
How important is it to restart daily? Weekly? Monthly? What if you never restarted?

Just curious!
silly question, but you are talking about just the shard and not your computer?

as for the shard, I honestly don't know. I would guess daily is overkill though.
Shard ha yes.

A shard. I know EA does it daily. Always has since OSI.

I also know this 100% different. So am really just curious!
I think it used to be more important than it is now. Garbage collection has greatly improved over time.

I think a shard would benefit from a periodic restart to ensure cleanup and garbage collection, etc. But it certainly doesn't need a nightly. Of course, you can just wait for a crash, lol.

My test shard has been running for 97 days without a restart and I've seen no change in save times. I have noticed a bit more internal item cleanup after a long time between restarts, but that is probably due to a bad spawner or script.
Hmm okay thanks another question my shard has been up for 6 months now and everyday, slowly over time, this number has been increased. Is that a bad thing?

21:04:48 Cleanup: Detected 54 inaccessible items, including 54 bank boxes, remov
According to my shard's live data (http://play.uofreedom.com:3000/)
The longest continuous up-time was 55 days, 6 hours, 27 minutes and 19 seconds :p

If your server is memory-efficient, you don't have to restart all that often.
At its peak, my shard has consumed up to 12,400,958,152 bytes (12 GB) of memory, which wasn't necessarily during the longest continuous up-time.
A lot of code in RunUO gets stuck in memory though, so it's worth restarting at least once a week IMO.
If your server is memory-efficient, you don't have to restart all that often.
At its peak, my shard has consumed up to 12,400,958,152 bytes (12 GB) of memory, which wasn't necessarily during the longest continuous up-time.
A lot of code in RunUO gets stuck in memory though, so it's worth restarting at least once a week IMO.

If you're using a shared webhost, you probably want to reboot every couple of days to flush the processes stuck in memory as Vors mentioned. I have noticed a hiccup with things like plants though when there isn't a timely reboot (not using ServUO repo though).
Really though, how long does it take for your shard to reboot? If it's less than a minute, why not do it daily? I would be very surprised to hear of anyone that has longer than a 15-minute wait for their shard to reboot (unless you have a script error).
Perhaps the question these days is: Does a daily/weekly reboot negatively effect your shard?

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