jase giffin

jase giffin submitted a new resource:

Keeper of the skill mount - mounts and boss.

somebody will hate me today,,,,
keeper of the skill mount at bay.
pushing shard limits, ya roll the dice, burning small village, ya burn it twice. Here be ya skill mounts to say... killing farm animal makes grey.
drag them ya drop them restart and yer fine keeper of the skill mount Hurray...
please drink responsible.

Read more about this resource...
Looks awesome but wanted to let you know there is a lot of errors.

 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountBeetle.cs:
    CS0115: Line 16: 'Server.Items.SkillMountBeetle.OnAdded(object)': no suitabl
e method found to override
    CS0115: Line 33: 'Server.Items.SkillMountBeetle.OnRemoved(object)': no suita
ble method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountChimera.cs:
    CS0115: Line 17: 'Server.Items.SkillMountChimera.OnAdded(object)': no suitab
le method found to override
    CS0115: Line 35: 'Server.Items.SkillMountChimera.OnRemoved(object)': no suit
able method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountCuShide.cs:
    CS0115: Line 17: 'Server.Items.SkillMountCuShide.OnAdded(object)': no suitab
le method found to override
    CS0115: Line 34: 'Server.Items.SkillMountCuShide.OnRemoved(object)': no suit
able method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountDaemon.cs:
    CS0115: Line 20: 'Server.Items.SkillMountDemon.OnAdded(object)': no suitable
 method found to override
    CS0115: Line 37: 'Server.Items.SkillMountDemon.OnRemoved(object)': no suitab
le method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountHorse.cs:
    CS0115: Line 17: 'Server.Items.SkillMountHorse.OnAdded(object)': no suitable
 method found to override
    CS0115: Line 34: 'Server.Items.SkillMountHorse.OnRemoved(object)': no suitab
le method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountKirin.cs:
    CS0115: Line 16: 'Server.Items.SkillMountKirin.OnAdded(object)': no suitable
 method found to override
    CS0115: Line 33: 'Server.Items.SkillMountKirin.OnRemoved(object)': no suitab
le method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountLlama.cs:
    CS0115: Line 16: 'Server.Items.SkillMountLlama.OnAdded(object)': no suitable
 method found to override
    CS0115: Line 33: 'Server.Items.SkillMountLlama.OnRemoved(object)': no suitab
le method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountOstard.cs:
    CS0115: Line 16: 'Server.Items.SkillMountOstard.OnAdded(object)': no suitabl
e method found to override
    CS0115: Line 33: 'Server.Items.SkillMountOstard.OnRemoved(object)': no suita
ble method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountPolarBear.cs:
    CS0115: Line 20: 'Server.Items.SkillMountPolarB.OnAdded(object)': no suitabl
e method found to override
    CS0115: Line 37: 'Server.Items.SkillMountPolarB.OnRemoved(object)': no suita
ble method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountRidgeback.cs:
    CS0115: Line 16: 'Server.Items.SkillMountRidgeback.OnAdded(object)': no suit
able method found to override
    CS0115: Line 33: 'Server.Items.SkillMountRidgeback.OnRemoved(object)': no su
itable method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountSwampDragon.cs:

    CS0115: Line 16: 'Server.Items.SkillMountSwampDragon.OnAdded(object)': no su
itable method found to override
    CS0115: Line 33: 'Server.Items.SkillMountSwampDragon.OnRemoved(object)': no
suitable method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMounts/SkillMountUnicorn.cs:
    CS0115: Line 16: 'Server.Items.SkillMountUnicorn.OnAdded(object)': no suitab
le method found to override
    CS0115: Line 33: 'Server.Items.SkillMountUnicorn.OnRemoved(object)': no suit
able method found to override
 + Custom/Mobiles/Skill Mounts/Skill Mount/SkillMount.cs:
    CS0115: Line 17: 'Server.Items.SkillMount.OnAdded(object)': no suitable meth
od found to override
    CS0115: Line 34: 'Server.Items.SkillMount.OnRemoved(object)': no suitable me
thod found to override
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
 - Press return to exit, or R to try again.
It looks like its a mobile that you kill that can drop one of the included mounts that give you some skills on mount randomly. Pretty neat looking file but Those errors happen on compile.
They are indeed set with the ondeath method Milva. So no worries there. I hope you don't mind Jase but I went ahead and fixed all the errors. I just had to go into each script and change:

public override void OnAdded( object parent ) & public override void OnRemoved( object parent ) to the newer
public override void OnAdded( IEntity parent ) & public override void OnRemoved( IEntity parent )

Here is the updated script package if you would like to update the resource.

Now if only I could figure out how to make it not exceed the players skill cap. Right now a skill that is capped at 120.0 can go higher with the mount.


  • Skill Mount.zip
    11.2 KB · Views: 16
that isn't a problem. great work. im glad good scripts havnt died completely. and if something I posted doesn't work please share your error. I may not run a shard anymore but I do still play with my own shard and work. so I don't ind helping to solve issues that these systems encounter. good on ya. ill update that.
this is an awesome addon! thank you for posting it.
I've modified him a bit on my server and made him into a mini-champion boss with the rain of gold and harrower skull when you kill him.
however, I would like to make him drop a random skull. I've tried this:

public override ChampionSkullType SkullType
switch (Utility.Random(6))
case 0: return ChampionSkullType.Venom; break;
case 1: return ChampionSkullType.Greed; break;
case 2: return ChampionSkullType.Power; break;
case 3: return ChampionSkullType.Death; break;
case 4: return ChampionSkullType.Pain; break;
case 5: return ChampionSkullType.Enlightenment; break;

but when I reboot my server, I get a fatal error saying that not all paths lead to a result.

if I do:
public override ChampionSkullType SkullType
return ChampionSkullType.Venom;
he will drop that single skull. so, I know the function works with him. I just can't get it to randomize.

thank you again for this and thank you for any help.
It will have to look something like this..

public override ChampionSkullType SkullType
  switch (Utility.Random(6))
  case 0: return ChampionSkullType.Venom;
  case 1: return ChampionSkullType.Greed;
  case 2: return ChampionSkullType.Power;
  case 3: return ChampionSkullType.Death;
  case 4: return ChampionSkullType.Pain;
  case 5: return ChampionSkullType.Enlightenment;
  default: break;
  return ChampionSkullType.Death; // or something to default..
[doublepost=1463071893][/doublepost]or even this, if you are careful not to exceed the enumeration..(a little bit less control over which items though)

  public override ChampionSkullType SkullType
  return (ChampionSkullType) Utility.Random(6);
Last edited:
Less nice looking I guess but this one would make it so you can add new skulls at it remains to use all types.
public override ChampionSkullType SkullType
		return (ChampionSkullType) Utility.Random(Enum.GetNames(typeof(ChampionSkullType)).Length);

Now if you want to go with the switch you can do it in multiple ways too
public override ChampionSkullType SkullType
		switch (Utility.Random(6))
			case 0: return ChampionSkullType.Venom;
			case 1: return ChampionSkullType.Greed;
			case 2: return ChampionSkullType.Power;
			case 3: return ChampionSkullType.Death;
			case 4: return ChampionSkullType.Pain;
			default: return ChampionSkullType.Enlightenment;

Or the way Fraz mentioned :)
thank you both very much. I got it working using PyrO's first suggestion. :)
having the flexibility to add new skulls later and not having to remember to come back and edit this seemed appealing.

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