C:\ServUO-master\Data\Mondain's Legacy\Felucca\Misc.cfg (2 hits)
Line 18: # Huntsman
Line 19: Spawner 0x1F13 (Spawn=Huntsman; Count=1; HomeRange=4)
C:\ServUO-master\Data\Mondain's Legacy\Trammel\Misc.cfg (2 hits)
Line 17: # Huntsman
Line 18: Spawner 0x1F13 (Spawn=Huntsman; Count=1; HomeRange=4)
C:\ServUO-master\Data\Monsters\Trammel\WildLife.map (1 hit)
Line 179: ## Huntsman's Forrest
C:\ServUO-master\Data\objects.xml (1 hit)
Line 4596: <object type="Server.Engines.Quests.Huntsman" gfx="9601" />
C:\ServUO-master\Data\Regions.xml (2 hits)
Line 242: <region priority="50" name="Huntsman's Forest">
Line 1169: <region priority="50" name="Huntsman's Forest">
C:\ServUO-master\Scripts\Output\Scripts.CS.dll (1 hit)
Line 254455:
C:\ServUO-master\Scripts\Quests\Heritage Quests\Elf.cs (4 hits)
Line 326: this.AddObjective(new SlayObjective(typeof(TimberWolf), "timber wolves", 15, "Huntsman's forrest"));
Line 328: this.AddReward(new BaseReward(1072807)); // The boon of the Huntsman.
Line 346: /* Ho, there human. Why do you seek out the Huntsman? The hunter serves the land by culling both predators and prey. The hunter
Line 376: this.Owner.SendLocalizedMessage(1074943, null, 0x23); // You have gained the boon of the Huntsman! You have been given a taste of the bittersweet duty of those who guard the balance. You are one step closer to claiming your elven heritage.
C:\ServUO-master\Scripts\Quests\Heritage Quests\Mobiles\Huntsman.cs (4 hits)
Line 5: public class Huntsman : MondainQuester
Line 8: public Huntsman()
Line 9: : base("Huntsman")
Line 13: public Huntsman(Serial serial)
C:\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj (1 hit)
Line 3302: <Compile Include=".\Quests\Heritage Quests\Mobiles\Huntsman.cs" />
C:\ServUO-master\Scripts\Services\Khaldun\Books\TavarasJournal.cs (1 hit)
Line 319: "skill as a huntsman.",