
Zack submitted a new resource:

Guild Travel Stone (Recall to Guild-mates) - Recall to your guild mates with this magical travel stone.

This is a barebones version of my Guild Travel Stone that I am using on my shard. This does the basics of what is intended.

Installation: Drop in Customs Folder and Re-compile.

Usage: [add GuildTravelStone
1. Add the GuildTravelStone to your backpack.
2. Double click on the stone.
3. Type the name of a fellow guild-mate.
4. Watch as your character recalls to your guild-mates current location.

(If it does not find an online player with that name, you will receive the message, "We did not...

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Zack updated Guild Travel Stone (Recall to Guild-mates) with a new update entry:

GuildTravelStone v1.1 Update

Hey everyone. I added a few more things to this, to help reduce potential item abuse.

v1.1 Updates:
- Now requires recall reagents.
- The guildmate that you recall too must ALSO have a Guild Travel Stone in his backpack.
//So as to avoid unwanted visitors you may receive just from being in a guild.
- Failure messages are hued red for visibility.
- A little spring cleaning. Trying to learn to write more efficiently.

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To address the pvp issue. Maybe you can do a check if the guy your trying to recall to is in combat, if so you cant teleport to him. Maybe do another check like if there is a opposing faction/guild at war with that is within 30-50 tiles, you cant teleport to them or something. Im sure other constraints might work.
To address the pvp issue. Maybe you can do a check if the guy your trying to recall to is in combat, if so you cant teleport to him. Maybe do another check like if there is a opposing faction/guild at war with that is within 30-50 tiles, you cant teleport to them or something. Im sure other constraints might work.

Definitely! I just have to take some time to add it. I also intend on adding the spell timer, so that the cast is not instant. I hadn't thought about checking for opposing guild members nearby. There are definitely options. Likely I will end up adding multiple different constraints that can be turned on and off before adding it to your own library. Thanks for the feedback!

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