Captain Ahab

I have used RunUO for along time. I quit hosting a few years ago when my friend of 30 years passed away. Now I am looking to get back in to it. I see ORB and ServUO and RunUO. I am trying to figure out what to use.
Welcome to ServUO :).

Orb is no longer being developed and in it's current state it has a ton of bugs. ServUO picked up where Orb left off with many bug fixes and features added. ServUO is also a fork from RunUO with added SA content that RunUO currently doesn't have. Hope this helps you pick your right home :).
That is great information - Now, can I use addons such as Neruns (which is where my familiarity is) or do I need to use something else?
That is great information - Now, can I use addons such as Nerun's (which is where my familiarity is) or do I need to use something else?
Most RunUO scripts will work with ServUO. Ones that edit some base scripts like Nerun's can't be dragged/dropped though. You'll need to merge the changes in by hand. There should be a version of Nerun's in the Custom Release that works with ServUO.

How long does Verification normally take?
I think it's after 5 approved messages.
Greetings and welcome to the ServUO community Captain Ahab. ServUO is the way of the future!

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