
Im kind of an old school UO player from back before trammel. I like a bit of mystery with the loot so i've had this enabled before on my other server. It's working now, sort of... on a few of the weapons and jewels spawned, sometimes instead of showing "unidentified" it just doesn't show anything except weight and name, and don't say unidentified. I hate to just write it off as a bug and go on. I've worked with it all day trying to figure it out and im confused. My best guess is it has something to do with bonus resistances, and slayers, but ive had a few of each spawn with those props and work. The only other difference between my script and the stock servUO script is the addition of Shipwrecked item tags, which work. The armor and talismans also work as intended.

Thanks! :D
#region Header
// **********
// ServUO - BaseWeapon.cs
// **********

#region References
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Server.ContextMenus;
using Server.Engines.Craft;
using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2;
using Server.Ethics;
using Server.Factions;
using Server.Mobiles;
using Server.Network;
using Server.SkillHandlers;
using Server.Spells;
using Server.Spells.Bushido;
using Server.Spells.Chivalry;
using Server.Spells.Necromancy;
using Server.Spells.Ninjitsu;
using Server.Spells.Sixth;
using Server.Spells.Spellweaving;

namespace Server.Items
   public interface ISlayer
     SlayerName Slayer { get; set; }
     SlayerName Slayer2 { get; set; }

   public abstract class BaseWeapon : Item, IWeapon, IFactionItem, ICraftable, ISlayer, IDurability, ISetItem, IShipwreckedItem
     private string m_EngravedText;

     public string EngravedText
       get { return m_EngravedText; }
         m_EngravedText = value;

     #region Factions
     private FactionItem m_FactionState;

     public FactionItem FactionItemState
       get { return m_FactionState; }
         m_FactionState = value;

         if (m_FactionState == null)
           Hue = CraftResources.GetHue(Resource);

         LootType = (m_FactionState == null ? LootType.Regular : LootType.Blessed);

     /* Weapon internals work differently now (Mar 13 2003)
  * The attributes defined below default to -1.
  * If the value is -1, the corresponding virtual 'Aos/Old' property is used.
  * If not, the attribute value itself is used. Here's the list:
  *  - MinDamage
  *  - MaxDamage
  *  - Speed
  *  - HitSound
  *  - MissSound
  *  - StrRequirement, DexRequirement, IntRequirement
  *  - WeaponType
  *  - WeaponAnimation
  *  - MaxRange

     #region Var declarations
     // Instance values. These values are unique to each weapon.
     private WeaponDamageLevel m_DamageLevel;
     private WeaponAccuracyLevel m_AccuracyLevel;
     private WeaponDurabilityLevel m_DurabilityLevel;
     private WeaponQuality m_Quality;
     private Mobile m_Crafter;
     private Poison m_Poison;
     private int m_PoisonCharges;
     private bool m_Identified;
     private int m_Hits;
     private int m_MaxHits;
     private SlayerName m_Slayer;
     private SlayerName m_Slayer2;

     #region Imbuing
     private int m_TimesImbued;

     #region Mondain's Legacy
     private TalismanSlayerName m_Slayer3;

     private SkillMod m_SkillMod, m_MageMod;
     private CraftResource m_Resource;
     private bool m_PlayerConstructed;

     private bool m_Cursed; // Is this weapon cursed via Curse Weapon necromancer spell? Temporary; not serialized.

     private bool m_Consecrated;
            // Is this weapon blessed via Consecrate Weapon paladin ability? Temporary; not serialized.

     #region Mondain's Legacy
     private bool m_Immolating; // Is this weapon blessed via Immolating Weapon arcanists spell? Temporary; not serialized.

     private AosAttributes m_AosAttributes;
     private AosWeaponAttributes m_AosWeaponAttributes;
     private AosSkillBonuses m_AosSkillBonuses;
     private AosElementAttributes m_AosElementDamages;

     #region SA
     private SAAbsorptionAttributes m_SAAbsorptionAttributes;

     // Overridable values. These values are provided to override the defaults which get defined in the individual weapon scripts.
     private int m_StrReq, m_DexReq, m_IntReq;
     private int m_MinDamage, m_MaxDamage;
     private int m_HitSound, m_MissSound;
     private float m_Speed;
     private int m_MaxRange;
     private SkillName m_Skill;
     private WeaponType m_Type;
     private WeaponAnimation m_Animation;

     #region Virtual Properties
     public virtual WeaponAbility PrimaryAbility { get { return null; } }
     public virtual WeaponAbility SecondaryAbility { get { return null; } }

     public virtual int DefMaxRange { get { return 1; } }
     public virtual int DefHitSound { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int DefMissSound { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual SkillName DefSkill { get { return SkillName.Swords; } }
     public virtual WeaponType DefType { get { return WeaponType.Slashing; } }
     public virtual WeaponAnimation DefAnimation { get { return WeaponAnimation.Slash1H; } }

     public virtual int AosStrengthReq { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int AosDexterityReq { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int AosIntelligenceReq { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int AosMinDamage { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int AosMaxDamage { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int AosSpeed { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual float MlSpeed { get { return 0.0f; } }
     public virtual int AosMaxRange { get { return DefMaxRange; } }
     public virtual int AosHitSound { get { return DefHitSound; } }
     public virtual int AosMissSound { get { return DefMissSound; } }
     public virtual SkillName AosSkill { get { return DefSkill; } }
     public virtual WeaponType AosType { get { return DefType; } }
     public virtual WeaponAnimation AosAnimation { get { return DefAnimation; } }

     public virtual int OldStrengthReq { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int OldDexterityReq { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int OldIntelligenceReq { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int OldMinDamage { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int OldMaxDamage { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int OldSpeed { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int OldMaxRange { get { return DefMaxRange; } }
     public virtual int OldHitSound { get { return DefHitSound; } }
     public virtual int OldMissSound { get { return DefMissSound; } }
     public virtual SkillName OldSkill { get { return DefSkill; } }
     public virtual WeaponType OldType { get { return DefType; } }
     public virtual WeaponAnimation OldAnimation { get { return DefAnimation; } }

     public virtual int InitMinHits { get { return 0; } }
     public virtual int InitMaxHits { get { return 0; } }

     public virtual bool CanFortify { get { return true; } }

     public override int PhysicalResistance { get { return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPhysicalBonus; } }
     public override int FireResistance { get { return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistFireBonus; } }
     public override int ColdResistance { get { return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistColdBonus; } }
     public override int PoisonResistance { get { return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistPoisonBonus; } }
     public override int EnergyResistance { get { return m_AosWeaponAttributes.ResistEnergyBonus; } }

     public virtual SkillName AccuracySkill { get { return SkillName.Tactics; } }

     #region Personal Bless Deed
     private Mobile m_BlessedBy;

     public Mobile BlessedBy
       get { return m_BlessedBy; }
         m_BlessedBy = value;

     private class UnBlessEntry : ContextMenuEntry
       private readonly Mobile m_From;
       private readonly BaseWeapon m_Weapon; // BaseArmor, BaseWeapon or BaseClothing

       public UnBlessEntry(Mobile from, BaseWeapon weapon)
         : base(6208, -1)
         m_From = from;
         m_Weapon = weapon;

       public override void OnClick()
         m_Weapon.BlessedFor = null;
         m_Weapon.BlessedBy = null;

         Container pack = m_From.Backpack;

         if (pack != null)
           pack.DropItem(new PersonalBlessDeed(m_From));
           m_From.SendLocalizedMessage(1062200); // A personal bless deed has been placed in your backpack.


     #region Getters & Setters
     public int TimesImbued
       get { return m_TimesImbued; }
         m_TimesImbued = value;

     public AosAttributes Attributes { get { return m_AosAttributes; } set { } }

     public AosWeaponAttributes WeaponAttributes { get { return m_AosWeaponAttributes; } set { } }

     public AosSkillBonuses SkillBonuses { get { return m_AosSkillBonuses; } set { } }

     public AosElementAttributes AosElementDamages { get { return m_AosElementDamages; } set { } }

     #region Stygian Abyss
     public SAAbsorptionAttributes AbsorptionAttributes { get { return m_SAAbsorptionAttributes; } set { } }

     public bool Cursed { get { return m_Cursed; } set { m_Cursed = value; } }

     public bool Consecrated { get { return m_Consecrated; } set { m_Consecrated = value; } }

     #region Mondain's Legacy
     public bool Immolating { get { return m_Immolating; } set { m_Immolating = value; } }

     public bool Identified
       get { return m_Identified; }
         m_Identified = value;

     public int HitPoints
       get { return m_Hits; }
         if (m_Hits == value)

         if (value > m_MaxHits)
           value = m_MaxHits;

         m_Hits = value;


     public int MaxHitPoints
       get { return m_MaxHits; }
         m_MaxHits = value;

     public int PoisonCharges
       get { return m_PoisonCharges; }
         m_PoisonCharges = value;

     public Poison Poison
       get { return m_Poison; }
         m_Poison = value;

     public WeaponQuality Quality
       get { return m_Quality; }
         m_Quality = value;

     public Mobile Crafter
       get { return m_Crafter; }
         m_Crafter = value;

     public SlayerName Slayer
       get { return m_Slayer; }
         m_Slayer = value;

     public SlayerName Slayer2
       get { return m_Slayer2; }
         m_Slayer2 = value;

     public TalismanSlayerName Slayer3
       get { return m_Slayer3; }
         m_Slayer3 = value;

     public CraftResource Resource
       get { return m_Resource; }
         m_Resource = value;
         Hue = CraftResources.GetHue(m_Resource);

     public WeaponDamageLevel DamageLevel
       get { return m_DamageLevel; }
         m_DamageLevel = value;

     public WeaponDurabilityLevel DurabilityLevel
       get { return m_DurabilityLevel; }
         m_DurabilityLevel = value;

     public bool PlayerConstructed { get { return m_PlayerConstructed; } set { m_PlayerConstructed = value; } }

     public int MaxRange
       get { return (m_MaxRange == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxRange : OldMaxRange : m_MaxRange); }
         m_MaxRange = value;

     public WeaponAnimation Animation { get { return (m_Animation == (WeaponAnimation)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosAnimation : OldAnimation : m_Animation); } set { m_Animation = value; } }

     public WeaponType Type { get { return (m_Type == (WeaponType)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosType : OldType : m_Type); } set { m_Type = value; } }

     public SkillName Skill
       get { return (m_Skill == (SkillName)(-1) ? Core.AOS ? AosSkill : OldSkill : m_Skill); }
         m_Skill = value;

     public int HitSound { get { return (m_HitSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosHitSound : OldHitSound : m_HitSound); } set { m_HitSound = value; } }

     public int MissSound { get { return (m_MissSound == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMissSound : OldMissSound : m_MissSound); } set { m_MissSound = value; } }

     public int MinDamage
       get { return (m_MinDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMinDamage : OldMinDamage : m_MinDamage); }
         m_MinDamage = value;

     public int MaxDamage
       get { return (m_MaxDamage == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosMaxDamage : OldMaxDamage : m_MaxDamage); }
         m_MaxDamage = value;

     public float Speed
         if (m_Speed != -1)
           return m_Speed;

         if (Core.ML)
           return MlSpeed;
         else if (Core.AOS)
           return AosSpeed;

         return OldSpeed;
         m_Speed = value;

     public int StrRequirement
       get { return (m_StrReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosStrengthReq : OldStrengthReq : m_StrReq); }
         m_StrReq = value;

     public int DexRequirement { get { return (m_DexReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosDexterityReq : OldDexterityReq : m_DexReq); } set { m_DexReq = value; } }

     public int IntRequirement { get { return (m_IntReq == -1 ? Core.AOS ? AosIntelligenceReq : OldIntelligenceReq : m_IntReq); } set { m_IntReq = value; } }

     public WeaponAccuracyLevel AccuracyLevel
       get { return m_AccuracyLevel; }
         if (m_AccuracyLevel != value)
           m_AccuracyLevel = value;

           if (UseSkillMod)
             if (m_AccuracyLevel == WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular)
               if (m_SkillMod != null)

               m_SkillMod = null;
             else if (m_SkillMod == null && Parent is Mobile)
               m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod(AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5);
             else if (m_SkillMod != null)
               m_SkillMod.Value = (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5;


     public override void GetContextMenuEntries(Mobile from, List<ContextMenuEntry> list)
       base.GetContextMenuEntries(from, list);

       if (BlessedFor == from && BlessedBy == from && RootParent == from)
         list.Add(new UnBlessEntry(from, this));

       XmlLevelItem levitem = XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlLevelItem)) as XmlLevelItem;

       if (levitem != null)
         list.Add(new LevelInfoEntry(from, this, AttributeCategory.Melee));

     public override void OnAfterDuped(Item newItem)
       BaseWeapon weap = newItem as BaseWeapon;

       if (weap == null)

       weap.m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes(newItem, m_AosAttributes);
       weap.m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes(newItem, m_AosElementDamages);
       weap.m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(newItem, m_AosSkillBonuses);
       weap.m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes(newItem, m_AosWeaponAttributes);

       #region Mondain's Legacy
       weap.m_SetAttributes = new AosAttributes(newItem, m_SetAttributes);
       weap.m_SetSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(newItem, m_SetSkillBonuses);

       #region SA
       weap.m_SAAbsorptionAttributes = new SAAbsorptionAttributes(newItem, m_SAAbsorptionAttributes);

     public virtual void UnscaleDurability()
       int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();

       m_Hits = ((m_Hits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;
       m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * 100) + (scale - 1)) / scale;

     public virtual void ScaleDurability()
       int scale = 100 + GetDurabilityBonus();

       m_Hits = ((m_Hits * scale) + 99) / 100;
       m_MaxHits = ((m_MaxHits * scale) + 99) / 100;

     public int GetDurabilityBonus()
       int bonus = 0;

       if (m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional)
         bonus += 20;

       switch (m_DurabilityLevel)
         case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable:
           bonus += 20;
         case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Substantial:
           bonus += 50;
         case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Massive:
           bonus += 70;
         case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified:
           bonus += 100;
         case WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible:
           bonus += 120;

       if (Core.AOS)
         bonus += m_AosWeaponAttributes.DurabilityBonus;

