I thought I'd give everyone an update on this. It was a success! Ultima Online is now Green Lit on Steam!
Long live the Greatest mmorpg ever created!

"This game has been Greenlit by the Community!

The community has shown their interest in this game. Valve has reached out to this developer to start moving things toward release on Steam."
Maybe now with Broadsword in charge of the creative design, we might see a classic UO shard implemented. I really doubt it, but I would totally go back to playing production UO for a classic shard. They need to contact someone like Derrick from Second Age to helm a real T2A style shard.
Maybe now with Broadsword in charge of the creative design, we might see a classic UO shard implemented. I really doubt it, but I would totally go back to playing production UO for a classic shard. They need to contact someone like Derrick from Second Age to helm a real T2A style shard.
B0nnie /\rmstr0ng would probably not agree with you.

Plus in the current big mmo companies they believe that people don't want to play old versions of the game. logic that is flawed in some aspects and true in others, So don't skin me for saying this!
I knew a guy who went to a blizzard party and they talked to some of the wow devs asking them why they don't bring back a legacy server for classic or burning crusade. The dev's answer was that no one wanted that. It probably all comes down to the amount of $bank$ it would produce.
If there was hard numbers that a legacy server would produce money I bet they'd look into it more seriously.
It's probably way too late in UO's lifespan to make a classic server successful on production UO. They wouldn't bring the right people with the vision in and it would go to waste. It's just wishful thinking at this point. If there was any sort of serious indication of a demand for a classic server, look at ALL of the free servers that have been successful and have monetized "donations" for a profit since AoS launched and changed the game forever. They have all been either T2A or UOR era. Hybrid did it first and everyone has tried to follow their lead since then. Obviously Hybrid has declined since when it first launched, but shards like IPY and currently UOForever made/make a lot of money from their playerbase. That's money that could be in EA's pocket.
Obviously Hybrid has declined since when it first launched, but shards like IPY and currently UOForever made/make a lot of money from their playerbase. That's money that could be in EA's pocket.

...but you're the new owner of IPY... :p and it's not just donations, every free playing player you have is a subscription that EA doesn't get, that's 500 fees, just because you don't run a donation store doesn't mean you're in the clear :)

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