
I just recently dl'd ServUO and the new client from UO. The patch went to I have done everything the forums have told me to do, but I can't get Pandoras Box to work. I have also tried to get UO Architect to work (although I know nothing about that one) to no avail. Without a building program it's impossible to build. Pandoras offers so much. Is there anyway someone could fix this because I dang sure can't.

Thanks for keeping UO alive and well!
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WOW! OK.....I got my remote desk top Pandoras up and running!....yay! But, I did the exact same thing to my server comp and can't seem to make it start up. It get stuck on "Creating new profile" or "Loading". I am running as admin. Any other suggestions? But, thank goodness I got my remote comp up and running since that one is the one I will be using.
[doublepost=1500592423][/doublepost]OK....now I do not see any of the items in the list when in deco mode. I can make them, but it's a crap shoot as to what it is. Walls, floors, plants, or what ever. None has pictures.
Not understanding why you can't create a new profile :/ you need to point pandora to your game client with the converted UOP files -maybe check properties for the pandora client and also the UOP files to be sure they are set in security .
OK....got the pictures showing. I went to the dl older clients and dl'd 7th Anniversary. Pointed Pandoras to it and walla...done. Thanks for your help. It is greatly appreciated.
NOW.....quickly...hehe. I have posted this elsewhere and no one has answered. I need the number that represents Delucia.
new PMEntry(new Point3D(643, 2067, 5), 1012009), // Skara Brae
/* Dynamic Z for Magincia to support both old and new maps. */
new PMEntry(new Point3D(3563, 2139, Map.Trammel.GetAverageZ(3563, 2139)), 1012010), // (New) Magincia
new PMEntry(new Point3D(3450, 2677, 25), 1078098),// New Haven
new PMEntry(new Point3D(5226, 3977, 37), 1078098)// Delucia
this is New Haven's number and that's what shows on the Moongate gump
Pandora just won't show new items with the older client :) but if you can get Fiddler to work this would-there is one posted which contains the plugin which works well.
In Fiddler for Cliloc Delucia it shows 1011058
UOFiddler https://www.servuo.com/threads/uofiddler-with-uop-support.1429/
works with the newer client be sure to point this to ;your client

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