That's entirely possible - I just have to finish my work on the PHP-UO-SDK that allows us to work with the new UOP file format - otherwise we'll be stuck using the old MUL files like every other shard that implements the paperdoll on their site.
There is an alternative though, generating the images in RunUO itself and serving up the data via an HTTP server-service listening for web-based requests, but that could put unnecessary overhead on the shard, especially if it has to deal with a lot of requests.
I've just finished work on a WebStats module for VNc which Tresdni is writing the web-based interface for.
The WebStats module is capable of outputting all the data in JSON format and includes server statistics, guilds, players ( with stats, skills and equipment ).
The JSON serializer is built-in to VNc, I had the option of using a 3rd party library, or even the native Globalization.Serialization.JsonSereializer, but those options don't fit my stadards of "plug and play" - so I just wrote my own for VNc
VNc already provides easy ways to create and manage MySQL databases and tables, so adding database support to anything is fairly straight-forward - but I do like the prospect of skipping the "middle-man" (database) all together.
Hopefully, I will be able to put all this research/knowledge into practise and create a fully-blown "armory" of sorts that will allow any shard to display anything on their site.
This will most likely be in the form of using my VNc website's Vita-Nex: CoreAPI - though there will be nothing stopping anyone else from writing their own API interface for the armory.
I know VNc is not standard in ServUO - and Insanity has suggested that we'd look into including it as standard, but there isn't really any way to make it "disabled by default" as he requests - because the features it adds (bar the Modules) are extensive, things like extension methods, mobiles, items and such can't be disabled. VNc doesn't come with any pre-installed modules though and it doesn't modify or interfere with anything just by being installed, it just gives you the power to write less, while doing more. Basically, VNc provides a framework for you to tap in to, to make your life easier - so technically, the entire project is idle until you start writing code to use its features.