You know you don't have to edit core files to add a class, right? You could have included this class in it's own file so it's drop-and-run. You can even include it in the Scripts distro instead of core seeings how the core doesn't use it.
Seeing how its just an edit to an existing file.. (not sure where your geometry.cs is..) I didn't bother doing anything.
If it's just an edit, then it's usually best not to recommend replacing the entire file, though I understand why you've done it; to have something physical to download as a resource, instead of just posting another thread with editorial instructions. I'd likely do the same, but I don't see any reason why it can't be released as a Point4D.cs and be separate from Geometry.cs

Still good work and can be extremely useful, especially when map object references are unavailable, or a map instance is replaced.
(Maps on my shard are dynamically generated, so using a 'Map' property means the reference can go stale, Point4D in this case would be extremely helpful).
I do agree Point4D.cs is a good place for it.

I really didn't set out to write this.. just sorta happened while working on the suggestions in the Teleporter resource I posted.
My only thought at the time was that I should share this for everyone.. so its basically where I just quick added it at the time, in the Geometry.cs.

I suppose I could argue the 'point' (get it?lol) that since Point2D and Point3D are in Geometry.cs, Point4D makes sense to be there, from a certain perspective, but I do understand why in a project like this many would prefer it included separate.

Thanks for the input guys, and I'll keep it in mind on future contributions.

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