
Killable RP Guards - Guards that attack monsters and criminal players on sight.

Source Thread:http://www.runuo.com/community/threads/1-0-2-killable-rp-guards.95674/
Source Scripts:http://www.runuo.com/community/threads/1-0-2-killable-rp-guards.95674/page-3#post-3910933

Guards that attack monsters and criminal players on sight.

Set of guards for every town in Trammel except Haven/Ocello. BaseRanger is the BaseGuard script for these guards. So where you see Ranger imagine the word Guard there.

I Hank did not create nor take any credit for this...

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How does one turn off guards permanently, not just by typing [toggleguarded? Also, how might one go about replacing the traditional WarriorGuard with this?
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I imagine you could replace the normal 1 shot kill guards with the RP guards instead but I don't know how to do that without researching it.

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