
I am trying to create a unique shard experience with the iris2 client but i would like that to be mandatory without being able to log into my shard using a 2d client.

aos and ml 3d client also a possibility that i’m looking into since i really enjoyed playing on those 3d clients many years ago- got very sad that it never quite took off.

2d clients are too outdated graphics-wise for my eyes i just find it to be an eyesore and find that the only reason players still use it is bc it’s convenient for pvp ie; faster.

Anyway, if you guys can direct me on what to do that would be much appreciated as i am trying to create a unique experience either with AOS, ML 3d client or iris2 but id like to make it mandatory or strongly recommended for my potential shard players.
That client is not stable, it crashes, has many bugs..etc, Iris is an option to mess around, forcing your players to use it wouldnt be a good idea imo
I really liked the graphics of 3d back in the LBR days. After that they started changing it to look more like the 2d. Now it is just the 2d look, but with better monsters.

But with the hotbars and macro system, I would not play UO in 2d for anything. The new client is great - but to each their own...

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