If you mean with new player just starting would be here
Look for these lines you can add items there

PackItem(new RedBook("a book", m.Name, 20, true));
PackItem(new Gold(1000)); // Starting gold can be customized here
PackItem(new Candle());
If you mean with new player just starting would be here
Look for these lines you can add items there

PackItem(new RedBook("a book", m.Name, 20, true));
PackItem(new Gold(1000)); // Starting gold can be customized here
PackItem(new Candle());
yeah that's mean

so other question can u teach me?
how can create new gift box
have some items in box
Are you able to create simple scripts? If I give you a giftbox script which drops 2 items in it- can you change the name of the gift box and change the gift items in the scripts?
Are you able to create simple scripts? If I give you a giftbox script which drops 2 items in it- can you change the name of the gift box and change the gift items in the scripts?
yes because i'm create scripts usually server crash...
I ripped this from the gift box for you, the Katana can be changed out as with name & hue, add more DropItem lines for more items.

Use [add customgiftbox in game or CustomGiftBox box = new CustomGiftBox(); for a instance in code!

using Server.Items;

namespace Server
    [Flipable(0x232A, 0x232B)]
    public class CustomGiftBox : Container
        public CustomGiftBox() : base(Utility.Random(0x232A, 2))
            Name = "Custom Gift Box";
            Weight = 2.0;
            Hue = 1175;
            DropItem(new Katana());

        public CustomGiftBox(Serial serial) : base(serial)

        public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)

            writer.Write((int)0); // version

        public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)

            int version = reader.ReadInt();
I can and would love this script :)
Here is one I like. Pandora's Gift Box. GM can place the box anywhere in-game, regular players cannot access it. Anything you put in it can be given to players. There are settings for one per character, one per account. You can set up multiple boxes for different events. I like to add a gift box into the box, and put all the freebies in the gift box. That way the player gets a nice gift box.

I did not write this, and not sure if I got it from RunUO or ServUO. Had it for many years.


  • Pandoras Gift Box.zip
    13.4 KB · Views: 33
Here is one I like. Pandora's Gift Box. GM can place the box anywhere in-game, regular players cannot access it. Anything you put in it can be given to players. There are settings for one per character, one per account. You can set up multiple boxes for different events. I like to add a gift box into the box, and put all the freebies in the gift box. That way the player gets a nice gift box.

I did not write this, and not sure if I got it from RunUO or ServUO. Had it for many years.

I have PGB, but what I assumed was being asked originally and heard there is a script someone had, I wanted to add items into a players bank account at charactercreation.cs
The following code already adds an item to the new young character's bank box, using Katana as an example I'll add another item, in CharacterCreation.cs look for the following code

            if (young)
                var ticket = new NewPlayerTicket
                    Owner = newChar

then add as many items to the player bank using the following code, this is a basic start, you can refine this like the TestCenter.cs and use another class/method to hold all the items you wish to add to the bankbox!

            if (young)
                var ticket = new NewPlayerTicket
                    Owner = newChar
                newChar.BankBox.DropItem(new Katana()); <Example, just add as many lines as you need, one per item!

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