         #region Mondain's Legacy
         if (m_Resource == CraftResource.Heartwood)
           return bonus;

         CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo(m_Resource);
         CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = null;

         if (resInfo != null)
           attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

         if (attrInfo != null)
           bonus += attrInfo.WeaponDurability;

       return bonus;

     public int GetLowerStatReq()
       if (!Core.AOS)
         return 0;

       int v = m_AosWeaponAttributes.LowerStatReq;

       #region Mondain's Legacy
       if (m_Resource == CraftResource.Heartwood)
         return v;

       CraftResourceInfo info = CraftResources.GetInfo(m_Resource);

       if (info != null)
         CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = info.AttributeInfo;

         if (attrInfo != null)
           v += attrInfo.WeaponLowerRequirements;

       if (v > 100)
         v = 100;

       return v;

     public static void BlockEquip(Mobile m, TimeSpan duration)
       if (m.BeginAction(typeof(BaseWeapon)))
         new ResetEquipTimer(m, duration).Start();

     private class ResetEquipTimer : Timer
       private readonly Mobile m_Mobile;

       public ResetEquipTimer(Mobile m, TimeSpan duration)
         : base(duration)
         m_Mobile = m;

       protected override void OnTick()

     public override bool CheckConflictingLayer(Mobile m, Item item, Layer layer)
       if (base.CheckConflictingLayer(m, item, layer))
         return true;

       if (Layer == Layer.TwoHanded && layer == Layer.OneHanded)
         m.SendLocalizedMessage(500214); // You already have something in both hands.
         return true;
       else if (Layer == Layer.OneHanded && layer == Layer.TwoHanded && !(item is BaseShield) && !(item is BaseEquipableLight))
         m.SendLocalizedMessage(500215); // You can only wield one weapon at a time.
         return true;

       return false;

     public override bool AllowSecureTrade(Mobile from, Mobile to, Mobile newOwner, bool accepted)
       if (!Ethic.CheckTrade(from, to, newOwner, this))
         return false;

       return base.AllowSecureTrade(from, to, newOwner, accepted);

     public virtual Race RequiredRace { get { return null; } }
     //On OSI, there are no weapons with race requirements, this is for custom stuff

     #region SA
     public virtual bool CanBeWornByGargoyles { get { return false; } }

     public override bool CanEquip(Mobile from)
       if (!Ethic.CheckEquip(from, this))
         return false;

       #region Stygian Abyss
       if (from.Race == Race.Gargoyle && !CanBeWornByGargoyles && from.IsPlayer())
         from.SendLocalizedMessage(1111708); // Gargoyles can't wear this.
         return false;

       if (RequiredRace != null && from.Race != RequiredRace)
         if (RequiredRace == Race.Elf)
           from.SendLocalizedMessage(1072203); // Only Elves may use this.
           #region SA
         else if (RequiredRace == Race.Gargoyle)
           from.SendLocalizedMessage(1111707); // Only gargoyles can wear this.

           from.SendMessage("Only {0} may use this.", RequiredRace.PluralName);

         return false;
#region ItemID_Mods
  else if (m_Identified == false)
  from.SendMessage("You are hesitant to use something that is unknown to you.");
         return false;
       else if (from.Dex < DexRequirement)
         from.SendMessage("You are not nimble enough to equip that.");
         return false;
       else if (from.Str < AOS.Scale(StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq()))
         from.SendLocalizedMessage(500213); // You are not strong enough to equip that.
         return false;
       else if (from.Int < IntRequirement)
         from.SendMessage("You are not smart enough to equip that.");
         return false;
       else if (!from.CanBeginAction(typeof(BaseWeapon)))
         return false;
         #region Personal Bless Deed
       else if (BlessedBy != null && BlessedBy != from)
         from.SendLocalizedMessage(1075277); // That item is blessed by another player.

         return false;
       else if (!XmlAttach.CheckCanEquip(this, from))
         return false;

         return base.CanEquip(from);

     public virtual bool UseSkillMod { get { return !Core.AOS; } }

     public override bool OnEquip(Mobile from)
       int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
       int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
       int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;

       if ((strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0))
         Mobile m = from;

         string modName = Serial.ToString();

         if (strBonus != 0)
           m.AddStatMod(new StatMod(StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero));

         if (dexBonus != 0)
           m.AddStatMod(new StatMod(StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero));

         if (intBonus != 0)
           m.AddStatMod(new StatMod(StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero));

       from.NextCombatTime = Core.TickCount + (int)GetDelay(from).TotalMilliseconds;

       if (UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular)
         if (m_SkillMod != null)

         m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod(AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5);

       if (Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30)
         if (m_MageMod != null)

         m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod(SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon);

       XmlAttach.CheckOnEquip(this, from);

       return true;

     public override void OnAdded(object parent)

       if (parent is Mobile)
         Mobile from = (Mobile)parent;

         if (Core.AOS)

         #region Mondain's Legacy Sets
         if (IsSetItem)
           m_SetEquipped = SetHelper.FullSetEquipped(from, SetID, Pieces);

           if (m_SetEquipped)
             m_LastEquipped = true;
             SetHelper.AddSetBonus(from, SetID);


     public override void OnRemoved(object parent)
       if (parent is Mobile)
         Mobile m = (Mobile)parent;
         BaseWeapon weapon = m.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

         string modName = Serial.ToString();

         m.RemoveStatMod(modName + "Str");
         m.RemoveStatMod(modName + "Dex");
         m.RemoveStatMod(modName + "Int");

         if (weapon != null)
           m.NextCombatTime = Core.TickCount + (int)weapon.GetDelay(m).TotalMilliseconds;

         if (UseSkillMod && m_SkillMod != null)
           m_SkillMod = null;

         if (m_MageMod != null)
           m_MageMod = null;

         if (Core.AOS)




         XmlAttach.CheckOnRemoved(this, parent);

         #region Mondain's Legacy Sets
         if (IsSetItem && m_SetEquipped)
           SetHelper.RemoveSetBonus(m, SetID, this);

     public virtual SkillName GetUsedSkill(Mobile m, bool checkSkillAttrs)
       SkillName sk;

       if (checkSkillAttrs && m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill != 0)
         double swrd = m.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Value;
         double fenc = m.Skills[SkillName.Fencing].Value;
         double mcng = m.Skills[SkillName.Macing].Value;
         double val;

         sk = SkillName.Swords;
         val = swrd;

         if (fenc > val)
           sk = SkillName.Fencing;
           val = fenc;
         if (mcng > val)
           sk = SkillName.Macing;
           val = mcng;
       else if (m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0)
         if (m.Skills[SkillName.Magery].Value > m.Skills[Skill].Value)
           sk = SkillName.Magery;
           sk = Skill;
         sk = Skill;

         if (sk != SkillName.Wrestling && !m.Player && !m.Body.IsHuman &&
           m.Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Value > m.Skills[sk].Value)
           sk = SkillName.Wrestling;

       return sk;

     public virtual double GetAttackSkillValue(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       return attacker.Skills[GetUsedSkill(attacker, true)].Value;

     public virtual double GetDefendSkillValue(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       return defender.Skills[GetUsedSkill(defender, true)].Value;

     private static bool CheckAnimal(Mobile m, Type type)
       return AnimalForm.UnderTransformation(m, type);

     public virtual bool CheckHit(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
       BaseWeapon defWeapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

       Skill atkSkill = attacker.Skills[atkWeapon.Skill];
       Skill defSkill = defender.Skills[defWeapon.Skill];

       double atkValue = atkWeapon.GetAttackSkillValue(attacker, defender);
       double defValue = defWeapon.GetDefendSkillValue(attacker, defender);

       double ourValue, theirValue;

       int bonus = GetHitChanceBonus();

       #region Stygian Abyss
       if (atkWeapon is BaseThrown)
         int min = ((BaseThrown)atkWeapon).MinThrowRange;
         int throwchances = 0;

         if (attacker.InRange(defender, 1))
           throwchances -= 12 - (int)(attacker.Skills[SkillName.Swords].Value / 10);
         else if (!attacker.InRange(defender, min - 1))
           throwchances -= 12;

         BaseShield shield = attacker.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded) as BaseShield;

         if (shield != null)
           throwchances -= 12 - (int)(attacker.Skills[SkillName.Parry].Value / 10);
           throwchances -= Math.Max(0, (10 - (attacker.Dex / 10)));

         if (throwchances < 0)
           throwchances = 0;

         bonus += throwchances;

       if (Core.AOS)
         if (atkValue <= -20.0)
           atkValue = -19.9;

         if (defValue <= -20.0)
           defValue = -19.9;

         bonus += AosAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosAttribute.AttackChance);

         if (DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect(attacker))
           bonus += 10; // attacker gets 10% bonus when they're under divine fury

         if (CheckAnimal(attacker, typeof(GreyWolf)) || CheckAnimal(attacker, typeof(BakeKitsune)))
           bonus += 20; // attacker gets 20% bonus when under Wolf or Bake Kitsune form

         if (HitLower.IsUnderAttackEffect(attacker))
           bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Attack effect -> 25% malus

         WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility(attacker);

         if (ability != null)
           bonus += ability.AccuracyBonus;

         SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove(attacker);

         if (move != null)
           bonus += move.GetAccuracyBonus(attacker);

         // Max Hit Chance Increase = 45%
         if (bonus > 45)
           bonus = 45;

         ourValue = (atkValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);

         bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue(defender, AosAttribute.DefendChance);

         if (DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect(defender))
           bonus -= 20; // defender loses 20% bonus when they're under divine fury

         if (HitLower.IsUnderDefenseEffect(defender))
           bonus -= 25; // Under Hit Lower Defense effect -> 25% malus

         int blockBonus = 0;

         if (Block.GetBonus(defender, ref blockBonus))
           bonus += blockBonus;

         int surpriseMalus = 0;

         if (SurpriseAttack.GetMalus(defender, ref surpriseMalus))
           bonus -= surpriseMalus;

         int discordanceEffect = 0;

         // Defender loses -0/-28% if under the effect of Discordance.
         if (Discordance.GetEffect(attacker, ref discordanceEffect))
           bonus -= discordanceEffect;

         // Defense Chance Increase = 45%
         if (bonus > 45)
           bonus = 45;

         theirValue = (defValue + 20.0) * (100 + bonus);

         bonus = 0;
         if (atkValue <= -50.0)
           atkValue = -49.9;

         if (defValue <= -50.0)
           defValue = -49.9;

         ourValue = (atkValue + 50.0);
         theirValue = (defValue + 50.0);

       double chance = ourValue / (theirValue * 2.0);

       chance *= 1.0 + ((double)bonus / 100);

       if (Core.AOS && chance < 0.02)
         chance = 0.02;

       return attacker.CheckSkill(atkSkill.SkillName, chance);

     public virtual TimeSpan GetDelay(Mobile m)
       double speed = Speed;

       if (speed == 0)
         return TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0);

       double delayInSeconds;

       if (Core.SE)
  * This is likely true for Core.AOS as well... both guides report the same
  * formula, and both are wrong.
  * The old formula left in for AOS for legacy & because we aren't quite 100%
  * Sure that AOS has THIS formula
         int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue(m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed);

         if (DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect(m))
           bonus += 10;

         // Bonus granted by successful use of Honorable Execution.
         bonus += HonorableExecution.GetSwingBonus(m);

         if (DualWield.Registry.Contains(m))
           bonus += ((DualWield.DualWieldTimer)DualWield.Registry[m]).BonusSwingSpeed;

         if (Feint.Registry.Contains(m))
           bonus -= ((Feint.FeintTimer)Feint.Registry[m]).SwingSpeedReduction;

         TransformContext context = TransformationSpellHelper.GetContext(m);

         if (context != null && context.Spell is ReaperFormSpell)
           bonus += ((ReaperFormSpell)context.Spell).SwingSpeedBonus;

         int discordanceEffect = 0;

         // Discordance gives a malus of -0/-28% to swing speed.
         if (Discordance.GetEffect(m, ref discordanceEffect))
           bonus -= discordanceEffect;

         if (EssenceOfWindSpell.IsDebuffed(m))
           bonus -= EssenceOfWindSpell.GetSSIMalus(m);

         if (bonus > 60)
           bonus = 60;

         double ticks;

         if (Core.ML)
           int stamTicks = m.Stam / 30;

           ticks = speed * 4;
           ticks = Math.Floor((ticks - stamTicks) * (100.0 / (100 + bonus)));
           speed = Math.Floor(speed * (bonus + 100.0) / 100.0);

           if (speed <= 0)
             speed = 1;

           ticks = Math.Floor((80000.0 / ((m.Stam + 100) * speed)) - 2);

         // Swing speed currently capped at one swing every 1.25 seconds (5 ticks).
         if (ticks < 5)
           ticks = 5;

         delayInSeconds = ticks * 0.25;
       else if (Core.AOS)
         int v = (m.Stam + 100) * (int)speed;

         int bonus = AosAttributes.GetValue(m, AosAttribute.WeaponSpeed);

         if (DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect(m))
           bonus += 10;

         int discordanceEffect = 0;

         // Discordance gives a malus of -0/-28% to swing speed.
         if (Discordance.GetEffect(m, ref discordanceEffect))
           bonus -= discordanceEffect;

         v += AOS.Scale(v, bonus);

         if (v <= 0)
           v = 1;

         delayInSeconds = Math.Floor(40000.0 / v) * 0.5;

         // Maximum swing rate capped at one swing per second
         // OSI dev said that it has and is supposed to be 1.25
         if (delayInSeconds < 1.25)
           delayInSeconds = 1.25;
         int v = (m.Stam + 100) * (int)speed;

         if (v <= 0)
           v = 1;

         delayInSeconds = 15000.0 / v;

       return TimeSpan.FromSeconds(delayInSeconds);

     public virtual void OnBeforeSwing(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility(attacker);

       if (a != null && !a.OnBeforeSwing(attacker, defender))

       SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove(attacker);

       if (move != null && !move.OnBeforeSwing(attacker, defender))

     public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       return OnSwing(attacker, defender, 1.0);

     public virtual TimeSpan OnSwing(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus)
       bool canSwing = true;

       if (Core.AOS)
         canSwing = (!attacker.Paralyzed && !attacker.Frozen);

         if (canSwing)
           Spell sp = attacker.Spell as Spell;

           canSwing = (sp == null || !sp.IsCasting || !sp.BlocksMovement);

         if (canSwing)
           PlayerMobile p = attacker as PlayerMobile;

           canSwing = (p == null || p.PeacedUntil <= DateTime.UtcNow);

       #region Dueling
       if (attacker is PlayerMobile)
         PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)attacker;

         if (pm.DuelContext != null && !pm.DuelContext.CheckItemEquip(attacker, this))
           canSwing = false;

       if (canSwing && attacker.HarmfulCheck(defender))

         if (attacker.NetState != null)
           attacker.Send(new Swing(0, attacker, defender));

         if (attacker is BaseCreature)
           BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
           WeaponAbility ab = bc.GetWeaponAbility();

           if (ab != null)
             if (bc.WeaponAbilityChance > Utility.RandomDouble())
               WeaponAbility.SetCurrentAbility(bc, ab);

         if (CheckHit(attacker, defender))
           OnHit(attacker, defender, damageBonus);
           OnMiss(attacker, defender);

       return GetDelay(attacker);

     #region Sounds
     public virtual int GetHitAttackSound(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       int sound = attacker.GetAttackSound();

       if (sound == -1)
         sound = HitSound;

       return sound;

     public virtual int GetHitDefendSound(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       return defender.GetHurtSound();

     public virtual int GetMissAttackSound(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       if (attacker.GetAttackSound() == -1)
         return MissSound;
         return -1;

     public virtual int GetMissDefendSound(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       return -1;

     public static bool CheckParry(Mobile defender)
       if (defender == null)
         return false;

       BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded) as BaseShield;

       double parry = defender.Skills[SkillName.Parry].Value;
       double bushidoNonRacial = defender.Skills[SkillName.Bushido].NonRacialValue;
       double bushido = defender.Skills[SkillName.Bushido].Value;

       if (shield != null)
         double chance = (parry - bushidoNonRacial) / 400.0;
           // As per OSI, no negitive effect from the Racial stuffs, ie, 120 parry and '0' bushido with humans

         if (chance < 0) // chance shouldn't go below 0
           chance = 0;

         // Parry/Bushido over 100 grants a 5% bonus.
         if (parry >= 100.0 || bushido >= 100.0)
           chance += 0.05;

         // Evasion grants a variable bonus post ML. 50% prior.
         if (Evasion.IsEvading(defender))
           chance *= Evasion.GetParryScalar(defender);

         // Low dexterity lowers the chance.
         if (defender.Dex < 80)
           chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;

         return defender.CheckSkill(SkillName.Parry, chance);
       else if (!(defender.Weapon is Fists) && !(defender.Weapon is BaseRanged))
         BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

         double divisor = (weapon.Layer == Layer.OneHanded) ? 48000.0 : 41140.0;

         double chance = (parry * bushido) / divisor;

         double aosChance = parry / 800.0;

         // Parry or Bushido over 100 grant a 5% bonus.
         if (parry >= 100.0)
           chance += 0.05;
           aosChance += 0.05;
         else if (bushido >= 100.0)
           chance += 0.05;

         // Evasion grants a variable bonus post ML. 50% prior.
         if (Evasion.IsEvading(defender))
           chance *= Evasion.GetParryScalar(defender);

         // Low dexterity lowers the chance.
         if (defender.Dex < 80)
           chance = chance * (20 + defender.Dex) / 100;

         if (chance > aosChance)
           return defender.CheckSkill(SkillName.Parry, chance);
           return (aosChance > Utility.RandomDouble());
             // Only skillcheck if wielding a shield & there's no effect from Bushido

       return false;

     public virtual int AbsorbDamageAOS(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage)
       int originalDamage = damage;

       bool blocked = false;

       if (defender.Player || defender.Body.IsHuman)
         blocked = CheckParry(defender);

         if (blocked)
           defender.FixedEffect(0x37B9, 10, 16);
           damage = 0;

           // Successful block removes the Honorable Execution penalty.

           if (CounterAttack.IsCountering(defender))
             BaseWeapon weapon = defender.Weapon as BaseWeapon;

             if (weapon != null)
               defender.FixedParticles(0x3779, 1, 15, 0x158B, 0x0, 0x3, EffectLayer.Waist);
               weapon.OnSwing(defender, attacker);


           if (Confidence.IsConfident(defender))
               // Your confidence reassures you as you successfully block your opponent's blow.

             double bushido = defender.Skills.Bushido.Value;

             defender.Hits += Utility.RandomMinMax(1, (int)(bushido / 12));
             defender.Stam += Utility.RandomMinMax(1, (int)(bushido / 5));

           BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded) as BaseShield;

           if (shield != null)
             shield.OnHit(this, damage);

             XmlAttach.OnArmorHit(attacker, defender, shield, this, originalDamage);

       if (!blocked)
         double positionChance = Utility.RandomDouble();

         Item armorItem;

         if (positionChance < 0.07)
           armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
         else if (positionChance < 0.14)
           armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
         else if (positionChance < 0.28)
           armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
         else if (positionChance < 0.43)
           armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
         else if (positionChance < 0.65)
           armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
           armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;

         IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;

         if (armor != null)
           armor.OnHit(this, damage); // call OnHit to lose durability
           damage -= XmlAttach.OnArmorHit(attacker, defender, armorItem, this, originalDamage);

       return damage;

     public virtual int AbsorbDamage(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage)
       if (Core.AOS)
         return AbsorbDamageAOS(attacker, defender, damage);

       BaseShield shield = defender.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.TwoHanded) as BaseShield;
       if (shield != null)
         damage = shield.OnHit(this, damage);

       double chance = Utility.RandomDouble();

       Item armorItem;

       if (chance < 0.07)
         armorItem = defender.NeckArmor;
       else if (chance < 0.14)
         armorItem = defender.HandArmor;
       else if (chance < 0.28)
         armorItem = defender.ArmsArmor;
       else if (chance < 0.43)
         armorItem = defender.HeadArmor;
       else if (chance < 0.65)
         armorItem = defender.LegsArmor;
         armorItem = defender.ChestArmor;

       IWearableDurability armor = armorItem as IWearableDurability;

       if (armor != null)
         damage = armor.OnHit(this, damage);

       int virtualArmor = defender.VirtualArmor + defender.VirtualArmorMod;

       damage -= XmlAttach.OnArmorHit(attacker, defender, armorItem, this, damage);
       damage -= XmlAttach.OnArmorHit(attacker, defender, shield, this, damage);

       if (virtualArmor > 0)
         double scalar;

         if (chance < 0.14)
           scalar = 0.07;
         else if (chance < 0.28)
           scalar = 0.14;
         else if (chance < 0.43)
           scalar = 0.15;
         else if (chance < 0.65)
           scalar = 0.22;
           scalar = 0.35;

         int from = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar) / 2;
         int to = (int)(virtualArmor * scalar);

         damage -= Utility.Random(from, (to - from) + 1);

       return damage;

     public virtual int GetPackInstinctBonus(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       if (attacker.Player || defender.Player)
         return 0;

       BaseCreature bc = attacker as BaseCreature;

       if (bc == null || bc.PackInstinct == PackInstinct.None || (!bc.Controlled && !bc.Summoned))
         return 0;

       Mobile master = bc.ControlMaster;

       if (master == null)
         master = bc.SummonMaster;

       if (master == null)
         return 0;

       int inPack = 1;

       foreach (Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange(1))
         if (m != attacker && m is BaseCreature)
           BaseCreature tc = (BaseCreature)m;

           if ((tc.PackInstinct & bc.PackInstinct) == 0 || (!tc.Controlled && !tc.Summoned))

           Mobile theirMaster = tc.ControlMaster;

           if (theirMaster == null)
             theirMaster = tc.SummonMaster;

           if (master == theirMaster && tc.Combatant == defender)

       if (inPack >= 5)
         return 100;
       else if (inPack >= 4)
         return 75;
       else if (inPack >= 3)
         return 50;
       else if (inPack >= 2)
         return 25;

       return 0;

     private static bool m_InDoubleStrike;

     public static bool InDoubleStrike { get { return m_InDoubleStrike; } set { m_InDoubleStrike = value; } }

     public void OnHit(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       OnHit(attacker, defender, 1.0);

     public virtual void OnHit(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, double damageBonus)
       if (MirrorImage.HasClone(defender) && (defender.Skills.Ninjitsu.Value / 150.0) > Utility.RandomDouble())
         Clone bc;

         foreach (Mobile m in defender.GetMobilesInRange(4))
           bc = m as Clone;

           if (bc != null && bc.Summoned && bc.SummonMaster == defender)
             attacker.SendLocalizedMessage(1063141); // Your attack has been diverted to a nearby mirror image of your target!
             defender.SendLocalizedMessage(1063140); // You manage to divert the attack onto one of your nearby mirror images.

  * TODO: What happens if the Clone parries a blow?
  * And what about if the attacker is using Honorable Execution
  * and kills it?

             defender = m;


       attacker.PlaySound(GetHitAttackSound(attacker, defender));
       defender.PlaySound(GetHitDefendSound(attacker, defender));

       int damage = ComputeDamage(attacker, defender);

       #region Damage Multipliers
  * The following damage bonuses multiply damage by a factor.
  * Capped at x3 (300%).
       int percentageBonus = 0;

       WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility(attacker);
       SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove(attacker);

       if (a != null)
         percentageBonus += (int)(a.DamageScalar * 100) - 100;

       if (move != null)
         percentageBonus += (int)(move.GetDamageScalar(attacker, defender) * 100) - 100;

       percentageBonus += (int)(damageBonus * 100) - 100;

       CheckSlayerResult cs = CheckSlayers(attacker, defender);

       if (cs != CheckSlayerResult.None)
         if (cs == CheckSlayerResult.Slayer)
           defender.FixedEffect(0x37B9, 10, 5);

         percentageBonus += 100;

       if (!attacker.Player)
         if (defender is PlayerMobile)
           PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)defender;

           if (pm.EnemyOfOneType != null && pm.EnemyOfOneType != attacker.GetType())
             percentageBonus += 100;
       else if (!defender.Player)
         if (attacker is PlayerMobile)
           PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)attacker;

           if (pm.WaitingForEnemy)
             pm.EnemyOfOneType = defender.GetType();
             pm.WaitingForEnemy = false;

           if (pm.EnemyOfOneType == defender.GetType())
             defender.FixedEffect(0x37B9, 10, 5, 1160, 0);

             percentageBonus += 50;

       int packInstinctBonus = GetPackInstinctBonus(attacker, defender);

       if (packInstinctBonus != 0)
         percentageBonus += packInstinctBonus;

       if (m_InDoubleStrike)
         percentageBonus -= 10;

       TransformContext context = TransformationSpellHelper.GetContext(defender);

       if ((m_Slayer == SlayerName.Silver || m_Slayer2 == SlayerName.Silver) && context != null &&
         context.Spell is NecromancerSpell && context.Type != typeof(HorrificBeastSpell))
         // Every necromancer transformation other than horrific beast takes an additional 25% damage
         percentageBonus += 25;

       if (attacker is PlayerMobile && !(Core.ML && defender is PlayerMobile))
         PlayerMobile pmAttacker = (PlayerMobile)attacker;

         if (pmAttacker.HonorActive && pmAttacker.InRange(defender, 1))
           percentageBonus += 25;

         if (pmAttacker.SentHonorContext != null && pmAttacker.SentHonorContext.Target == defender)
           percentageBonus += pmAttacker.SentHonorContext.PerfectionDamageBonus;

       #region Stygian Abyss
       percentageBonus += BattleLust.GetBonus(attacker, defender);

       if (this is BaseThrown)
         int max = ((BaseThrown)this).MaxThrowRange;

         if (attacker.InRange(defender, max))
           percentageBonus += -47;

       #region Mondain's Legacy
       if (Core.ML)
         BaseTalisman talisman = attacker.Talisman as BaseTalisman;

         if (talisman != null && talisman.Killer != null)
           percentageBonus += talisman.Killer.DamageBonus(defender);

         if (this is ButchersWarCleaver)
           if (defender is Bull || defender is Cow || defender is Gaman)
             percentageBonus += 100;

       percentageBonus = Math.Min(percentageBonus, 300);

       damage = AOS.Scale(damage, 100 + percentageBonus);

       if (attacker is BaseCreature)
         ((BaseCreature)attacker).AlterMeleeDamageTo(defender, ref damage);

       if (defender is BaseCreature)
         ((BaseCreature)defender).AlterMeleeDamageFrom(attacker, ref damage);

       damage = AbsorbDamage(attacker, defender, damage);

       if (!Core.AOS && damage < 1)
         damage = 1;
       else if (Core.AOS && damage == 0) // parried
         if (a != null && a.Validate(attacker) /*&& a.CheckMana( attacker, true )*/)
           // Parried special moves have no mana cost
           a = null;

           attacker.SendLocalizedMessage(1061140); // Your attack was parried!

