
Not sure what happened but i crashed when using nails here is the report.

at System.Collections.CollectionBase.System.Collections.IList.get_Item(Int32 index)
at Server.Engines.Craft.CraftSubResCol.GetAt(Int32 index)
at Server.Engines.Craft.CraftGump..ctor(Mobile from, CraftSystem craftSystem, BaseTool tool, Object notice, CraftPage page)
at Server.Items.BaseTool.OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
at Server.Mobile.Use(Item item) in C:\Users\viola\Desktop\darkwater 8..31..18crahed\Server\Mobile.cs:line 4476
at Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlAttach.UseReq(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc)
at Server.Network.MessagePump.HandleReceive(NetState ns) in C:\Users\viola\Desktop\darkwater 8..31..18crahed\Server\Network\MessagePump.cs:line 187
at Server.Network.MessagePump.Slice() in C:\Users\viola\Desktop\darkwater 8..31..18crahed\Server\Network\MessagePump.cs:line 115
at Server.Core.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\viola\Desktop\darkwater 8..31..18crahed\Server\Main.cs:line 579

Help me not sure what went wrong
I play on Lagatha's shard full time. In fact, I'm the one who discovered the bug, causing the shard to reboot (not the computer, only the shard) every time I did it. I hadn't tried it out on any other carpentry tools, though I had just tried the other crafting tools (tinkering, blacksmithy), and they worked fine. The shard reboots as soon as nails are used, before bringing up the gump, with no other gumps open causing possible conflict. The error message is as posted above.

Lagatha is a hard working person, but she has a medical issue that keeps her from typing much, and she knows I tease her about her grammar and puncuation regularly. At any rate, that's why you haven't gotten much from her, other than please help. :)

We're still in beta stage, so not public yet, but opening day will be here sooner than we are ready for it, even if this issue were resolved instantly. Any assistance we can get would be greatly appreciated, and we'll do whatever is necessary to resolve the issue. Please help. :D
Just tested the nails on my test server- the gump opened and no crash, could she be using any custom scripts as Owltr? or carpentry edited at all
oh yah, I'm sorry, I did not mean to say that this is a bug in ServUO, it's not. Yes, there's some custom code in place, but as it's not my server, I don't have access to look closer at it. She's not signed in to Discord today, so she likely won't be able to answer until tomorrow. I'll let her know, although I'm sure she has a browser open with this thread up.

I think the only info she has to go on is the error pasted above, but yes, I'm sure carp is custom to some extent. We'll see. Thank you for your attention, Milva.
I did a lot of of custom here is some of the files that may be the problem that I changed.


  • DefCarpentry.cs
    51.9 KB · Views: 5
  • BaseTool.cs
    6.1 KB · Views: 2
Lagatha got it working very late last night (writing this @ 2am), and went straight to bed. I had to come here and tell everyone that she got it and everything's cool.

Beyond that, I'd like to publicly thank @UoSidio for making the attempt to help out. Lag has been away since OP, and UoSidio logged into the discord chan and waited several hours for Lag to show up. Thank you, UoSidio. We all appreciate your offer to help.

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