
UoSidio submitted a new resource:

In Game Tracking System - bug tacker

This system will all your players to add bugs / missing spawn etc to a ingame tracker that will allow staff to assign roles and keep them updated on the progress of completing the issues that have been raised.

Its a simple drag and drop system that should work on everything from runuo to servuo.

Just use [viewissues in game for both players and staff

There is only 1 file that you should edit to suit you shard.

TrackerSystem.cs line 179

public static void Configure()
            m_Users = new Dictionary<int, ITrackerUser>();...

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This works great. I tried it out a little.
Is there any way to delete issues? or would they just stay forever?
Another nice feature might be some way sort the listed issues by Assigned to status or sorted by priority, etc.
Another useful status type could be "fixed" or "archived".

Good work!
I have a system just like this on my shard. It is invaluable when keeping track of your workflow. Although you have made some nice improvements over the one I am using. Nice work.
Last edited:
in trackerstatus.cs find line 15

public static void Configure()
            m_Statuses = new Dictionary<int, TrackerStatus>();

            RegisterStatus( 0,    "New",                    TimeSpan.MaxValue,            0 );
            RegisterStatus( 1,    "Testing",                TimeSpan.MaxValue,            10 );
            RegisterStatus( 2,    "Investigating",            TimeSpan.MaxValue,            20 );
            RegisterStatus( 3,    "Confirmed",            TimeSpan.MaxValue,            30 );
            RegisterStatus( 4,    "Fixing",                TimeSpan.MaxValue,            40 );
            RegisterStatus( 5,    "Fixed",                TimeSpan.FromHours( 72 ),    50 );
            RegisterStatus( 6,    "Spawn Issue",            TimeSpan.MaxValue,            60 );
            RegisterStatus( 7, "Implemented",            TimeSpan.FromHours( 72 ), 80 );
            RegisterStatus( 8,    "Developing",            TimeSpan.MaxValue,            90 );
            RegisterStatus( 9,    "Not a Bug",            TimeSpan.FromDays( 14 ),    100 );
            RegisterStatus( 10,    "Won't Implement",        TimeSpan.FromDays( 14 ),    110 );
            RegisterStatus( 11,    "Working as Intended",    TimeSpan.FromDays( 14 ),    120 );

            RegisterStatus( Int32.MaxValue, "Closed",    TimeSpan.FromHours( 96 ), Int32.MaxValue );

Here you can add any types of Status you like. The time values as well should delete them after xxx but this hasn't been fully tested.

I will look at a way to organise them when i do the next update that will also push them to a webserver although i might need help on that part.
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Reactions: Rex
This works great. I tried it out a little.
Is there any way to delete issues? or would they just stay forever?
Another nice feature might be some way sort the listed issues by Assigned to status or sorted by priority, etc.
Another useful status type could be "fixed" or "archived".

Good work!

You can remove issues using the supplied command [RemoveIssue followed by the issue number.
in my opinion since you use a dictionary anyway, you should use an enum for the status. makes it easier to follow the status

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