
As it would totally clutter the forum if I made a thread for each and they all deal with the same thing I decided to make a thread and will update the list in the initial post for open questions.

1. Body-Morph: the [prop command has "Body" and "BodyMod" but nothing happens when I click at them. I find only the enum BodyType {Empty,Monster,Sea,Animal,Human,Equipment} which seems different. How can I set the body property (e.g. a GM wants to morph into an animal/creature, I have the HexID of the body in question)?

Partial solutions:

[set bodyvalue <decimal>
will change the body ingame but that means the previous body ID is not stored anywhere. BodyMod is not affected so no simple reversion is possible through ingame command.

[cast <spellname>
opens a menu for "polymorphspell". Needs high Int/Magical skill though to not fizzle and maybe reagents (staff ring reduces that to 0?). Char speaks and actually performs the spell.
Can't use it to set the body ID directly unfortunately. Using [cast polymorphspell again resets the body to previous.

Final solution

[addatt xmlmorph <bodyID> <duration in min>
One can set the body temporarily (automatic reversal) through this if duration is given, without duration it reverts after default time (30 seconds in XmlMorph.cs. Sets bodyvalue, bodymod and bodyID..
[delatt xmlmorph turns the character back into it original form.

2. What to do via ingame command if a GM or such wants to TEMPORARILY take over (move into) or control (remote/mirror) an existing NPC for a while. Any solution for that?

I found this http://www.playuo.org/emu/index.php?resources/control-npc-command.44/ which works well it seems, but the command [control doesn't exist in ServUO. Can we add this to ServUO permanent so it makes sense to add it to the GM tool script? Here is another: https://www.servuo.com/threads/control.3126/

3. Decay (does something decay if placed into the world outside of the backpack): seems not to exist as individual property ( [set decay true/false] )?? Changing the "movable" property sets the "decays" property under [props to "true" but for example a corpse should not be movable but still decay (if I kill something the "decays" property from [props says "false". How can I set something as not movable but still have it decay?

4. Almost done documenting all ingame commands available. There are some I can't figure out what they are supposed to do or how to use them, please those who understand the code help!

addclone adds clone of character using the command (only?) Use??
ExportWSC causes servercrash and re-compile ??
GrantTownSilver Grants faction town silver? How??
GuideEdit affects shops?
Toolbar Does nothing??
UnloadIlshenar UnloadIlshenar x What does Unload mean?
UnloadMalas UnloadMalas x
UnloadTermur UnloadTermur x
UnloadTokuno UnloadTokuno x
UnloadTrammel UnloadTrammel x
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[set bodyvalue 308 click on self ( which is a bone demon) or [props bodyvalue and change the number
I'm not quite sure why that gump does not work any more to change bodyvales it did at one time :) now it only works with 3D, huh :)
with pandora's box you can find all the bodyvalue's under NPCS tab
I had problems with Pandora under my Windows 8 setup with the decrypted client so now use just the decrypted client or UOsteam and uninstalled Pandora. There is a long list of ID's in the old Accomplice version, has two ID's though (both hex). Could you tell me what the brown bear is ID wise then I should be able to decide which list ... or I have to convert them into some RunUO/ServUO specific thing.

Edit: Hm, I added the bear through the ingame gump menu. Completely different ID than what the old list has from InsideUO times. What on earth ...
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So you tried to run Pandora's as Administer but this didn't work? You could also check out UOFiddler
Question: this set thingie affects only the bodyvalue but it does not move the previous ID into bodyMod. Is it currently possible by ingame command (aka a single line/command) to set appearance of the body but retain the original body idea?
The lack of documentation is killing me, I'm lost staring at the code and even figuring out where to look ...

Edit: It seems what I'm looking for is the Polymorph spell but without having to use reagents and triggering it through ingame command.
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Btw I came up with this list which is a bit puzzling, there are lots of ID's missing in the BodyTable.cfg (is that file for documentation only or used by the server?)?
Total work in progress file, just for an idea, copy it into Excel for layout fix (I can't attach Excel files). Plus there are tons of ID's which have the same look. Why is that, dyed or such mobiles that are defined as distinct creatures?


  • bodyIDs.txt
    41.5 KB · Views: 39
I've updated the initial question list, would appreciate it if someone had answers for these.
(aka a single line/command) to set appearance of the body but retain the original body idea?
Are you asking that even though you change the bodyvalue to a different id- if the old could still hold/show?
Are you asking that even though you change the bodyvalue to a different id- if the old could still hold/show?

No, I'm trying to understand how to change the visible body but store the previous bodyID somewhere. Which (I assume) the BodyMod parameter is for, which seems to play a role in the Polymorph spell. If that assumption is correct, then ... can I trigger the Polymorph spell through an ingame command? And trigger it for a GM without having to use reagents?
Or is the XmlSpawner XmlMorph what I'm looking for? If yes how do I initiate that one by ingame command?

Edit: One can set the body temporarily (automatic reversal) through
[addatt xmlmorph 217 1
(first decimal is ID, second floating point is time in minutes)
But that sets the bodyvalue, bodymod and bodyID. Still not allowing me to set the bodyvalue for an unlimited time but restoring it by another command ...

Edit2: Making progress it seems. There is a command
[cast <spellname> that opens a menu for "polymorphspell"
Fizzles with my Owner avatar though ... so now I have to figure out how to disable fizzle for anything above Decorator ...

Edit3: Ok, that kind of works, [cast polymorphspell brings the menu up, can't use it to set the body ID directly unfortunately and annoyingly enough I speak the actual words instead of just morphing. Using [cast polymorphspell again resets the body to previous.
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Yes thanks, I put the link plus the one from PlayUO into the intial post. Looking for Decay function at the moment.
Believe there is also a [factionkick which will kick a player out of his current faction(with no waiting time)
never heard of this one addclone (unless a custom script would be in for it )
I have factionkick, both syntax and explanation, what I need is explanations for the ingame commands existing and listed above. :)
You think OSI GM's can't overtake an existing NPC? I would be surprised if not, that is standard roleplay/event stuff after all?
Of course this would be up to the developer's if this should be in the repo :)

Well in the past if I wanted control of a mob for an event- shrink it- props it or set hits, str and such
fill the pack etc and then release it for the event :)
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This is very different, it allows to act like the NPC. So for example a vendor suddenly starts talking to someone and gives out hints for a quest or such. Impossible to do life events like this just scripted.
It is possible to do that.
Shuffeling through every quests the player is doing, if player gives enough money to him or if he buys alot, then he would give out premade specific hints about quests.
Using a staff member is more like invading the surrounding of a player and sort of forcing him to interact, which doesn't always lay out good results.

And i totally agree with Milva, such script is not essential to the emulator directly devivered, people would laugh and find it funny at first, but then 1% will use it, and mostly in inapropiate moments.
This is why it is a custom script that can be added to the basic ServUO files, instead of forcing people to remove scripts they don't want and hate to do it, it is better to deliver something basic on which they add what they want.
A good life event with GM/Seer overtaking an NPC to nudge someone or introduce some story or move it along is not at all comparable in flexibility, depth etc with pre-made simple things as in a "quest". I'm not talking quests at all but real roleplay-server events.

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