         #region Stygian Abyss
         if (AosArmorAttributes.GetValue(defender, AosArmorAttribute.ReactiveParalyze) > Utility.RandomMinMax(1, 100))

       #region Mondain's Legacy
       if (m_Immolating)
         int d = ImmolatingWeaponSpell.GetImmolatingDamage(this);
         d = AOS.Damage(defender, attacker, d, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);

         AttuneWeaponSpell.TryAbsorb(defender, ref d);

         if (d > 0)

       AddBlood(attacker, defender, damage);

       int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy, chaos, direct;

       GetDamageTypes(attacker, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy, out chaos, out direct);

       if (Core.ML && this is BaseRanged)
         BaseQuiver quiver = attacker.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Cloak) as BaseQuiver;

         if (quiver != null)
           quiver.AlterBowDamage(ref phys, ref fire, ref cold, ref pois, ref nrgy, ref chaos, ref direct);

       if (m_Consecrated)
         phys = defender.PhysicalResistance;
         fire = defender.FireResistance;
         cold = defender.ColdResistance;
         pois = defender.PoisonResistance;
         nrgy = defender.EnergyResistance;

         int low = phys, type = 0;

         if (fire < low)
           low = fire;
           type = 1;
         if (cold < low)
           low = cold;
           type = 2;
         if (pois < low)
           low = pois;
           type = 3;
         if (nrgy < low)
           low = nrgy;
           type = 4;

         phys = fire = cold = pois = nrgy = chaos = direct = 0;

         if (type == 0)
           phys = 100;
         else if (type == 1)
           fire = 100;
         else if (type == 2)
           cold = 100;
         else if (type == 3)
           pois = 100;
         else if (type == 4)
           nrgy = 100;

       // TODO: Scale damage, alongside the leech effects below, to weapon speed.
       if (ImmolatingWeaponSpell.IsImmolating(this) && damage > 0)
         ImmolatingWeaponSpell.DoEffect(this, defender);

       int damageGiven = damage;

       if (a != null && !a.OnBeforeDamage(attacker, defender))
         a = null;

       if (move != null && !move.OnBeforeDamage(attacker, defender))
         move = null;

       bool ignoreArmor = (a is ArmorIgnore || (move != null && move.IgnoreArmor(attacker)));

       damageGiven = AOS.Damage(
         this is BaseRanged,

       double propertyBonus = (move == null) ? 1.0 : move.GetPropertyBonus(attacker);

       if (Core.AOS)
         int lifeLeech = 0;
         int stamLeech = 0;
         int manaLeech = 0;
         int wraithLeech = 0;

         if ((int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechHits) * propertyBonus) >
           lifeLeech += 30; // HitLeechHits% chance to leech 30% of damage as hit points

         if ((int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechStam) * propertyBonus) >
           stamLeech += 100; // HitLeechStam% chance to leech 100% of damage as stamina

         if ((int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitLeechMana) * propertyBonus) >
           manaLeech += 40; // HitLeechMana% chance to leech 40% of damage as mana

         if (m_Cursed)
           lifeLeech += 50; // Additional 50% life leech for cursed weapons (necro spell)

         context = TransformationSpellHelper.GetContext(attacker);

         if (context != null && context.Type == typeof(VampiricEmbraceSpell))
           lifeLeech += 20; // Vampiric embrace gives an additional 20% life leech

         if (context != null && context.Type == typeof(WraithFormSpell))
           wraithLeech = (5 + (int)((15 * attacker.Skills.SpiritSpeak.Value) / 100));
             // Wraith form gives an additional 5-20% mana leech

           // Mana leeched by the Wraith Form spell is actually stolen, not just leeched.
           defender.Mana -= AOS.Scale(damageGiven, wraithLeech);

           manaLeech += wraithLeech;

         if (lifeLeech != 0)
           attacker.Hits += AOS.Scale(damageGiven, lifeLeech);

         if (stamLeech != 0)
           attacker.Stam += AOS.Scale(damageGiven, stamLeech);

         if (manaLeech != 0)
           attacker.Mana += AOS.Scale(damageGiven, manaLeech);

         if (lifeLeech != 0 || stamLeech != 0 || manaLeech != 0)

       if (m_MaxHits > 0 &&
         ((MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental || defender is CorrosiveSlime)) ||
          Utility.Random(25) == 0)) // Stratics says 50% chance, seems more like 4%..
         if (MaxRange <= 1 && (defender is Slime || defender is ToxicElemental || defender is CorrosiveSlime))
           attacker.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500263); // *Acid blood scars your weapon!*

         if (Core.AOS &&
           m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair + (IsSetItem && m_SetEquipped ? m_SetSelfRepair : 0) > Utility.Random(10))
           HitPoints += 2;
           if (m_Hits > 0)
           else if (m_MaxHits > 1)

             if (Parent is Mobile)
               ((Mobile)Parent).LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1061121);
                 // Your equipment is severely damaged.

       if (attacker is VampireBatFamiliar)
         BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)attacker;
         Mobile caster = bc.ControlMaster;

         if (caster == null)
           caster = bc.SummonMaster;

         if (caster != null && caster.Map == bc.Map && caster.InRange(bc, 2))
           caster.Hits += damage;
           bc.Hits += damage;

       if (Core.AOS)
         int physChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitPhysicalArea) * propertyBonus);
         int fireChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitFireArea) * propertyBonus);
         int coldChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitColdArea) * propertyBonus);
         int poisChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitPoisonArea) * propertyBonus);
         int nrgyChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitEnergyArea) * propertyBonus);

         if (physChance != 0 && physChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoAreaAttack(attacker, defender, 0x10E, 50, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0);

         if (fireChance != 0 && fireChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoAreaAttack(attacker, defender, 0x11D, 1160, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);

         if (coldChance != 0 && coldChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoAreaAttack(attacker, defender, 0x0FC, 2100, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);

         if (poisChance != 0 && poisChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoAreaAttack(attacker, defender, 0x205, 1166, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0);

         if (nrgyChance != 0 && nrgyChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoAreaAttack(attacker, defender, 0x1F1, 120, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100);

         int maChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitMagicArrow) * propertyBonus);
         int harmChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitHarm) * propertyBonus);
         int fireballChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitFireball) * propertyBonus);
         int lightningChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitLightning) * propertyBonus);
         int dispelChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitDispel) * propertyBonus);

         #region Stygian Abyss
         int curseChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitCurse * propertyBonus);
         int fatigueChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFatigue * propertyBonus);
         int manadrainChance = (int)(m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitManaDrain * propertyBonus);

         if (maChance != 0 && maChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoMagicArrow(attacker, defender);

         if (harmChance != 0 && harmChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoHarm(attacker, defender);

         if (fireballChance != 0 && fireballChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoFireball(attacker, defender);

         if (lightningChance != 0 && lightningChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoLightning(attacker, defender);

         if (dispelChance != 0 && dispelChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoDispel(attacker, defender);

         #region Stygian Abyss
         if (curseChance != 0 && curseChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoCurse(attacker, defender);

         if (fatigueChance != 0 && fatigueChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoFatigue(attacker, defender, damageGiven);

         if (manadrainChance != 0 && manadrainChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoManaDrain(attacker, defender, damageGiven);

         int laChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitLowerAttack) * propertyBonus);
         int ldChance = (int)(AosWeaponAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosWeaponAttribute.HitLowerDefend) * propertyBonus);

         if (laChance != 0 && laChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoLowerAttack(attacker, defender);

         if (ldChance != 0 && ldChance > Utility.Random(100))
           DoLowerDefense(attacker, defender);

       if (attacker is BaseCreature)

       if (defender is BaseCreature)

       if (a != null)
         a.OnHit(attacker, defender, damage);

       if (move != null)
         move.OnHit(attacker, defender, damage);

       if (defender is IHonorTarget && ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext != null)

       if (!(this is BaseRanged))
         if (AnimalForm.UnderTransformation(attacker, typeof(GiantSerpent)))
           defender.ApplyPoison(attacker, Poison.Lesser);

         if (AnimalForm.UnderTransformation(defender, typeof(BullFrog)))
           attacker.ApplyPoison(defender, Poison.Regular);

       XmlAttach.OnWeaponHit(this, attacker, defender, damageGiven);

     public virtual double GetAosDamage(Mobile attacker, int bonus, int dice, int sides)
       int damage = Utility.Dice(dice, sides, bonus) * 100;
       int damageBonus = 0;

       // Inscription bonus
       int inscribeSkill = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Inscribe].Fixed;

       damageBonus += inscribeSkill / 200;

       if (inscribeSkill >= 1000)
         damageBonus += 5;

       if (attacker.Player)
         // Int bonus
         damageBonus += (attacker.Int / 10);

         // SDI bonus
         damageBonus += AosAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosAttribute.SpellDamage);

         TransformContext context = TransformationSpellHelper.GetContext(attacker);

         if (context != null && context.Spell is ReaperFormSpell)
           damageBonus += ((ReaperFormSpell)context.Spell).SpellDamageBonus;

       damage = AOS.Scale(damage, 100 + damageBonus);

       return damage / 100;

     #region Do<AoSEffect>
     public virtual void DoMagicArrow(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       if (!attacker.CanBeHarmful(defender, false))


       double damage = GetAosDamage(attacker, 10, 1, 4);

       attacker.MovingParticles(defender, 0x36E4, 5, 0, false, true, 3006, 4006, 0);

       SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);

     public virtual void DoHarm(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       if (!attacker.CanBeHarmful(defender, false))


       double damage = GetAosDamage(attacker, 17, 1, 5);

       if (!defender.InRange(attacker, 2))
         damage *= 0.25; // 1/4 damage at > 2 tile range
       else if (!defender.InRange(attacker, 1))
         damage *= 0.50; // 1/2 damage at 2 tile range

       defender.FixedParticles(0x374A, 10, 30, 5013, 1153, 2, EffectLayer.Waist);

       SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0);

     public virtual void DoFireball(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       if (!attacker.CanBeHarmful(defender, false))


       double damage = GetAosDamage(attacker, 19, 1, 5);

       attacker.MovingParticles(defender, 0x36D4, 7, 0, false, true, 9502, 4019, 0x160);

       SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), defender, attacker, damage, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0);

     public virtual void DoLightning(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       if (!attacker.CanBeHarmful(defender, false))


       double damage = GetAosDamage(attacker, 23, 1, 4);


       SpellHelper.Damage(TimeSpan.Zero, defender, attacker, damage, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100);

     public virtual void DoDispel(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       bool dispellable = false;

       if (defender is BaseCreature)
         dispellable = ((BaseCreature)defender).Summoned && !((BaseCreature)defender).IsAnimatedDead;

       if (!dispellable)

       if (!attacker.CanBeHarmful(defender, false))


       MagerySpell sp = new DispelSpell(attacker, null);

       if (sp.CheckResisted(defender))
         defender.FixedEffect(0x3779, 10, 20);
           EffectItem.Create(defender.Location, defender.Map, EffectItem.DefaultDuration), 0x3728, 8, 20, 5042);
         Effects.PlaySound(defender, defender.Map, 0x201);


     #region Stygian Abyss
     public virtual void DoCurse(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       attacker.SendLocalizedMessage(1113717); // You have hit your target with a curse effect.
       defender.SendLocalizedMessage(1113718); // You have been hit with a curse effect.
       defender.FixedParticles(0x374A, 10, 15, 5028, EffectLayer.Waist);
         new StatMod(StatType.Str, String.Format("[Magic] {0} Offset", StatType.Str), -10, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)));
         new StatMod(StatType.Dex, String.Format("[Magic] {0} Offset", StatType.Dex), -10, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)));
         new StatMod(StatType.Int, String.Format("[Magic] {0} Offset", StatType.Int), -10, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)));

       int percentage = -10; //(int)(SpellHelper.GetOffsetScalar(Caster, m, true) * 100);
       string args = String.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}", percentage, percentage, percentage, 10, 10, 10, 10);

       BuffInfo.AddBuff(defender, new BuffInfo(BuffIcon.Curse, 1075835, 1075836, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), defender, args));

     public virtual void DoFatigue(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damagegiven)
       // Message?
       // Effects?
       defender.Stam -= (damagegiven * (100 - m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFatigue)) / 100;

     public virtual void DoManaDrain(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damagegiven)
       // Message?
       defender.FixedParticles(0x3789, 10, 25, 5032, EffectLayer.Head);
       defender.Mana -= (damagegiven * (100 - m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitManaDrain)) / 100;

     public virtual void DoLowerAttack(Mobile from, Mobile defender)
       if (HitLower.ApplyAttack(defender))
         Effects.SendTargetEffect(defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0xA, 3);

     public virtual void DoLowerDefense(Mobile from, Mobile defender)
       if (HitLower.ApplyDefense(defender))
         Effects.SendTargetEffect(defender, 0x37BE, 1, 4, 0x23, 3);

     public virtual void DoAreaAttack(
       Mobile from, Mobile defender, int sound, int hue, int phys, int fire, int cold, int pois, int nrgy)
       Map map = from.Map;

       if (map == null)

       var list = new List<Mobile>();

       foreach (Mobile m in from.GetMobilesInRange(10))
         if (from != m && defender != m && SpellHelper.ValidIndirectTarget(from, m) && from.CanBeHarmful(m, false) &&
           (!Core.ML || from.InLOS(m)))

       if (list.Count == 0)

       Effects.PlaySound(from.Location, map, sound);

       // TODO: What is the damage calculation?

       for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
         Mobile m = list[i];

         double scalar = (11 - from.GetDistanceToSqrt(m)) / 10;

         if (scalar > 1.0)
           scalar = 1.0;
         else if (scalar < 0.0)

         from.DoHarmful(m, true);
         m.FixedEffect(0x3779, 1, 15, hue, 0);
         AOS.Damage(m, from, (int)(GetBaseDamage(from) * scalar), phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy);

     public virtual CheckSlayerResult CheckSlayers(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       BaseWeapon atkWeapon = attacker.Weapon as BaseWeapon;
       SlayerEntry atkSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(atkWeapon.Slayer);
       SlayerEntry atkSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(atkWeapon.Slayer2);

  if (atkSlayer != null && atkSlayer.Slays(defender) || atkSlayer2 != null && atkSlayer2.Slays(defender))
         return CheckSlayerResult.Slayer;

