Hi. I'm usually most active on runUO community, but recently i came to the conclusion that the forum could collapse in any time, and i don't want to stay there when it happens.
Judging by recent commits, seems like both projects are updated at the same rate, but the stability of this community transmits me comfort.
My question is this: I'm using 2.5 runuo, how much effort do i have to expect in migrating my server to servuo? i made core changes, a few actually, and some important script changes. Is there some kind of migrating guide?
Judging by recent commits, seems like both projects are updated at the same rate, but the stability of this community transmits me comfort.
My question is this: I'm using 2.5 runuo, how much effort do i have to expect in migrating my server to servuo? i made core changes, a few actually, and some important script changes. Is there some kind of migrating guide?