

Nous voulons mettre des gumps personnalisés sur notre serveur par compte Je pense que nous devons les scripter, je n'ai que des fichiers .bmp et je n'ai trouvé aucun tutoriel pour m'aider.

Je vous remercie

Nous voulons mettre des gumps personnalisés sur notre serveur par compte Je pense que nous devons les scripter, je n'ai que des fichiers .bmp et je n'ai trouvé aucun tutoriel pour m'aider.

Je vous remercie
Avez vous trouvez? Sinon je peux vous aider.
Hello no, I'm still on it, I think it's the client who makes the follow-up tutorial not work. We are on client 4.0
J'utilise GumpStudio pour la création de mes propres gump. L'application te permet d'exporter ton gump sous format script c# pour RunUO. Tu dois toi-même éditer quelques éléments à l'intérieur du script mais c'est assez simple. L'export ajoute au script une commande personnel que tu peux utiliser pour lancer ton gump directement en jeu, et voir si sa te plait. Je te conseil de créé un item à part pour que d'autres joueurs puissent lancer ton gump (une stone par exemple).

Dans le code, tu dois toi-même scripter ce que les boutons de ton gump font, tu peux toujours t'inspirer de d'autres gump et comprendre comment ils sont bâtis.
I succeeded with UoFiddler thanks to Plindmard on the other hand, I have a problem with certain animation.

I have animations that do not work or that work but as soon as I am comfortable the gumps disappears. However, the gumps are placed at 50500+ so if ever someone would have a solution.
MissIelenia, you need to write more information. According to the previous post I see that you insert animations into Ultima Online in AoS version (client 4.00). But that is the only information you have provided. What ID position exactly she used, what kind of animation (High, Low or people) - I assume people by the ID given. And also how you wrote .def files and in which. Write down exactly how you worked. then those people can help.

Just some advice, it may be better to use mulpatcher to insert animations than UO Fiddler.
MissIelenia, you need to write more information. According to the previous post I see that you insert animations into Ultima Online in AoS version (client 4.00). But that is the only information you have provided. What ID position exactly she used, what kind of animation (High, Low or people) - I assume people by the ID given. And also how you wrote .def files and in which. Write down exactly how you worked. then those people can help.

Just some advice, it may be better to use mulpatcher to insert animations than UO Fiddler.

First of all we are on Runuo2.6 clients 4.00.
I did two manipulations and these are clothes that I added.

The first one I was asked to replace already existing gumps so this is what I did I replaced with gumps which could take the same animation. I only have one that doesn't work and the gumps go away when I sit down.

I was in item, I made replace on the gumps I then made save. I was then on the gump or I had replaced and I changed to the desired gumps and I also save and then I went to see the tiledata and I checked what I needed and save.
I didn’t touch anything in body.def since it’s the same animations. The script may have changed the name. (I don't do scripts).

The second manipulation is the addition of new gumps. So I proceeded in the same way as above, except that I chose free slots and slots above 50400 and entered the info in the tiledata before saving.
They are not yet scripted, so I only took one item and changed the in-game power ID if the gumps were added.

Here is the body.def


I did a few tests and nothing seems to work. I tried all the anims that were connected directly or indirectly to the tunic or the surcoat. It does the same thing it disappeared when I sat down.
I thought it was because there was an original item at 50909 that the anim 909 did not work, however the others with the same anims work.
I still have the option that it is for a reason that it is not yet scripted, but I was told that it had nothing to do with the item.

I tried to work with Multipatcher, it did not want to read my files.
If I understand it correctly, you are replacing or adding one particular animation. Thus, graphically different, new, which is not originally in the UO. Whether you put it on the ID slots you use, or choose an empty slot, the animation always disappears when the character sits down. That means the only thing. The animation is not complete, not graphically finished. Check the pictures of the animation. Whether they are all.
What do you mean by animation does not end graphically? Because I'm trying to understand. I have other gumps with the same animation that works.

Thank you
I mean, the animation doesn't have the exact number of frame frames at a given position (High, Low, and People). But if you work properly elsewhere, then there will be no problem.
I see it that way. Put some downloadable anim file, gump file, art file and tiledata file to check it out. I, by translating it with a Google translator, can not understand what is wrong here. And add the def files you have defined. I'll look at it and tell you after it could be wrong. but it won't be fast, I have some real duties.
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And maybe, so I understand, you write French. Give me exactly what you did, what you customized, what you put in your def files (put a note on that ID), and so on, and write it to me in a private message in French. I'll look at it and see. Not all position IDs can display animations in a particular client version. But, as I wrote, it won't be right away.

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