       BaseTalisman talisman = attacker.Talisman as BaseTalisman;

       if (talisman != null && TalismanSlayer.Slays(talisman.Slayer, defender))
         return CheckSlayerResult.Slayer;

       if (!Core.SE)
         ISlayer defISlayer = Spellbook.FindEquippedSpellbook(defender);

         if (defISlayer == null)
           defISlayer = defender.Weapon as ISlayer;

         if (defISlayer != null)
           SlayerEntry defSlayer = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(defISlayer.Slayer);
           SlayerEntry defSlayer2 = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(defISlayer.Slayer2);

           if (defSlayer != null && defSlayer.Group.OppositionSuperSlays(attacker) ||
             defSlayer2 != null && defSlayer2.Group.OppositionSuperSlays(attacker))
             return CheckSlayerResult.Opposition;

       return CheckSlayerResult.None;

     public virtual void AddBlood(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender, int damage)
       if (damage > 0)
         new Blood().MoveToWorld(defender.Location, defender.Map);

         int extraBlood = (Core.SE ? Utility.RandomMinMax(3, 4) : Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1));

         for (int i = 0; i < extraBlood; i++)
           new Blood().MoveToWorld(
             new Point3D(defender.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), defender.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), defender.Z),

     public virtual void GetDamageTypes(
       Mobile wielder, out int phys, out int fire, out int cold, out int pois, out int nrgy, out int chaos, out int direct)
       if (wielder is BaseCreature)
         BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)wielder;

         phys = bc.PhysicalDamage;
         fire = bc.FireDamage;
         cold = bc.ColdDamage;
         pois = bc.PoisonDamage;
         nrgy = bc.EnergyDamage;
         chaos = bc.ChaosDamage;
         direct = bc.DirectDamage;
         fire = m_AosElementDamages.Fire;
         cold = m_AosElementDamages.Cold;
         pois = m_AosElementDamages.Poison;
         nrgy = m_AosElementDamages.Energy;
         chaos = m_AosElementDamages.Chaos;
         direct = m_AosElementDamages.Direct;

         phys = 100 - fire - cold - pois - nrgy - chaos - direct;

         CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo(m_Resource);

         if (resInfo != null)
           CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

           if (attrInfo != null)
             int left = phys;

             left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage(attrInfo.WeaponColdDamage, ref cold, left);
             left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage(attrInfo.WeaponEnergyDamage, ref nrgy, left);
             left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage(attrInfo.WeaponFireDamage, ref fire, left);
             left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage(attrInfo.WeaponPoisonDamage, ref pois, left);
             left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage(attrInfo.WeaponChaosDamage, ref chaos, left);
             left = ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage(attrInfo.WeaponDirectDamage, ref direct, left);

             phys = left;

     private int ApplyCraftAttributeElementDamage(int attrDamage, ref int element, int totalRemaining)
       if (totalRemaining <= 0)
         return 0;

       if (attrDamage <= 0)
         return totalRemaining;

       int appliedDamage = attrDamage;

       if ((appliedDamage + element) > 100)
         appliedDamage = 100 - element;

       if (appliedDamage > totalRemaining)
         appliedDamage = totalRemaining;

       element += appliedDamage;

       return totalRemaining - appliedDamage;

     public virtual void OnMiss(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       attacker.PlaySound(GetMissAttackSound(attacker, defender));
       defender.PlaySound(GetMissDefendSound(attacker, defender));

       WeaponAbility ability = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility(attacker);

       if (ability != null)
         ability.OnMiss(attacker, defender);

       SpecialMove move = SpecialMove.GetCurrentMove(attacker);

       if (move != null)
         move.OnMiss(attacker, defender);

       if (defender is IHonorTarget && ((IHonorTarget)defender).ReceivedHonorContext != null)

     public virtual void GetBaseDamageRange(Mobile attacker, out int min, out int max)
       if (attacker is BaseCreature)
         BaseCreature c = (BaseCreature)attacker;

         if (c.DamageMin >= 0)
           min = c.DamageMin;
           max = c.DamageMax;

         if (this is Fists && !attacker.Body.IsHuman)
           min = attacker.Str / 28;
           max = attacker.Str / 28;

       min = MinDamage;
       max = MaxDamage;

     public virtual double GetBaseDamage(Mobile attacker)
       int min, max;

       GetBaseDamageRange(attacker, out min, out max);

       int damage = Utility.RandomMinMax(min, max);

       if (Core.AOS)
         return damage;

       /* Apply damage level offset
  * : Regular : 0
  * : Ruin  : 1
  * : Might  : 3
  * : Force  : 5
  * : Power  : 7
  * : Vanq  : 9
       if (m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular)
         damage += (2 * (int)m_DamageLevel) - 1;

       return damage;

     public virtual double GetBonus(double value, double scalar, double threshold, double offset)
       double bonus = value * scalar;

       if (value >= threshold)
         bonus += offset;

       return bonus / 100;

     public virtual int GetHitChanceBonus()
       if (!Core.AOS)
         return 0;

       int bonus = 0;

       switch (m_AccuracyLevel)
         case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate:
           bonus += 02;
         case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly:
           bonus += 04;
         case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently:
           bonus += 06;
         case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly:
           bonus += 08;
         case WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely:
           bonus += 10;

       return bonus;

     public virtual int GetDamageBonus()
       int bonus = VirtualDamageBonus;

       switch (m_Quality)
         case WeaponQuality.Low:
           bonus -= 20;
         case WeaponQuality.Exceptional:
           bonus += 20;

       switch (m_DamageLevel)
         case WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin:
           bonus += 15;
         case WeaponDamageLevel.Might:
           bonus += 20;
         case WeaponDamageLevel.Force:
           bonus += 25;
         case WeaponDamageLevel.Power:
           bonus += 30;
         case WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq:
           bonus += 35;

       return bonus;

     public virtual void GetStatusDamage(Mobile from, out int min, out int max)
       int baseMin, baseMax;

       GetBaseDamageRange(from, out baseMin, out baseMax);

       if (Core.AOS)
         min = Math.Max((int)ScaleDamageAOS(from, baseMin, false), 1);
         max = Math.Max((int)ScaleDamageAOS(from, baseMax, false), 1);
         min = Math.Max((int)ScaleDamageOld(from, baseMin, false), 1);
         max = Math.Max((int)ScaleDamageOld(from, baseMax, false), 1);

     public virtual double ScaleDamageAOS(Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills)
       if (checkSkills)
         attacker.CheckSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Cap);
           // Passively check tactics for gain
         attacker.CheckSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Cap);
           // Passively check Anatomy for gain

         if (Type == WeaponType.Axe)
           attacker.CheckSkill(SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain

       #region Physical bonuses
  * These are the bonuses given by the physical characteristics of the mobile.
  * No caps apply.
       double strengthBonus = GetBonus(attacker.Str, 0.300, 100.0, 5.00);
       double anatomyBonus = GetBonus(attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value, 0.500, 100.0, 5.00);
       double tacticsBonus = GetBonus(attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value, 0.625, 100.0, 6.25);
       double lumberBonus = GetBonus(attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value, 0.200, 100.0, 10.00);

       if (Type != WeaponType.Axe)
         lumberBonus = 0.0;

       #region Modifiers
  * The following are damage modifiers whose effect shows on the status bar.
  * Capped at 100% total.
       int damageBonus = AosAttributes.GetValue(attacker, AosAttribute.WeaponDamage);

       // Horrific Beast transformation gives a +25% bonus to damage.
       if (TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(attacker, typeof(HorrificBeastSpell)))
         damageBonus += 25;

       // Divine Fury gives a +10% bonus to damage.
       if (DivineFurySpell.UnderEffect(attacker))
         damageBonus += 10;

       int defenseMasteryMalus = 0;

       // Defense Mastery gives a -50%/-80% malus to damage.
       if (DefenseMastery.GetMalus(attacker, ref defenseMasteryMalus))
         damageBonus -= defenseMasteryMalus;

       int discordanceEffect = 0;

       // Discordance gives a -2%/-48% malus to damage.
       if (Discordance.GetEffect(attacker, ref discordanceEffect))
         damageBonus -= discordanceEffect * 2;

       if (damageBonus > 100)
         damageBonus = 100;

       double totalBonus = strengthBonus + anatomyBonus + tacticsBonus + lumberBonus +
                 ((GetDamageBonus() + damageBonus) / 100.0);

       return damage + (int)(damage * totalBonus);

     public virtual int VirtualDamageBonus { get { return 0; } }

     public virtual int ComputeDamageAOS(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       return (int)ScaleDamageAOS(attacker, GetBaseDamage(attacker), true);

     public virtual double ScaleDamageOld(Mobile attacker, double damage, bool checkSkills)
       if (checkSkills)
         attacker.CheckSkill(SkillName.Tactics, 0.0, attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Cap);
           // Passively check tactics for gain
         attacker.CheckSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, 0.0, attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Cap);
           // Passively check Anatomy for gain

         if (Type == WeaponType.Axe)
           attacker.CheckSkill(SkillName.Lumberjacking, 0.0, 100.0); // Passively check Lumberjacking for gain

       /* Compute tactics modifier
  * :  0.0 = 50% loss
  * :  50.0 = unchanged
  * : 100.0 = 50% bonus
       damage += (damage * ((attacker.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Value - 50.0) / 100.0));

       /* Compute strength modifier
  * : 1% bonus for every 5 strength
       double modifiers = (attacker.Str / 5.0) / 100.0;

       /* Compute anatomy modifier
  * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of anatomy
  * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher
       double anatomyValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value;
       modifiers += ((anatomyValue / 5.0) / 100.0);

       if (anatomyValue >= 100.0)
         modifiers += 0.1;

       /* Compute lumberjacking bonus
  * : 1% bonus for every 5 points of lumberjacking
  * : +10% bonus at Grandmaster or higher

       if (Type == WeaponType.Axe)
         double lumberValue = attacker.Skills[SkillName.Lumberjacking].Value;

         modifiers += ((lumberValue / 5.0) / 100.0);

         if (lumberValue >= 100.0)
           modifiers += 0.1;

       // New quality bonus:
       if (m_Quality != WeaponQuality.Regular)
         modifiers += (((int)m_Quality - 1) * 0.2);

       // Virtual damage bonus:
       if (VirtualDamageBonus != 0)
         modifiers += (VirtualDamageBonus / 100.0);

       // Apply bonuses
       damage += (damage * modifiers);

       return ScaleDamageByDurability((int)damage);

     public virtual int ScaleDamageByDurability(int damage)
       int scale = 100;

       if (m_MaxHits > 0 && m_Hits < m_MaxHits)
         scale = 50 + ((50 * m_Hits) / m_MaxHits);

       return AOS.Scale(damage, scale);

     public virtual int ComputeDamage(Mobile attacker, Mobile defender)
       if (Core.AOS)
         return ComputeDamageAOS(attacker, defender);

       int damage = (int)ScaleDamageOld(attacker, GetBaseDamage(attacker), true);

       // pre-AOS, halve damage if the defender is a player or the attacker is not a player
       if (defender is PlayerMobile || !(attacker is PlayerMobile))
         damage = (int)(damage / 2.0);

       return damage;

     public virtual void PlayHurtAnimation(Mobile from)
       int action;
       int frames;

       switch (from.Body.Type)
         case BodyType.Sea:
         case BodyType.Animal:
             action = 7;
             frames = 5;
         case BodyType.Monster:
             action = 10;
             frames = 4;
         case BodyType.Human:
             action = 20;
             frames = 5;

       if (from.Mounted)

       from.Animate(action, frames, 1, true, false, 0);

     public virtual void PlaySwingAnimation(Mobile from)
       int action;

       switch (from.Body.Type)
         case BodyType.Sea:
         case BodyType.Animal:
             action = Utility.Random(5, 2);
         case BodyType.Monster:
             switch (Animation)
               case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
               case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
               case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
               case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H:
               case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
               case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
               case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H:
                 action = Utility.Random(4, 3);
               case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow:
                 return; // 7
               case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow:
                 return; // 8

         case BodyType.Human:
             if (!from.Mounted)
               action = (int)Animation;
               switch (Animation)
                 case WeaponAnimation.Wrestle:
                 case WeaponAnimation.Bash1H:
                 case WeaponAnimation.Pierce1H:
                 case WeaponAnimation.Slash1H:
                   action = 26;
                 case WeaponAnimation.Bash2H:
                 case WeaponAnimation.Pierce2H:
                 case WeaponAnimation.Slash2H:
                   action = 29;
                 case WeaponAnimation.ShootBow:
                   action = 27;
                 case WeaponAnimation.ShootXBow:
                   action = 28;


       from.Animate(action, 7, 1, true, false, 0);

     #region Serialization/Deserialization
     private static void SetSaveFlag(ref SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toSet, bool setIf)
       if (setIf)
         flags |= toSet;

     private static bool GetSaveFlag(SaveFlag flags, SaveFlag toGet)
       return ((flags & toGet) != 0);

     public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

       writer.Write(12); // version
       writer.Write( m_IsShipwreckedItem );

       // Version 11

       // Version 10
       writer.Write(m_BlessedBy); // Bless Deed

       #region Veteran Rewards

       #region Mondain's Legacy

       #region Mondain's Legacy Sets
       SetFlag sflags = SetFlag.None;

       SetSaveFlag(ref sflags, SetFlag.Attributes, !m_SetAttributes.IsEmpty);
       SetSaveFlag(ref sflags, SetFlag.SkillBonuses, !m_SetSkillBonuses.IsEmpty);
       SetSaveFlag(ref sflags, SetFlag.Hue, m_SetHue != 0);
       SetSaveFlag(ref sflags, SetFlag.LastEquipped, m_LastEquipped);
       SetSaveFlag(ref sflags, SetFlag.SetEquipped, m_SetEquipped);
       SetSaveFlag(ref sflags, SetFlag.SetSelfRepair, m_SetSelfRepair != 0);


       if (GetSaveFlag(sflags, SetFlag.Attributes))

       if (GetSaveFlag(sflags, SetFlag.SkillBonuses))

       if (GetSaveFlag(sflags, SetFlag.Hue))

       if (GetSaveFlag(sflags, SetFlag.LastEquipped))

       if (GetSaveFlag(sflags, SetFlag.SetEquipped))

       if (GetSaveFlag(sflags, SetFlag.SetSelfRepair))

