
Hi guys!
I wanna ask about ultima live.
I use ultimalive for using more facets, but sometimes it causes trouble which is stop data receiving on client.
client can send messages to server, but client couldn't see that and also cannot be move their charactors.
the only one solution is logout and reconnect as soon as possible.
I tried to move my server to better one, but also doesn't seems to be solved.
Same problem occurred, and I got more stress!

I'd like to ask about solution about this problem.
If someone have a same problem or solve this problem, we can discuss about this.

please help me!
I had a highly modified server that included the UltimaLive map streamer, I found that clients were freezing in a manner like you describe-- specifically I found that as soon as the client sent a ping request packet to the server (and the server sent a pingack), they froze and stopped responding to any messages sent by the server.

The project was backburnered, so I never identified whether it was strictly related to UltimaLive or if it was another one of my many other modifications.
Have you tried to disable streaming to see if it resolves the problem? I think you'll need to place your map files in your programdata/ultimalive (different folder for windows 7, think its somewhere in documents and settings) folder so ULive doesn't need to stream the map data realtime, but it's probably worth a shot to narrow down the issue.
Have you tried to disable streaming to see if it resolves the problem? I think you'll need to place your map files in your programdata/ultimalive (different folder for windows 7, think its somewhere in documents and settings) folder so ULive doesn't need to stream the map data realtime, but it's probably worth a shot to narrow down the issue.

Already tried this method, but doesn't seems to be solve this problem.
this problem makes me crazy omg...
I found (because it seemed somehow related to pingack sent from the server), that if I simply did not send a pingack (this happens in the pingreq packethandler) that I didn't have the freezing problem anymore. Clients can no longer get a ping time but it might be a temporary solution (if you had the same problem as me).

I'm not sure if the lack of a pingack creates a situation where an idle client eventually drops connection either, might want to test that if you use this solution.
This was a long time ago... But I'm remembering now that it seems to have been related to the Huffman compression/decompression of the pingack packet which, because it is such a small packet, I seem to remember the decompression scheme gettin off while processing a stream of packets that includes the pingack. As soon as your decompression scheme is off the rails then basically it sits there expecting a ton of data before it tries to decompress the next packet... This seems to be the state I was getting into.

As for why UltimaLive might cause this to happen (or something else), I didn't dig deep enough to figure that out.
This was a long time ago... But I'm remembering now that it seems to have been related to the Huffman compression/decompression of the pingack packet which, because it is such a small packet, I seem to remember the decompression scheme gettin off while processing a stream of packets that includes the pingack. As soon as your decompression scheme is off the rails then basically it sits there expecting a ton of data before it tries to decompress the next packet... This seems to be the state I was getting into.

As for why UltimaLive might cause this to happen (or something else), I didn't dig deep enough to figure that out.

I've interested about this method. I'll try and checkout how it happens!
Thx for giving me a tip!

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