Erdinç Kudu

Hello Everyone,

I would ile to add new moongate code. But using maps on moongate system, I couldn't find Maps gump.ID. Can some one help me how to checked Gump ID's of maps?
Which program should I use?

Planning to use, Felluca , Trammer, Malas.

Best Regards
If I understood your question correctly from the translation, do you want to know the ID of the gump, which is somehow generated from the map? Then you will never find it in Ultima Online. Yes, you want to create new gates, as I understand it. But you don't need map files and statics for that. jen art a gump. I mean, make an item ID in art and then assign a gump ID to it in Tiledata. And then you have already won and you can script the behavior of such a gate in the emulator. But the map has nothing to do with it.

I realize that client taking gumps ID from gumpartlegacy.UOP files. Converted uop files to mul files, and than I can be able to see where are graphics coming from.
What maps do you mean? Can you paste example? If you mean the maps like used in cartography then those are somewhat hardcoded and are using facetX.* files. Those are not regular gumps. In older clients it was black and white map displayed from multimap.rle file.

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