       // Version 9
       SaveFlag flags = SaveFlag.None;

       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel, m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel, m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel, m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Quality, m_Quality != WeaponQuality.Regular);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Hits, m_Hits != 0);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits, m_MaxHits != 0);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer, m_Slayer != SlayerName.None);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Poison, m_Poison != null);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges, m_PoisonCharges != 0);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Crafter, m_Crafter != null);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Identified, m_Identified != false );
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.StrReq, m_StrReq != -1);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.DexReq, m_DexReq != -1);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.IntReq, m_IntReq != -1);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage, m_MinDamage != -1);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage, m_MaxDamage != -1);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.HitSound, m_HitSound != -1);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.MissSound, m_MissSound != -1);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Speed, m_Speed != -1);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange, m_MaxRange != -1);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Skill, m_Skill != (SkillName)(-1));
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Type, m_Type != (WeaponType)(-1));
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Animation, m_Animation != (WeaponAnimation)(-1));
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Resource, m_Resource != CraftResource.Iron);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes, !m_AosAttributes.IsEmpty);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes, !m_AosWeaponAttributes.IsEmpty);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed, m_PlayerConstructed);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses, !m_AosSkillBonuses.IsEmpty);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2, m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages, !m_AosElementDamages.IsEmpty);
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.EngravedText, !String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_EngravedText));
       SetSaveFlag(ref flags, SaveFlag.xAbsorptionAttributes, !m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.IsEmpty);


       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Quality))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Hits))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Slayer))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Poison))
         Poison.Serialize(m_Poison, writer);

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Crafter))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.StrReq))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.DexReq))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.IntReq))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.HitSound))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.MissSound))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Speed))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Skill))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Type))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Animation))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Resource))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages))

       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.EngravedText))

       #region SA
       if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.xAbsorptionAttributes))

     private enum SaveFlag : uint
       None = 0x00000000,
       DamageLevel = 0x00000001,
       AccuracyLevel = 0x00000002,
       DurabilityLevel = 0x00000004,
       Quality = 0x00000008,
       Hits = 0x00000010,
       MaxHits = 0x00000020,
       Slayer = 0x00000040,
       Poison = 0x00000080,
       PoisonCharges = 0x00000100,
       Crafter = 0x00000200,
       Identified = 0x00000400,
       StrReq = 0x00000800,
       DexReq = 0x00001000,
       IntReq = 0x00002000,
       MinDamage = 0x00004000,
       MaxDamage = 0x00008000,
       HitSound = 0x00010000,
       MissSound = 0x00020000,
       Speed = 0x00040000,
       MaxRange = 0x00080000,
       Skill = 0x00100000,
       Type = 0x00200000,
       Animation = 0x00400000,
       Resource = 0x00800000,
       xAttributes = 0x01000000,
       xWeaponAttributes = 0x02000000,
       PlayerConstructed = 0x04000000,
       SkillBonuses = 0x08000000,
       Slayer2 = 0x10000000,
       ElementalDamages = 0x20000000,
       EngravedText = 0x40000000,
       xAbsorptionAttributes = 0x80000000

     #region Mondain's Legacy Sets
     private static void SetSaveFlag(ref SetFlag flags, SetFlag toSet, bool setIf)
       if (setIf)
         flags |= toSet;

     private static bool GetSaveFlag(SetFlag flags, SetFlag toGet)
       return ((flags & toGet) != 0);

     private enum SetFlag
       None = 0x00000000,
       Attributes = 0x00000001,
       WeaponAttributes = 0x00000002,
       SkillBonuses = 0x00000004,
       Hue = 0x00000008,
       LastEquipped = 0x00000010,
       SetEquipped = 0x00000020,
       SetSelfRepair = 0x00000040,

     public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

       int version = reader.ReadInt();

       switch (version)
         case 12:
           m_IsShipwreckedItem = reader.ReadBool();
           goto case 11;
         case 11:
             m_TimesImbued = reader.ReadInt();

             goto case 10;
         case 10:
             m_BlessedBy = reader.ReadMobile();
             m_EngravedText = reader.ReadString();
             m_Slayer3 = (TalismanSlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

             SetFlag flags = (SetFlag)reader.ReadEncodedInt();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SetFlag.Attributes))
               m_SetAttributes = new AosAttributes(this, reader);
               m_SetAttributes = new AosAttributes(this);

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SetFlag.WeaponAttributes))
               m_SetSelfRepair = (new AosWeaponAttributes(this, reader)).SelfRepair;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SetFlag.SkillBonuses))
               m_SetSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(this, reader);
               m_SetSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(this);

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SetFlag.Hue))
               m_SetHue = reader.ReadInt();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SetFlag.LastEquipped))
               m_LastEquipped = reader.ReadBool();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SetFlag.SetEquipped))
               m_SetEquipped = reader.ReadBool();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SetFlag.SetSelfRepair))
               m_SetSelfRepair = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

             goto case 5;
         case 9:
         case 8:
         case 7:
         case 6:
         case 5:
             SaveFlag flags = (SaveFlag)reader.ReadInt();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.DamageLevel))
               m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();

               if (m_DamageLevel > WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq)
                 m_DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.AccuracyLevel))
               m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();

               if (m_AccuracyLevel > WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely)
                 m_AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.DurabilityLevel))
               m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();

               if (m_DurabilityLevel > WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible)
                 m_DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Quality))
               m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();
               m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Hits))
               m_Hits = reader.ReadInt();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.MaxHits))
               m_MaxHits = reader.ReadInt();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Slayer))
               m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Poison))
               m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize(reader);

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.PoisonCharges))
               m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Crafter))
               m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Identified))
               m_Identified = (version >= 6 || reader.ReadBool());

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.StrReq))
               m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
               m_StrReq = -1;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.DexReq))
               m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
               m_DexReq = -1;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.IntReq))
               m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();
               m_IntReq = -1;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.MinDamage))
               m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
               m_MinDamage = -1;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.MaxDamage))
               m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();
               m_MaxDamage = -1;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.HitSound))
               m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
               m_HitSound = -1;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.MissSound))
               m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();
               m_MissSound = -1;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Speed))
               if (version < 9)
                 m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();
                 m_Speed = reader.ReadFloat();
               m_Speed = -1;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.MaxRange))
               m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();
               m_MaxRange = -1;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Skill))
               m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
               m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Type))
               m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
               m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Animation))
               m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
               m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Resource))
               m_Resource = (CraftResource)reader.ReadInt();
               m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.xAttributes))
               m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes(this, reader);
               m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes(this);

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.xWeaponAttributes))
               m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes(this, reader);
               m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes(this);

             if (UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile)
               m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod(AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5);

             if (version < 7 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0)
               m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon = 30 - m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon;

             if (Core.AOS && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 0 && m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon != 30 &&
               Parent is Mobile)
               m_MageMod = new DefaultSkillMod(SkillName.Magery, true, -30 + m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon);

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.PlayerConstructed))
               m_PlayerConstructed = true;

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.SkillBonuses))
               m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(this, reader);
               m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(this);

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.Slayer2))
               m_Slayer2 = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.ElementalDamages))
               m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes(this, reader);
               m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes(this);

             if (GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.EngravedText))
               m_EngravedText = reader.ReadString();

             #region Stygian Abyss
             if (version > 9 && GetSaveFlag(flags, SaveFlag.xAbsorptionAttributes))
               m_SAAbsorptionAttributes = new SAAbsorptionAttributes(this, reader);
               m_SAAbsorptionAttributes = new SAAbsorptionAttributes(this);

         case 4:
             m_Slayer = (SlayerName)reader.ReadInt();

             goto case 3;
         case 3:
             m_StrReq = reader.ReadInt();
             m_DexReq = reader.ReadInt();
             m_IntReq = reader.ReadInt();

             goto case 2;
         case 2:
             m_Identified = reader.ReadBool();

             goto case 1;
         case 1:
             m_MaxRange = reader.ReadInt();

             goto case 0;
         case 0:
             if (version == 0)
               m_MaxRange = 1; // default

             if (version < 5)
               m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;
               m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes(this);
               m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes(this);
               m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes(this);
               m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(this);

             m_MinDamage = reader.ReadInt();
             m_MaxDamage = reader.ReadInt();

             m_Speed = reader.ReadInt();

             m_HitSound = reader.ReadInt();
             m_MissSound = reader.ReadInt();

             m_Skill = (SkillName)reader.ReadInt();
             m_Type = (WeaponType)reader.ReadInt();
             m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)reader.ReadInt();
             m_DamageLevel = (WeaponDamageLevel)reader.ReadInt();
             m_AccuracyLevel = (WeaponAccuracyLevel)reader.ReadInt();
             m_DurabilityLevel = (WeaponDurabilityLevel)reader.ReadInt();
             m_Quality = (WeaponQuality)reader.ReadInt();

             m_Crafter = reader.ReadMobile();

             m_Poison = Poison.Deserialize(reader);
             m_PoisonCharges = reader.ReadInt();

             if (m_StrReq == OldStrengthReq)
               m_StrReq = -1;

             if (m_DexReq == OldDexterityReq)
               m_DexReq = -1;

             if (m_IntReq == OldIntelligenceReq)
               m_IntReq = -1;

             if (m_MinDamage == OldMinDamage)
               m_MinDamage = -1;

             if (m_MaxDamage == OldMaxDamage)
               m_MaxDamage = -1;

             if (m_HitSound == OldHitSound)
               m_HitSound = -1;

             if (m_MissSound == OldMissSound)
               m_MissSound = -1;

             if (m_Speed == OldSpeed)
               m_Speed = -1;

             if (m_MaxRange == OldMaxRange)
               m_MaxRange = -1;

             if (m_Skill == OldSkill)
               m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);

             if (m_Type == OldType)
               m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);

             if (m_Animation == OldAnimation)
               m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

             if (UseSkillMod && m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular && Parent is Mobile)
               m_SkillMod = new DefaultSkillMod(AccuracySkill, true, (int)m_AccuracyLevel * 5);


       #region Mondain's Legacy Sets
       if (m_SetAttributes == null)
         m_SetAttributes = new AosAttributes(this);

       if (m_SetSkillBonuses == null)
         m_SetSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(this);

       if (Core.AOS && Parent is Mobile)

       int strBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr;
       int dexBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex;
       int intBonus = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt;

       if (Parent is Mobile && (strBonus != 0 || dexBonus != 0 || intBonus != 0))
         Mobile m = (Mobile)Parent;

         string modName = Serial.ToString();

         if (strBonus != 0)
           m.AddStatMod(new StatMod(StatType.Str, modName + "Str", strBonus, TimeSpan.Zero));

         if (dexBonus != 0)
           m.AddStatMod(new StatMod(StatType.Dex, modName + "Dex", dexBonus, TimeSpan.Zero));

         if (intBonus != 0)
           m.AddStatMod(new StatMod(StatType.Int, modName + "Int", intBonus, TimeSpan.Zero));

       if (Parent is Mobile)

       if (m_Hits <= 0 && m_MaxHits <= 0)
         m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax(InitMinHits, InitMaxHits);

       if (version < 6)
         m_PlayerConstructed = true; // we don't know, so, assume it's crafted
     public override void AddNameProperties( ObjectPropertyList list )
       base.AddNameProperties( list );

       if ( m_IsShipwreckedItem )
         list.Add( 1041645 ); // recovered from a shipwreck

     public BaseWeapon(int itemID)
       : base(itemID)
       Layer = (Layer)ItemData.Quality;

       m_Quality = WeaponQuality.Regular;
       m_StrReq = -1;
       m_DexReq = -1;
       m_IntReq = -1;
       m_MinDamage = -1;
       m_MaxDamage = -1;
       m_HitSound = -1;
       m_MissSound = -1;
       m_Speed = -1;
       m_MaxRange = -1;
       m_Skill = (SkillName)(-1);
       m_Type = (WeaponType)(-1);
       m_Animation = (WeaponAnimation)(-1);

       m_Hits = m_MaxHits = Utility.RandomMinMax(InitMinHits, InitMaxHits);

       m_Resource = CraftResource.Iron;

       m_AosAttributes = new AosAttributes(this);
       m_AosWeaponAttributes = new AosWeaponAttributes(this);
       m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(this);
       m_AosElementDamages = new AosElementAttributes(this);

       #region Stygian Abyss
       m_SAAbsorptionAttributes = new SAAbsorptionAttributes(this);

       #region Mondain's Legacy Sets
       m_SetAttributes = new AosAttributes(this);
       m_SetSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(this);

       m_AosSkillBonuses = new AosSkillBonuses(this);
       // Xml Spawner XmlSockets - SOF
       // mod to randomly add sockets and socketability features to armor. These settings will yield
       // 2% drop rate of socketed/socketable items
       // 0.1% chance of 5 sockets
       // 0.5% of 4 sockets
       // 3% chance of 3 sockets
       // 15% chance of 2 sockets
       // 50% chance of 1 socket
       // the remainder will be 0 socket (31.4% in this case)
       // uncomment the next line to prevent artifacts from being socketed
       // if(ArtifactRarity == 0)
       XmlSockets.ConfigureRandom(this, 2.0, 0.1, 0.5, 3.0, 15.0, 50.0);
       // Xml Spawner XmlSockets - EOF

     public BaseWeapon(Serial serial)
       : base(serial)
     { }

     private string GetNameString()
       string name = Name;

       if (name == null)
         name = String.Format("#{0}", LabelNumber);

       return name;

