\\\\\\\find in baseclothing.cs BaseArmor.cs and basejewel.cs\\\\\\\\\\\

public virtual bool CanBeWornByGargoyles
return false;

\\\\\\\\\and change to\\\\\\\\\

public virtual bool CanBeWornByGargoyles
return true;
and probly changes for elf and human should let all races wear anything not fully tested but was workin Til I changed it back
Note that equipping items for other races may let you see them on the paperdoll but their character on screen can appear to be wearing nothing. It's not an issue between humans and elves but between those two and gargoyles it's likely you'll see nothing displayed on the mobile and it'll probably look "off" on the paperdoll as well.
\\\\\\\find in baseclothing.cs BaseArmor.cs and basejewel.cs\\\\\\\\\\\
these are the files You need to find and Like Falcor said it will look odd on Ppd because it may not show and want show on toon

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