I have this urge to set the hue of house parts manually... I just wanna be able to hue them with the [hue command... anyone know how or where I should be looking? I only wanna do it if the client playing doesnt need additional files because I have no way to make a client uploader.
if you really love the rough stone tiles, they're craftable/dyeable, so they're pretty easy to hue, but those are the only ones i've had luck with so far.. might at least be a good place to start looking for clues?
Well here is where im looking now im kinda past the whole manual building thing... Addons can be hued as the deed and when placed they turn the color... why cant house deeds be that way... that would be the easiest thing and pretty cool.
You would have to set every single house piece as partial hue in tiledata and then change the pieces you want to hue to grayscale. Then you would need to redo the house placement system to set a color but then those pieces can only be the same color when placed.

You could maybe recreate the entire game’s house placement system and avoid multis alltogether...but you are confined to these bounds if you use multis as the are not synonymous with addons.

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