     [Hue, CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)]
     public override int Hue
       get { return base.Hue; }
         base.Hue = value;

     public int GetElementalDamageHue()
       int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy, chaos, direct;
       GetDamageTypes(null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy, out chaos, out direct);
       //Order is Cold, Energy, Fire, Poison, Physical left

       int currentMax = 50;
       int hue = 0;

       if (pois >= currentMax)
         hue = 1267 + (pois - 50) / 10;
         currentMax = pois;

       if (fire >= currentMax)
         hue = 1255 + (fire - 50) / 10;
         currentMax = fire;

       if (nrgy >= currentMax)
         hue = 1273 + (nrgy - 50) / 10;
         currentMax = nrgy;

       if (cold >= currentMax)
         hue = 1261 + (cold - 50) / 10;
         currentMax = cold;

       return hue;

     public override void AddNameProperty(ObjectPropertyList list)
       int oreType;

       switch (m_Resource)
         case CraftResource.DullCopper:
           oreType = 1053108;
           break; // dull copper
         case CraftResource.ShadowIron:
           oreType = 1053107;
           break; // shadow iron
         case CraftResource.Copper:
           oreType = 1053106;
           break; // copper
         case CraftResource.Bronze:
           oreType = 1053105;
           break; // bronze
         case CraftResource.Gold:
           oreType = 1053104;
           break; // golden
         case CraftResource.Agapite:
           oreType = 1053103;
           break; // agapite
         case CraftResource.Verite:
           oreType = 1053102;
           break; // verite
         case CraftResource.Valorite:
           oreType = 1053101;
           break; // valorite
         case CraftResource.SpinedLeather:
           oreType = 1061118;
           break; // spined
         case CraftResource.HornedLeather:
           oreType = 1061117;
           break; // horned
         case CraftResource.BarbedLeather:
           oreType = 1061116;
           break; // barbed
         case CraftResource.RedScales:
           oreType = 1060814;
           break; // red
         case CraftResource.YellowScales:
           oreType = 1060818;
           break; // yellow
         case CraftResource.BlackScales:
           oreType = 1060820;
           break; // black
         case CraftResource.GreenScales:
           oreType = 1060819;
           break; // green
         case CraftResource.WhiteScales:
           oreType = 1060821;
           break; // white
         case CraftResource.BlueScales:
           oreType = 1060815;
           break; // blue

           #region Mondain's Legacy
         case CraftResource.OakWood:
           oreType = 1072533;
           break; // oak
         case CraftResource.AshWood:
           oreType = 1072534;
           break; // ash
         case CraftResource.YewWood:
           oreType = 1072535;
           break; // yew
         case CraftResource.Heartwood:
           oreType = 1072536;
           break; // heartwood
         case CraftResource.Bloodwood:
           oreType = 1072538;
           break; // bloodwood
         case CraftResource.Frostwood:
           oreType = 1072539;
           break; // frostwood

           oreType = 0;

       if (oreType != 0)
         list.Add(1053099, "#{0}\t{1}", oreType, GetNameString()); // ~1_oretype~ ~2_armortype~
       else if (Name == null)

  * Want to move this to the engraving tool, let the non-harmful
  * formatting show, and remove CLILOCs embedded: more like OSI
  * did with the books that had markup, etc.
  * This will have a negative effect on a few event things imgame
  * as is.
  * If we cant find a more OSI-ish way to clean it up, we can
  * easily put this back, and use it in the deserialize
  * method and engraving tool, to make it perm cleaned up.

       if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_EngravedText))
         list.Add(1062613, m_EngravedText);
       /* list.Add( 1062613, Utility.FixHtml( m_EngravedText ) ); */

     public override bool AllowEquipedCast(Mobile from)
       if (base.AllowEquipedCast(from))
         return true;

       return (m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling != 0);

     public virtual int ArtifactRarity { get { return 0; } }

     public virtual int GetLuckBonus()
       #region Mondain's Legacy
       if (m_Resource == CraftResource.Heartwood)
         return 0;

       CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo(m_Resource);

       if (resInfo == null)
         return 0;

       CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

       if (attrInfo == null)
         return 0;

       return attrInfo.WeaponLuck;

   public override void GetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)

       XmlLevelItem levitem = XmlAttach.FindAttachment(this, typeof(XmlLevelItem)) as XmlLevelItem;

       if (levitem != null)
         list.Add(1060658, "Level\t{0}", levitem.Level);

         if (LevelItems.DisplayExpProp)
           list.Add(1060659, "Experience\t{0}", levitem.Experience);

       if (m_TimesImbued > 0)
         list.Add(1080418); // (Imbued)

       if (m_Crafter != null)
         list.Add(1050043, m_Crafter.Name); // crafted by ~1_NAME~

       #region Factions
       if (m_FactionState != null)
         list.Add(1041350); // faction item

#region ItemID Modifications       
     if (m_Identified)
             #region Mondain's Legacy Sets
       if (IsSetItem)
         list.Add(1073491, Pieces.ToString()); // Part of a Weapon/Armor Set (~1_val~ pieces)

         if (m_SetEquipped)
           list.Add(1073492); // Full Weapon/Armor Set Present       

       if (m_AosSkillBonuses != null)

       if (m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional)
         list.Add(1060636); // exceptional

       if (RequiredRace == Race.Elf)
         list.Add(1075086); // Elves Only

       #region Stygian Abyss
       else if (RequiredRace == Race.Gargoyle)
         list.Add(1111709); // Gargoyles Only
       if (ArtifactRarity > 0)
         list.Add(1061078, ArtifactRarity.ToString()); // artifact rarity ~1_val~

       if (this is IUsesRemaining && ((IUsesRemaining)this).ShowUsesRemaining)
         list.Add(1060584, ((IUsesRemaining)this).UsesRemaining.ToString()); // uses remaining: ~1_val~

       if (m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0)
         #region Mondain's Legacy mod
         list.Add(m_Poison.LabelNumber, m_PoisonCharges.ToString());

       if (m_Slayer != SlayerName.None)
         SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(m_Slayer);
         if (entry != null)

       if (m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None)
         SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(m_Slayer2);
         if (entry != null)

       #region Mondain's Legacy
       if (m_Slayer3 != TalismanSlayerName.None)
         if (m_Slayer3 == TalismanSlayerName.Wolf)
         else if (m_Slayer3 == TalismanSlayerName.Goblin)
         else if (m_Slayer3 == TalismanSlayerName.Undead)
           list.Add(1072503 + (int)m_Slayer3);


       int prop;

       if (Core.ML && this is BaseRanged && ((BaseRanged)this).Balanced)
         list.Add(1072792); // Balanced

       #region Stygian Abyss
       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.BloodDrinker) != 0)
         list.Add(1113591, prop.ToString()); // Blood Drinker

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.BattleLust) != 0)
         list.Add(1113710, prop.ToString()); // Battle Lust

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill) != 0)
         list.Add(1060400); // use best weapon skill

       if ((prop = (GetDamageBonus() + m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage)) != 0)
         list.Add(1060401, prop.ToString()); // damage increase ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0)
         list.Add(1060408, prop.ToString()); // defense chance increase ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0)
         list.Add(1060411, prop.ToString()); // enhance potions ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0)
         list.Add(1060412, prop.ToString()); // faster cast recovery ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0)
         list.Add(1060413, prop.ToString()); // faster casting ~1_val~

       if ((prop = (GetHitChanceBonus() + m_AosAttributes.AttackChance)) != 0)
         list.Add(1060415, prop.ToString()); // hit chance increase ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea) != 0)
         list.Add(1060416, prop.ToString()); // hit cold area ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel) != 0)
         list.Add(1060417, prop.ToString()); // hit dispel ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea) != 0)
         list.Add(1060418, prop.ToString()); // hit energy area ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea) != 0)
         list.Add(1060419, prop.ToString()); // hit fire area ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball) != 0)
         list.Add(1060420, prop.ToString()); // hit fireball ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm) != 0)
         list.Add(1060421, prop.ToString()); // hit harm ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits) != 0)
         list.Add(1060422, prop.ToString()); // hit life leech ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning) != 0)
         list.Add(1060423, prop.ToString()); // hit lightning ~1_val~%

       #region Stygian Abyss
       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitCurse) != 0)
         list.Add(1113712, prop.ToString()); // Hit Curse ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFatigue) != 0)
         list.Add(1113700, prop.ToString()); // Hit Fatigue ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitManaDrain) != 0)
         list.Add(1113699, prop.ToString()); // Hit Mana Drain ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack) != 0)
         list.Add(1060424, prop.ToString()); // hit lower attack ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend) != 0)
         list.Add(1060425, prop.ToString()); // hit lower defense ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow) != 0)
         list.Add(1060426, prop.ToString()); // hit magic arrow ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana) != 0)
         list.Add(1060427, prop.ToString()); // hit mana leech ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea) != 0)
         list.Add(1060428, prop.ToString()); // hit physical area ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea) != 0)
         list.Add(1060429, prop.ToString()); // hit poison area ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam) != 0)
         list.Add(1060430, prop.ToString()); // hit stamina leech ~1_val~%

       if (ImmolatingWeaponSpell.IsImmolating(this))
         list.Add(1111917); // Immolated

       if (Core.ML && this is BaseRanged && (prop = ((BaseRanged)this).Velocity) != 0)
         list.Add(1072793, prop.ToString()); // Velocity ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0)
         list.Add(1060409, prop.ToString()); // dexterity bonus ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0)
         list.Add(1060431, prop.ToString()); // hit point increase ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0)
         list.Add(1060432, prop.ToString()); // intelligence bonus ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0)
         list.Add(1060433, prop.ToString()); // lower mana cost ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0)
         list.Add(1060434, prop.ToString()); // lower reagent cost ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = GetLowerStatReq()) != 0)
         list.Add(1060435, prop.ToString()); // lower requirements ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = (GetLuckBonus() + m_AosAttributes.Luck)) != 0)
         list.Add(1060436, prop.ToString()); // luck ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon) != 0)
         list.Add(1060438, (30 - prop).ToString()); // mage weapon -~1_val~ skill

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0)
         list.Add(1060439, prop.ToString()); // mana increase ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0)
         list.Add(1060440, prop.ToString()); // mana regeneration ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0)
         list.Add(1060441); // night sight

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0)
         list.Add(1060442, prop.ToString()); // reflect physical damage ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0)
         list.Add(1060443, prop.ToString()); // stamina regeneration ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0)
         list.Add(1060444, prop.ToString()); // hit point regeneration ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair) != 0)
         list.Add(1060450, prop.ToString()); // self repair ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0)
         list.Add(1060482); // spell channeling

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0)
         list.Add(1060483, prop.ToString()); // spell damage increase ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0)
         list.Add(1060484, prop.ToString()); // stamina increase ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0)
         list.Add(1060485, prop.ToString()); // strength bonus ~1_val~

       if ((prop = m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0)
         list.Add(1060486, prop.ToString()); // swing speed increase ~1_val~%

       if (Core.ML && (prop = m_AosAttributes.IncreasedKarmaLoss) != 0)
         list.Add(1075210, prop.ToString()); // Increased Karma Loss ~1val~%

       #region Stygian Abyss
       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.CastingFocus) != 0)
         list.Add(1113696, prop.ToString()); // Casting Focus ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterFire) != 0)
         list.Add(1113593, prop.ToString()); // Fire Eater ~1_Val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterCold) != 0)
         list.Add(1113594, prop.ToString()); // Cold Eater ~1_Val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterPoison) != 0)
         list.Add(1113595, prop.ToString()); // Poison Eater ~1_Val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterEnergy) != 0)
         list.Add(1113596, prop.ToString()); // Energy Eater ~1_Val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterKinetic) != 0)
         list.Add(1113597, prop.ToString()); // Kinetic Eater ~1_Val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterDamage) != 0)
         list.Add(1113598, prop.ToString()); // Damage Eater ~1_Val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceFire) != 0)
         list.Add(1113691, prop.ToString()); // Fire Resonance ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceCold) != 0)
         list.Add(1113692, prop.ToString()); // Cold Resonance ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonancePoison) != 0)
         list.Add(1113693, prop.ToString()); // Poison Resonance ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceEnergy) != 0)
         list.Add(1113694, prop.ToString()); // Energy Resonance ~1_val~%

       if ((prop = m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceKinetic) != 0)
         list.Add(1113695, prop.ToString()); // Kinetic Resonance ~1_val~%

       int phys, fire, cold, pois, nrgy, chaos, direct;

       GetDamageTypes(null, out phys, out fire, out cold, out pois, out nrgy, out chaos, out direct);

       #region Mondain's Legacy
       if (chaos != 0)
         list.Add(1072846, chaos.ToString()); // chaos damage ~1_val~%

       if (direct != 0)
         list.Add(1079978, direct.ToString()); // Direct Damage: ~1_PERCENT~%

       if (phys != 0)
         list.Add(1060403, phys.ToString()); // physical damage ~1_val~%

       if (fire != 0)
         list.Add(1060405, fire.ToString()); // fire damage ~1_val~%

       if (cold != 0)
         list.Add(1060404, cold.ToString()); // cold damage ~1_val~%

       if (pois != 0)
         list.Add(1060406, pois.ToString()); // poison damage ~1_val~%

       if (nrgy != 0)
         list.Add(1060407, nrgy.ToString()); // energy damage ~1_val

       if (Core.ML && chaos != 0)
         list.Add(1072846, chaos.ToString()); // chaos damage ~1_val~%

       if (Core.ML && direct != 0)
         list.Add(1079978, direct.ToString()); // Direct Damage: ~1_PERCENT~%

       list.Add(1061168, "{0}\t{1}", MinDamage.ToString(), MaxDamage.ToString()); // weapon damage ~1_val~ - ~2_val~

       if (Core.ML)
         list.Add(1061167, String.Format("{0}s", Speed)); // weapon speed ~1_val~
         list.Add(1061167, Speed.ToString());

       if (MaxRange > 1)
         list.Add(1061169, MaxRange.ToString()); // range ~1_val~

       int strReq = AOS.Scale(StrRequirement, 100 - GetLowerStatReq());

       if (strReq > 0)
         list.Add(1061170, strReq.ToString()); // strength requirement ~1_val~

       if (Layer == Layer.TwoHanded)
         list.Add(1061171); // two-handed weapon
         list.Add(1061824); // one-handed weapon

       if (Core.SE || m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill == 0)
         switch (Skill)
           case SkillName.Swords:
             break; // skill required: swordsmanship
           case SkillName.Macing:
             break; // skill required: mace fighting
           case SkillName.Fencing:
             break; // skill required: fencing
           case SkillName.Archery:
             break; // skill required: archery

