
 World: Loading...Invalid region name ('Huntsman's forrest') in 'Server.Engines.Q
uests.SlayObjective' objective!

Now for no reason, am getting this error in my shard startup, all files are current, checked and compared them to the ones Hank suggested. So still i am a lost. Its like it is refusing to spawn the region per say. Not sure the issue, Thanks hank for taking the time to help me figure out how to post CODE =)) ++karma to you
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Using notepad++ Find in files feature I found these hits for "huntsman" in the Latest Servuo Repo
C:\ServUO-master\Data\Mondain's Legacy\Felucca\Misc.cfg (2 hits)
Line 18: # Huntsman
Line 19: Spawner 0x1F13 (Spawn=Huntsman; Count=1; HomeRange=4)

C:\ServUO-master\Data\Mondain's Legacy\Trammel\Misc.cfg (2 hits)
Line 17: # Huntsman
Line 18: Spawner 0x1F13 (Spawn=Huntsman; Count=1; HomeRange=4)

C:\ServUO-master\Data\Monsters\Trammel\ (1 hit)
Line 179: ## Huntsman's Forrest

C:\ServUO-master\Data\objects.xml (1 hit)
Line 4596: <object type="Server.Engines.Quests.Huntsman" gfx="9601" />

C:\ServUO-master\Data\Regions.xml (2 hits)
Line 242: <region priority="50" name="Huntsman's Forest">
Line 1169: <region priority="50" name="Huntsman's Forest">

C:\ServUO-master\Scripts\Output\Scripts.CS.dll (1 hit)
Line 254455:

C:\ServUO-master\Scripts\Quests\Heritage Quests\Elf.cs (4 hits)
Line 326: this.AddObjective(new SlayObjective(typeof(TimberWolf), "timber wolves", 15, "Huntsman's forrest"));
Line 328: this.AddReward(new BaseReward(1072807)); // The boon of the Huntsman.
Line 346: /* Ho, there human. Why do you seek out the Huntsman? The hunter serves the land by culling both predators and prey. The hunter
Line 376: this.Owner.SendLocalizedMessage(1074943, null, 0x23); // You have gained the boon of the Huntsman! You have been given a taste of the bittersweet duty of those who guard the balance. You are one step closer to claiming your elven heritage.

C:\ServUO-master\Scripts\Quests\Heritage Quests\Mobiles\Huntsman.cs (4 hits)
Line 5: public class Huntsman : MondainQuester
Line 8: public Huntsman()
Line 9: : base("Huntsman")
Line 13: public Huntsman(Serial serial)

C:\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj (1 hit)
Line 3302: <Compile Include=".\Quests\Heritage Quests\Mobiles\Huntsman.cs" />

C:\ServUO-master\Scripts\Services\Khaldun\Books\TavarasJournal.cs (1 hit)
Line 319: "skill as a huntsman.",
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Have check and drouble checked those files, there is no error in the script files themselves that i can see, anymore suggestions?
Have you solved this? ...
If not I would check your regions.xml file
All my "Invalid Region Name" errors have been for regions not defined in my Region.xml
After defining them (or matching the names correctly) the errors are resolved

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