
Hi Guys, i'm Ruedi, 53 years old and least looking around for a Server with Renaissance-Ruleset with all this orignial Tram/fel and Moonstone stuff- but without any custom content. Maybe you think it's boring. For me it is the good old time.
I haven't found such a server. So it is time to make it by myself.
I am not such a great programer. So i will probably have tons of questions :cool:
Hi Guys, i'm Ruedi, 53 years old and least looking around for a Server with Renaissance-Ruleset with all this orignial Tram/fel and Moonstone stuff- but without any custom content. Maybe you think it's boring. For me it is the good old time.
I haven't found such a server. So it is time to make it by myself.
I am not such a great programer. So i will probably have tons of questions :cool:
to do what you want here is the procedure:
1) Download ServUO version 57
2) Find Expansion.cfg then set it as such:

# The expansion to use. Valid values are:
# None Initial launch (not accurate at all)
# T2A The Second Age (not terribly accurate)
# UOR Ultima Online: Renaissance (almost accurate)
# UOTD Ultima Online: Thrid Dawn (almost accurate)
# LBR Lord Blackthron's Revenge (almost accurate)
# AOS Age of Shadows (accurate)
# SE Samurai Empire (accurate)
# ML Mondain's Legacy (accurate)
# SA Stygian Abyss (development in progress)
# HS High Seas (few features implemented)
# TOL Time of Legends (few features implemented)
# EJ Endless Journey (development in progress)

Now run the server!
to do what you want here is the procedure:
1) Download ServUO version 57
2) Find Expansion.cfg then set it as such:

# The expansion to use. Valid values are:
# None Initial launch (not accurate at all)
# T2A The Second Age (not terribly accurate)
# UOR Ultima Online: Renaissance (almost accurate)
# UOTD Ultima Online: Thrid Dawn (almost accurate)
# LBR Lord Blackthron's Revenge (almost accurate)
# AOS Age of Shadows (accurate)
# SE Samurai Empire (accurate)
# ML Mondain's Legacy (accurate)
# SA Stygian Abyss (development in progress)
# HS High Seas (few features implemented)
# TOL Time of Legends (few features implemented)
# EJ Endless Journey (development in progress)

Now run the server!
Server runs, but without any Spawn. No Birds, no Monster, and i can't enter the Dungeons. And idea?
Welcome and good luck!
A classic server with no custom client should be easy to set up with an older version of ServUO

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