im adding new leathers into my server, they have 2 numbers, a hue and a cliloc
formatted like this....
0x1C1 = Hue
1049356 = Cliloc
my questions are, how do I find the hue numbers, all ive found on line are in the format of 12334, not the alpha numeric format in my scripts im editing.
second question is what is cliloc, and do I need one or can I just enter 0 for it?
thanx in advance.
You can either use a program like, InsideUO or UOFiddler. Pandoras box also has that stuff.
You can also do
[set hue 1175
and then do
[get hue
And it will give you the hue number 1175 and the alpha number.
A Cliloc number is just a method used to store text as a number. So when an item has a cliloc number for its name tag, the number stored represents whatever text to be displayed. Some clilocs are just a name tag, others are whole paragraphs of text, like for a quest response in a gump, etc. Its just a faster way to retrieve and send text within the script.

You can find all the cliloc entries using a tool such as UO Fiddler, and looking at the cliloc tab.
thnx my next set of days off ill try that get set hue function, ill just leave ciclocs at zeroe since the script has a name in it allready.
This is probably completely useless information...

If you open up your calculator on the computer and (assuming you're using Windows) click View and select Scientific

You'll see radio buttons below the output field, Hex / Dec / Oct / Bin
Select Hex, input the code you see, whatever it happens to be, 55, 9A, 104B (without the 0x in front)

Then simply click the Dec radio button and it will convert to the number format.
You can also do this in reverse, just make sure to add the 0x in front for the Hex code it gives you.
hmm thats actually very smart info.... i found a list on line of numeric values for hues... that may be the easiest way to convert to alpha numeric...especially since my shard wont start as i am in the middle of the edits.... im off work tomorrow, ill try it then...thank you.
thnx my next set of days off ill try that get set hue function, ill just leave ciclocs at zeroe since the script has a name in it allready.

If you have a cliloc entry in your script set at 0, it will conflict with a text Name entry, and/or put a name tag on your item that may be blank, or if there is an cliloc entry of 0 it will have whatever text label that is entered for 0. But more likely, it will leave a tag that reads something like, 'error megacliloc entry not found' on the name.. I would advise not using the cliloc entry on your item at all, unless you have a true cliloc number to give it.

You can also add your own Cliloc text entries using UO Fiddler, however like any other client file you edit, you will need to distribute that new modified file to your players, or they will not see any new custom entry you have added.
im using hanks tutorial
  1. new CraftResourceInfo(0x1C1, 1049356, "Barbed", CraftAttributeInfo.Barbed, CraftResource.BarbedLeather, typeof(BarbedLeather), typeof(BarbedHides)),
  2. new CraftResourceInfo(0x722, 0, "Mongbat", CraftAttributeInfo.Mongbat, CraftResource.MongbatLeather, typeof(MongbatLeather), typeof(MongbatHides)),
  3. new CraftResourceInfo(0x1B5, 0, "Dragon", CraftAttributeInfo.Dragon, CraftResource.DragonLeather, typeof(DragonLeather), typeof(DragonHides))
    the zeroe after the hex number for hue is where the cicloc goes.... would it read a text string thier? or do you think that would just give errors? i may just add text tomorrow and compile it and see what happens, im in trige at work today on a good day so i have time to read....
The craft system should be setup for text or cliloc number. You should try to enter a text entry in place of that 0 entry, see if it compiles. Be sure to use Quotes for any text entry you enter though.. "Mongbat" for instance. Just an example, I dont know what the names are you are wanting to have there, of course.
If you mean the status bar with character information,
it loads from cliloc tooltips, so yes, you can change it. For example, to your native language.
do you know how to add a new type of gold inside of it?
what do you mean? change the appearance of the gold stack? if so, as in the answers above, using uofiddler you can replace or add a new image of an object/gump, etc.

you can change an existing one
or add a new one to a free slot
and in general, you can use any item as a settlement currency
do you know how to add a new type of gold inside of it?
The gump logic is hardocded in the client so if you need to add something besides what is there already then you need to write/customize your own uo client. Editing clilocs or gump graphic won't help here.

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