoyle = (m.Race == Race.Gargoyle);

            switch ( skill )
                case SkillName.Alchemy:
                        PackItem(new Bottle(4));
                        PackItem(new MortarPestle());

                        int hue = Utility.RandomPinkHue();

                        if (elf)
                            if (m.Female)
                                EquipItem(new FemaleElvenRobe(hue));
                                EquipItem(new MaleElvenRobe(hue));
                            EquipItem(new Robe(Utility.RandomPinkHue()));
                case SkillName.Anatomy:
                        PackItem(new Bandage(3));

                        int hue = Utility.RandomYellowHue();

                        if (elf)
                            if (m.Female)
                                EquipItem(new FemaleElvenRobe(hue));
                                EquipItem(new MaleElvenRobe(hue));
                            EquipItem(new Robe(hue));
                case SkillName.AnimalLore:
                        int hue = Utility.RandomBlueHue();

                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new WildStaff());

                            if (m.Female)
                                EquipItem(new FemaleElvenRobe(hue));
                                EquipItem(new MaleElvenRobe(hue));
                            EquipItem(new ShepherdsCrook());
                            EquipItem(new Robe(hue));
                case SkillName.Archery:
                        PackItem(new Arrow(25));

                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new ElvenCompositeLongbow());
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new Bow());
                case SkillName.ArmsLore:
                        if (elf)
                            switch ( Utility.Random(3) )
                                case 0:
                                    EquipItem(new Leafblade());
                                case 1:
                                    EquipItem(new RuneBlade());
                                case 2:
                                    EquipItem(new DiamondMace());
                        else if (human)
                            switch ( Utility.Random(3) )
                                case 0:
                                    EquipItem(new Kryss());
                                case 1:
                                    EquipItem(new Katana());
                                case 2:
                                    EquipItem(new Club());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            switch( Utility.Random(3) )
                                case 0:
                                    EquipItem(new BloodBlade());
                                case 1:
                                    EquipItem(new FairyGlassSword());
                                case 2:
                                    EquipItem(new DiscMace());

                case SkillName.Begging:
                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new WildStaff());
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new GnarledStaff());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new SerpentStoneStaff());

                case SkillName.Blacksmith:
                        PackItem(new Tongs());
                        PackItem(new Pickaxe());
                        PackItem(new Pickaxe());
                        PackItem(new IronIngot(50));
                        if (human || elf)
                            EquipItem(new HalfApron(Utility.RandomYellowHue()));

                case SkillName.Bushido:
                        if (human || elf)
                            EquipItem(new Hakama());
                            EquipItem(new Kasa());

//                       EquipItem(new BookOfDefense());
                case SkillName.Fletching:
                        PackItem(new Board(14));
                        PackItem(new Feather(5));
                        PackItem(new Shaft(5));
                case SkillName.Camping:
                        PackItem(new Bedroll());
                        PackItem(new Kindling(5));
                case SkillName.Carpentry:
                        PackItem(new Board(10));
                        PackItem(new Saw());

                        if (human || elf)
                            EquipItem(new HalfApron(Utility.RandomYellowHue()));

                case SkillName.Cartography:
                        PackItem(new BlankMap());
                        PackItem(new BlankMap());
                        PackItem(new BlankMap());
                        PackItem(new BlankMap());
                        PackItem(new Sextant());
                case SkillName.Cooking:
                        PackItem(new Kindling(2));
                        PackItem(new RawLambLeg());
                        PackItem(new RawChickenLeg());
                        PackItem(new RawFishSteak());
                        PackItem(new SackFlour());
                        PackItem(new Pitcher(BeverageType.Water));
                case SkillName.Chivalry:
                        if (Core.ML)
                        PackItem(new BlueBook());

                case SkillName.DetectHidden:
                        if (human || elf)
                            EquipItem(new Cloak(0x455));

                case SkillName.Discordance:
                case SkillName.Fencing:
                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new Leafblade());
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new Kryss());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new BloodBlade());

                case SkillName.Fishing:
                        EquipItem(new FishingPole());

                        int hue = Utility.RandomYellowHue();

                        if (elf)
                            Item i = new Circlet();
                            i.Hue = hue;
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new FloppyHat(hue));

                case SkillName.Healing:
                        PackItem(new Bandage(50));
                        PackItem(new Scissors());
                case SkillName.Herding:
                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new WildStaff());
                            EquipItem(new ShepherdsCrook());

                case SkillName.Hiding:
                        if (human || elf)
                            EquipItem(new Cloak(0x455));

                case SkillName.Inscribe:
                        PackItem(new BlankScroll(2));
                        PackItem(new BlueBook());
                case SkillName.ItemID:
                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new WildStaff());
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new GnarledStaff());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new SerpentStoneStaff());

                case SkillName.Lockpicking:
                        PackItem(new Lockpick(20));
                case SkillName.Lumberjacking:
                        if (human || elf)
                            EquipItem(new Hatchet());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new DualShortAxes());

                case SkillName.Macing:
                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new DiamondMace());
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new Club());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new DiscMace());

                case SkillName.Magery:
//                       BagOfAllReagents regs = new BagOfAllReagents(30);

                        if (!Core.AOS)
//                           foreach (Item item in regs.Items)
//                               item.LootType = LootType.Newbied;

//                       PackItem(regs);

//                       regs.LootType = LootType.Regular;


//                        Spellbook book = new Spellbook((ulong)0x382A8C38);
//                        book.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
//                        EquipItem(book);

                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new Circlet());

                            if (m.Female)
                                EquipItem(new FemaleElvenRobe(Utility.RandomBlueHue()));
                                EquipItem(new MaleElvenRobe(Utility.RandomBlueHue()));
                            if (human)
                                EquipItem(new WizardsHat());