       XmlAttach.AddAttachmentProperties(this, list);

       if (m_Hits >= 0 && m_MaxHits > 0)
         list.Add(1060639, "{0}\t{1}", m_Hits, m_MaxHits); // durability ~1_val~ / ~2_val~

       #region Mondain's Legacy Sets
       if (IsSetItem && !m_SetEquipped)
         list.Add(1072378); // <br>Only when full set is present:         

else if (ArtifactRarity > 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.BloodDrinker) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.BattleLust) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill) != 0 || ((GetDamageBonus() + m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage)) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0 || ((GetHitChanceBonus() + m_AosAttributes.AttackChance)) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitCurse) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFatigue) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitManaDrain) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam) != 0 || //this is BaseRangedVelocity != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0 || (GetLowerStatReq()) != 0 ||
         ((GetLuckBonus() + m_AosAttributes.Luck)) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.CastingFocus) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterFire) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterCold) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterPoison) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterEnergy) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterKinetic) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterDamage) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceFire) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceCold) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonancePoison) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceEnergy) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceKinetic) != 0)
  list.Add(1038000); // Unidentified
     public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)

       if ( m_IsShipwreckedItem )
       LabelTo( from, 1041645 );   //recovered from a shipwreck

       var attrs = new List<EquipInfoAttribute>();

       if (DisplayLootType)
         if (LootType == LootType.Blessed)
           attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(1038021)); // blessed
         else if (LootType == LootType.Cursed)
           attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(1049643)); // cursed

       #region Factions
       if (m_FactionState != null)
         attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(1041350)); // faction item

       if (m_Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional)
         attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(1018305 - (int)m_Quality));

       if (m_Identified || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
         if (m_Slayer != SlayerName.None)
           SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(m_Slayer);
           if (entry != null)
             attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(entry.Title));

         if (m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None)
           SlayerEntry entry = SlayerGroup.GetEntryByName(m_Slayer2);
           if (entry != null)
             attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(entry.Title));

         if (m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular)
           attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(1038000 + (int)m_DurabilityLevel));

         if (m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular)
           attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(1038015 + (int)m_DamageLevel));

         if (m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular)
           attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(1038010 + (int)m_AccuracyLevel));
       else if (m_Slayer != SlayerName.None || m_Slayer2 != SlayerName.None ||
            m_DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular || m_DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular ||
            m_AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular)
         attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(1038000)); // Unidentified

       if (m_Poison != null && m_PoisonCharges > 0)
         attrs.Add(new EquipInfoAttribute(1017383, m_PoisonCharges));

       int number;

       if (Name == null)
         number = LabelNumber;
         LabelTo(from, Name);
         number = 1041000;

       if (attrs.Count == 0 && Crafter == null && Name != null)

       EquipmentInfo eqInfo = new EquipmentInfo(number, m_Crafter, false, attrs.ToArray());

       from.Send(new DisplayEquipmentInfo(this, eqInfo));

     #region IShipwreckedItem Members

     private bool m_IsShipwreckedItem;

     [CommandProperty( AccessLevel.GameMaster )]
     public bool IsShipwreckedItem
       get { return m_IsShipwreckedItem; }
       set { m_IsShipwreckedItem = value; }
     public static BaseWeapon Fists { get; set; }

     #region ICraftable Members
     public int OnCraft(
       int quality,
       bool makersMark,
       Mobile from,
       CraftSystem craftSystem,
       Type typeRes,
       BaseTool tool,
       CraftItem craftItem,
       int resHue)
       Quality = (WeaponQuality)quality;

       if (makersMark)
         Crafter = from;

       PlayerConstructed = true;

       Type resourceType = typeRes;

       if (resourceType == null)
         resourceType = craftItem.Resources.GetAt(0).ItemType;

       if (Core.AOS)
         #region Mondain's Legacy
         if (!craftItem.ForceNonExceptional)
           Resource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

         CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

         if (context != null && context.DoNotColor)
           Hue = 0;

         // Mondain's Legacy Mod
         if (craftItem != null && !craftItem.ForceNonExceptional)
           if (tool is BaseRunicTool)

         if (Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional)
           if (Attributes.WeaponDamage > 35)
             Attributes.WeaponDamage -= 20;
             Attributes.WeaponDamage = 15;

           if (Core.ML)
             Attributes.WeaponDamage += (int)(from.Skills.ArmsLore.Value / 20);

             if (Attributes.WeaponDamage > 50)
               Attributes.WeaponDamage = 50;

             from.CheckSkill(SkillName.ArmsLore, 0, 100);
       else if (tool is BaseRunicTool)
         // Mondain's Legacy Mod
         if (craftItem != null && !craftItem.ForceNonExceptional)
           CraftResource thisResource = CraftResources.GetFromType(resourceType);

           if (thisResource == ((BaseRunicTool)tool).Resource)
             Resource = thisResource;

             CraftContext context = craftSystem.GetContext(from);

             if (context != null && context.DoNotColor)
               Hue = 0;

             switch (thisResource)
               case CraftResource.DullCopper:
                   Identified = true;
                   DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
                   AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Accurate;
               case CraftResource.ShadowIron:
                   Identified = true;
                   DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Durable;
                   DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
               case CraftResource.Copper:
                   Identified = true;
                   DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
                   DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Ruin;
                   AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
               case CraftResource.Bronze:
                   Identified = true;
                   DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Fortified;
                   DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Might;
                   AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Surpassingly;
               case CraftResource.Gold:
                   Identified = true;
                   DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                   DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Force;
                   AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
               case CraftResource.Agapite:
                   Identified = true;
                   DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                   DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
                   AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Eminently;
               case CraftResource.Verite:
                   Identified = true;
                   DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                   DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Power;
                   AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Exceedingly;
               case CraftResource.Valorite:
                   Identified = true;
                   DurabilityLevel = WeaponDurabilityLevel.Indestructible;
                   DamageLevel = WeaponDamageLevel.Vanq;
                   AccuracyLevel = WeaponAccuracyLevel.Supremely;

       #region Mondain's Legacy
       if (craftItem != null && !craftItem.ForceNonExceptional)
         CraftResourceInfo resInfo = CraftResources.GetInfo(m_Resource);

         if (resInfo == null)
           return quality;

         CraftAttributeInfo attrInfo = resInfo.AttributeInfo;

         if (attrInfo == null)
           return quality;

         if (m_Resource != CraftResource.Heartwood)
           m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage += attrInfo.WeaponDamage;
           m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed += attrInfo.WeaponSwingSpeed;
           m_AosAttributes.AttackChance += attrInfo.WeaponHitChance;
           m_AosAttributes.RegenHits += attrInfo.WeaponRegenHits;
           m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits += attrInfo.WeaponHitLifeLeech;
           switch (Utility.Random(6))
             case 0:
               m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage += attrInfo.WeaponDamage;
             case 1:
               m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed += attrInfo.WeaponSwingSpeed;
             case 2:
               m_AosAttributes.AttackChance += attrInfo.WeaponHitChance;
             case 3:
               m_AosAttributes.Luck += attrInfo.WeaponLuck;
             case 4:
               m_AosWeaponAttributes.LowerStatReq += attrInfo.WeaponLowerRequirements;
             case 5:
               m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits += attrInfo.WeaponHitLifeLeech;

       return quality;

     #region Mondain's Legacy Sets
     public override bool OnDragLift(Mobile from)
       if (Parent is Mobile && from == Parent)
         if (IsSetItem && m_SetEquipped)
           SetHelper.RemoveSetBonus(from, SetID, this);

       return base.OnDragLift(from);

     public virtual SetItem SetID { get { return SetItem.None; } }
     public virtual int Pieces { get { return 0; } }

     public bool IsSetItem { get { return SetID != SetItem.None; } }

     private int m_SetHue;
     private bool m_SetEquipped;
     private bool m_LastEquipped;

     public int SetHue
       get { return m_SetHue; }
         m_SetHue = value;

     public bool SetEquipped { get { return m_SetEquipped; } set { m_SetEquipped = value; } }

     public bool LastEquipped { get { return m_LastEquipped; } set { m_LastEquipped = value; } }

     private AosAttributes m_SetAttributes;
     private AosSkillBonuses m_SetSkillBonuses;
     private int m_SetSelfRepair;

     public AosAttributes SetAttributes { get { return m_SetAttributes; } set { } }

     public AosSkillBonuses SetSkillBonuses { get { return m_SetSkillBonuses; } set { } }

     public int SetSelfRepair
       get { return m_SetSelfRepair; }
         m_SetSelfRepair = value;

     public virtual void GetSetProperties(ObjectPropertyList list)
       int prop;

       if ((prop = m_SetSelfRepair) != 0 && WeaponAttributes.SelfRepair == 0)
         list.Add(1060450, prop.ToString()); // self repair ~1_val~   

       SetHelper.GetSetProperties(list, this);

   public enum CheckSlayerResult
It's working now, sort of... on a few of the weapons and jewels spawned, sometimes instead of showing "unidentified" it just doesn't show anything except weight and name, and don't say unidentified.
Code looks fine. The reason you are only seeing weight and name on some weapons is because they have no magical properties there for there's nothing to identify (at least that's how you have it coded). You can confirm this by doing '[props' on the item and see that it has no aos attributes.

Edit. Sorry it's late and not thinking. I think I see what you mean by only showing name and weight. It should be showing weapon damage, swing speed, ect. The question I should ask is if you want that always shown even on unidentified weapons or should those without magic properties say Unidentified too?

If you want it always shown then you need to move those outside your 'if' check for 'GetProperties'.
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Thanks for the reply :)

I tried using props on a sword and it didn't show any magical properties like you said, and then used a IDwand on it and it pops up with the stats it's supposed to have, and the magical properties. That one happened to be a fire elemental slayer. The axe showed no props, and once ided came back with fire resist 5% poison resist 6%. I've tried moving the properties around in the section of code but not had much effect. The Ring i tested that had the same issue was +5 necromancy I figure i can figure that one out once I know what i've done wrong with the baseweapon.

The section of code im not sure how it works is towards the end of the props section. The elemental resistances are not listed in this part and neither is the slayers or bonus skills so im not sure what to do with them.
else if (ArtifactRarity > 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.BloodDrinker) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.BattleLust) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.UseBestSkill) != 0 || ((GetDamageBonus() + m_AosAttributes.WeaponDamage)) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.DefendChance) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.EnhancePotions) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.CastRecovery) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.CastSpeed) != 0 || ((GetHitChanceBonus() + m_AosAttributes.AttackChance)) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitColdArea) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitDispel) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitEnergyArea) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireArea) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFireball) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitHarm) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechHits) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLightning) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitCurse) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitFatigue) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitManaDrain) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerAttack) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLowerDefend) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitMagicArrow) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechMana) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPhysicalArea) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitPoisonArea) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.HitLeechStam) != 0 || //this is BaseRangedVelocity != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.BonusDex) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.BonusHits) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.BonusInt) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.LowerManaCost) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.LowerRegCost) != 0 || (GetLowerStatReq()) != 0 ||
         ((GetLuckBonus() + m_AosAttributes.Luck)) != 0 || (m_AosWeaponAttributes.MageWeapon) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.BonusMana) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.RegenMana) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.NightSight) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.ReflectPhysical) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.RegenStam) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.RegenHits) != 0 ||
         (m_AosWeaponAttributes.SelfRepair) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.SpellChanneling) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.SpellDamage) != 0 ||
         (m_AosAttributes.BonusStam) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.BonusStr) != 0 || (m_AosAttributes.WeaponSpeed) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.CastingFocus) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterFire) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterCold) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterPoison) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterEnergy) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterKinetic) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.EaterDamage) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceFire) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceCold) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonancePoison) != 0 ||
         (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceEnergy) != 0 || (m_SAAbsorptionAttributes.ResonanceKinetic) != 0)
  list.Add(1038000); // Unidentified
actually if it all stays hidden if its unidentified and it identifies correctly once its done and works properly its fine by me, long as it says its unidentified lol
Easiest thing to do is to get rid of that whole 'else if' and change it to an 'else' only. If it's not 'identified' then it has to be 'unidentified' right? That way you don't have to worry about what you missed adding there. That will make all weapons show 'unidentified' even if they don't have any magic properties though (not sure if those even spawn) but even if you add all the 'else if' checks you'll still have that problem. If you wanted that fixed you would have to move the stuff you wanted out of the 'if (m_Identified) check to see those.
Easiest thing to do is to get rid of that whole 'else if' and change it to an 'else' only. If it's not 'identified' then it has to be 'unidentified' right? That way you don't have to worry about what you missed adding there. That will make all weapons show 'unidentified' even if they don't have any magic properties though (not sure if those even spawn) but even if you add all the 'else if' checks you'll still have that problem. If you wanted that fixed you would have to move the stuff you wanted out of the 'if (m_Identified) check to see those.
right, I was thinking that too when I added the whole conglomerate of that code lol I did have a crash with my dagger trying to turn itself into a ranged weapon, so i commented that part out. I'll try that and see how it acts.

I agree about it being late guess thats why im racking my brain trying to figure this thing out and it should be a simple fix. :confused:

***EDIT** Thanks! That seems to work. I got rid of that whole block of code I pasted above, and simply replaced it with:
list.Add(1038000); // Unidentified
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