Welcome to the community VoidChild. The #1 piece of advice anyone can give you that will provide you with more knowledge then any one person can give you in a sitting. Learn to use search engines and search for your questions and or needs. I'm 90% self taught through this method.
Best of luck!

Edit: Check this thread out for lots of C# books, tutorials and references: http://www.servuo.com/threads/c-tutorials.567/
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Trying to learn to gm and code any help tips or pointers would be welcome.
Best advice I can give you about learning to code is to use existing scripts and slowly make changes. Start with little changes first. In most cases, once you get a bit more advanced, you can copy/paste methods from other scripts to build a new script. Some people frown on this as its not "true coding". Note everyone has time to learn a dying language such as C# and even if you do read tons of books and forums about it, what you're dealing with is RunUO/ServUO specific libraries, so not everything will make sense when you try to apply it to a server script. Using the original scripts as a base formula is a great way to get your feet wet. When you want to create something new, try and think of something already in the game that acts in a similar way or contains the main function you're trying to do.

You want to create an item that when double-clicked from a player's backpack it gives them a special weapon. Take a look at any Deeded item that is not a deco item and you'll have a solid base to start with.

You'll also want to get very familiar with the file structure of whichever server setup you are using (RunUO/ServUO, etc). Another hint, search for and download Agent Ransack. That will be your best tool for searching text strings INSIDE scripts without having to open every single one.
never hurts to learn any programming language because all programming lango's are derived from other languages... example C# has very similarities to Java and both can be applied via each other. Like my Linux/ C+/C++ instructor always said dont re-invent the wheel.. =)
Hello VoidChild welcome to Servuo..

When i first started playing around with runuo a very helpful coder told me to get c# for dummies and it helped me out alot.

You will also find that 90% of what you would want to code is already done in the distro files you just need to look.

Creatures, Items and Quests are very easy to code and there are hundreds of examples around to help you.

Only when it comes to advanced systems like Ultima Live Map Streaming, XMLSpawner and VitaNex Core will you need a proffessional level of coding abilities

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