
Hi Guys,

As the title states, I've begun rewriting MyRunUO. It's been needing a facelift and new functionality for awhile, and my last release is now out of date with regard to both in php and RunUO/ServUO. I've got some time this week to knock it out, and would love some data to test it against.

I would like to get a copy of a well populated MyRunUO database or perhaps a copy of a now shutdown shard that once had many players. If anyone has one and would like to help the cause, please pm me.

Really looking for newer shard with Elf/Garg to help me out. I just need more data to test and build with. If anyone has a well populated shard with elves, gargs, guilds, I would love to chat with you :)

Here are some images of progress so far...

Female Elf.jpg Human Male.jpg Male Garg.jpg Player List.jpg
I have been wanting to get paperdoll.php to work with my server lately. I have not been able to get it to work with my current version, so if you are wanting help I am most willing to help.
@Voxpire I have not been able to get your paperdoll.php to work with my server as it seems all the items come back as flagged and doesn't show an image. I posted a few things on a thread here about it, and also forked your SVN and made some changes with errors that i was getting. Could it be the information that is being sent by the server to the DB that is not compatible?

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