
I'm using a custom map and the current version of teleport.cs from the repo as well as the spellhelper.cs from the repo. The problem is, anywhere on my custom map I try to teleport to, it's marked as blocked cannot teleport here. Now if I remove the if statement regarding the blocked area from teleport.cs it works great, but the problem is, you can teleport Anywhere... lol which is not helpful.

Anyone had any success on getting teleport to work on custom maps? and how they did it? any advice would be appreciated.
Yes, I have it pointed to the proper map files in it's own MapFiles directory within the ServUO folder.
Though unlikely is it possible this is messed up because I used the Felucca faccet with the custom map instead of making a unique facet to use with the custom map?
My question is more about are you sure that the Felucca maps that your server is using is the same that your client is using. If the two have a different view of the world it will create all kinds of issues. Other then that I don't know of a reason it would block teleportation.
I did re check things, I've used 'CentrED' to make adjustments to my client map and have copied it over to the server mapfolder, which I would assume that if the maps did not match up it would cause issues such as my toons passing through buildings, if the maps did not match up I would expect it would making just walking around nearly impossible.
Have you tried typing [where to find out where the game thinks you are? Since you are using a custom map, your regions.xml file will be totally invalid. You should remove all content in regions.xml relating to the felucca facet. You could be somewhere that regions.xml thinks is green acres, for example.

Also, in SpellHelper.cs there is a travel validator which decides whether or not you can teleport to/from an area. The values there are hardcoded. You might want to check where the travel validator thinks you are.


For example, whether or not you are in Wind is entirely calculated based on the X,Y coords:

public static bool IsWindLoc(Point3D loc)
    int x = loc.X, y = loc.Y;
    return (x >= 5120 && y >= 0 && x < 5376 && y < 256);

There's a ton of stuff you need to change for a custom map. Lots of your tmap locations will be in places like the ocean, for example.
I appreciate all the responses and help in this matter as I know most people will not usually touch these kind of problems.

I did check my regions.xml, i have already removed ALL the facet information from them. I did the command [where and the coordinates match that of my character props, which seems to make sense. I've actually already fixed my treasure maps lol.

Now that I've actually looked at the spellhelper, it seems this may be the problem, so i still have tramel with that map active on my server, i'm able to teleport there, so it must be something else that is adding restrictions based on location even though I've removed the region entries....

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