
I'm using Mapgenerator and I want to replace the default tiles with alternate tiles; Grass,Mountains,Water,etc. I've tried editing Terrain.xml, Out,txt, and Common.xml but invariably the map compiles with the standard tiles. Anyone have any idea of how to change which tiles the ImageIndex points to or is there another program I should be using to perform this function?
Where did you get your Map Gen, and do you know what version it is at all? Its been years since I used it..
I ask really, because I have had a few people have issues with Dragon and a couple other map tools that were downloaded from sites I had never heard about, and they just did not work correctly for some reason, even though they seemed to be the correct program and files within.

The download found on our site would be the final last version, untainted in anyways. Let me know if you want it, or have trouble finding it. I can look over mine and see if I can figure out what your trying to do later today.
Good luck in mean time :)
Ver 2.0 Build: 8/5/06 I got it from Ryandor site. The program works ok. I can compile a map, although it looks horrible, I think due to me not adjusting the alittude map. Anyway, I need to use Tiles other than the standard ones being used. I have, for instance, Tropical Water and Translucent water types that the map will use. I changed the Terrain.mul file, which I thought would work but still uses the standard DeepWater/ShallowWater tiles.

This is from Terrain.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Terrain Name="Deep Water" ImgIndex="0" Hash="0x00" Tile="168" Red="0" Green="0" Blue="130" BaseAltIndex="16"  />
  <Terrain Name="Shallow Water" ImgIndex="1" Hash="0x01" Tile="310" Red="0" Green="0" Blue="170" BaseAltIndex="16"  />

There was another file within the structure that I also altered with no visible effect. Common.xml:
  <Trans Name="Shallow Water" HashKey="010101010101010101">
  <Tile ID="310" AltIDMod="-15" />
  <Tile ID="21895" AltIDMod="0" />
  <Tile ID="21896" AltIDMod="0" />
  <Tile ID="21913" AltIDMod="0" />

A third file is out.txt:
<ImgIndex Index="0">
   <Tile ID="168"/>
   <Tile ID="169"/>
   <Tile ID="170"/>
   <Tile ID="171"/>

Basically, i've tried to modify anything that looked like it might control which Tile was used for which Pallet ImgIndex.....I'm using Mapgenerator in conjunction with CentrED+. Once I have the basic landfeatures set I will move the map into CentrED. After that we will move the map to Test, then Live Shard. We use UltimaLive so any further refinements to the map can be done over time. Also, is there another tool that I should be using to accomplish the same thing that MapGen does? Anyway, thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
The only other good one that I have personally used is Dragon, however its much more limited. It uses one 64 bit pallet that combines altitude and land tiles to each single color. If you are going to want a lot of variety of land tiles, I wouldn't use it.

Yea, your map will be flat until you paint the altitude bmp for sure.

There is another map generating program that I can not think of right now, that is pretty well the same deal.. I would stick it out with Map Generator2 that you are using. It will give you the absolute best end results once you get a handle on how to edit the core files. I have not had time to look into it yet, and refresh my memory though. But I do know there is all this info on Ryandor, put has written when we were working together on this program back then. There is a forum section just for Map Generator.. World Maker Tools.
I've read the forums there in toto and not nothing answered my issue. )^8 Not really worried about an active account unless you think somone may answer my question. The last forum entry was long, long ago in a Galaxy far, far away. lol

Praxiis had given me various tools and told me about Centred+. I'm getting used to CentrED+, not messed with UOL much yet. I understand MapGen2 but just need to apply the tiles I want to use. If I can't I might as well just build a map entirely in CentrED+
Wait, are you actually refering to wanting to change from Land Tiles to Textures?As in the Textures tab on UO Fiddler? I am not certain that is even possible, really.
Its a long shot, but maybe @HellRazor might just catch this tag, and have a better memory than I can, without having to dig into the stuff. Have not heard from him in awhile.
No was referring to LandTiles...although I would love to eventually use some of the Textures....not quite sure how to go about that thing at a time lol Looking at the Terrain.xml file one would think that it should be using that to determine what pallet color is Indexed to a particular tile...but alas, no luck! )^8

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