
I've been playing UO pretty much since it launched (still have a paid acct), I have a group of friends that play too. We had all been on a free shard for years and have recently grown tired of the "same old same old". Some how I got elected to start a shard for us all to play on, that has more of the "newer" stuff. I started one for us a few months back and have been learning A LOT! I hope I can, eventually, be a contributing member to this community! ;)

Thanks for the welcome! Looking through this site makes me wish I had found it before I started the shard using runuo lol. I am under the assumption that transferring saves isn't possible and convincing my friends to switch will be difficult at this point. But I might just have to try! :)
I actually convinced my friends/players to switch to servuo! We have been running on it for a month now and (after I gave them a bunch of stuff and skills) we are all very happy we switched. A couple of the guys asked me about the mini champs in the stygian abyss and that they weren't there or working. I checked it out the best I could and it seems they aren't there, or active at least. I see no spawners where the mini champ spawns should be. Am I missing a command to get them to spawn?

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