                            EquipItem(new Robe(Utility.RandomBlueHue()));

                case SkillName.Mining:
                        PackItem(new Pickaxe());
                case SkillName.Musicianship:
                case SkillName.Necromancy:
                        if (Core.ML)
//                           Container regs = new BagOfNecroReagents(50);

//                           PackItem(regs);

  //                          regs.LootType = LootType.Regular;

                        // RunUO fix
//                       Spellbook book = new BookOfDarkness((ulong)0x8981); // animate dead, evil omen, pain spike, summon familiar, wraith form
//                       book.LootType = LootType.Blessed;
//                       PackItem(book);

                case SkillName.Ninjitsu:
                        if (human || elf)
                            EquipItem(new Hakama(0x2C3));    //Only ninjas get the hued one.
                            EquipItem(new Kasa());

//                        EquipItem(new BookofAssassins());
                case SkillName.Parry:
                        if (human || elf)
                            EquipItem(new WoodenShield());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new FairyWoodenShield());

                case SkillName.Peacemaking:
                case SkillName.Poisoning:
                        PackItem(new LesserPoisonPotion());
                        PackItem(new LesserPoisonPotion());
                case SkillName.Provocation:
                case SkillName.Snooping:
                        PackItem(new Lockpick(20));
                case SkillName.SpiritSpeak:
                        if (human || elf)
                            EquipItem(new Cloak(0x455));

                case SkillName.Stealing:
                        PackItem(new Lockpick(20));
                case SkillName.Swords:
                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new RuneBlade());
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new Katana());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new FairyGlassSword());

                case SkillName.Tactics:
                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new RuneBlade());
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new Katana());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new FairyGlassSword());

                case SkillName.Tailoring:
                        PackItem(new BoltOfCloth());
                        PackItem(new SewingKit());
                case SkillName.Tracking:
                        if (human || elf)
                            if (m_Mobile != null)
                                Item shoes = m_Mobile.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Shoes);

                                if (shoes != null)

                            int hue = Utility.RandomYellowHue();

                            if (elf)
                                EquipItem(new ElvenBoots(hue));
                                EquipItem(new Boots(hue));

                            EquipItem(new SkinningKnife());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            PackItem(new SkinningKnife());

                case SkillName.Veterinary:
                        PackItem(new Bandage(5));
                        PackItem(new Scissors());
                case SkillName.Wrestling:
                        if (elf)
                            EquipItem(new LeafGloves());
                        else if (human)
                            EquipItem(new LeatherGloves());
                        else if (gargoyle)
                            // Why not give them arm armor?
                            EquipItem(new FairyLeatherArms());

                case SkillName.Throwing:
                        if (gargoyle)
                            EquipItem(new Boomerang());


        private class BadStartMessage : Timer
            readonly Mobile m_Mobile;
            readonly int m_Message;
            public BadStartMessage(Mobile m, int message)
                : base(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3.5))
                this.m_Mobile = m;
                this.m_Message = message;

            protected override void OnTick()
Question about this, as this script sets them to young as it should, do your new characters have a NewPlayerTicket in their bankbox?
Just checked, and yes the test toons do have a new player ticket in bank box, they just do not seem to stay young for some reason
[doublepost=1463600497][/doublepost]So i just noticed something, through my testing I've been using existing accounts which have time on them as they were for testing.
I made a new account in admin gump and logged in there, when I made the toon they had the young status.. so.. then I guess im stuck at how do I get it to ignore the account age timer or hours played timer.
I don't use the ServUO repo myself so I'm using what may be outdated info. However, the way I know it to work is in account.cs is a method RemoveYoungStatus. There's a timer that triggers it suitably called YoungTimer (also in account.cs) and when it ticks (every minute) it calls the checkyoung method which can call the RemoveYoungStatus method.

Another place it's called from is the YoungGumps.cs (renouncing your young status)

Then also in the PlayerMobile.cs it calls RemoveYoungStatus 2 different times, once for OnKillsChanged and the other for OnSkillChange.

Those are the various places you can control all of that, however I have another thought for you. You said this system is designed for a race system thing, I'd also like to guess that you're using the xmlspawner system (most everyone is). It'd be better (as you'd keep the young feature of UO) to create an xml attachment class for your race and apply it to the character once they've finished the race gump stuff, this would then let you check if the attachment is on the logging in character and if not then you provide your gumps as desired.
I like the idea of using the XML attachment, how would I use the welcometimer to check for an existing xml attachment then send the race gump if the attachment wasn't present?

Which I did find the acount.cs line to comment out as well as the playermobile skill check to comment out, tested and it worked. but i am curious about xml for this reason lol. I only decided to butcher young because the system as it was is useless to me,if not just for an attachment for new toons. lol
Well first things first, you don't need to use the welcome timer. The Core uses events that you can hook into in order to trigger code. The first is the Initialize, this static method is looked for by the core and executed during the start up process. We use this method to add to the event skin. You'd want this one to run on login in so that's the event we'll sink up with, We'll then have a static method which will be added to the event.

So pretty much when someone logs in to a character we'll check them and send gump if needed.

The XmlAttachment (in this case I've just called it CustomXmlAttachment you'll want to change that to whatever attachment class you create) can be retrieved by the find attachment (static function of the xmlattach class). If we don't find anything (we'll get a null value) then we'll send off the Gump (here I called it CustomRaceGump).

public static void Initialize()
            EventSink.Login += new LoginEventHandler( OpenCreateGump );

        public static void OpenCreateGump(LoginEventArgs args)
            Mobile from = args.Mobile;

            var checkTest = (CustomXMLAttachment) XmlAttach.FindAttachment(from, typeof (CustomXMLAttachment));
            if (checkTest== null)
                //No attachment found means we need to create a new one
                from.SendGump(new CustomRaceGump());

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