Why do you need to see this? Do you need to see the speech logs of another character? Do you need to see what they received? For wheat purpose?

Because, as far as i know, once any message is sent, it can't be viewed again.
It would be to see speech logs, and if x,y,z item broke or was created. Basically a tool to help with moderation. A dump of the logs after x time (say a couple of days) would be fine, just want to make moderating just a tad easier if something were to happen like in OSI where a crafter might get accused of stealing an item was repaired, and instead broke. That would be the main purpose
[speechlog exists to see what a player said.
As for items breaking, there's nothing for that currently as far as i know.

And a personal note for the item stealing, if you have a rule for this, then you might want to make a mechanism for that, stealing items and saying it was broken is indeed immoral, but it is the fault of the person blindly trusting the other person.
I'm pretty sure you would lose a lot of your time investigating scams, especially when the fault relies solely on the user lacking a proper understanding of trust and how game meachanics work. However, if the repairing person wants to save his reputation claiming that the item was indeed broken, and that you want to ensure this wouldn't result in needless drama on your server, then you would need to find possible monitoring ways.

  • A repair bond/deed/contract:
  • Blacksmith buys from a blacksmith or make that deed himself using inscription.
  • He claims that deed and put up an expiration date and price, he also enters the terms in case of loss (monetary compensation, free, or paid).
  • He gives it to the player.
  • Player writes his name on the contract.
  • Player targets his piece of equiment to repair.
  • Player seals the deal, which creates a copy of the contract.
  • He gives the item to the blacksmith for repair.
  • The backsmith repairs said item.
  • If it breaks or gets repaired, the contract will react in consequence.
  • In case of insufficent funds, then, that would be up to further analysis.

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