
Thagoras submitted a new resource:

Kraken Replacement - A replacement kraken

I've NEVER liked the OSI kraken.
So, took me about half the night (and a lot of ambition), but I pulled a kraken.
View attachment 21762
There are a few issues...that I'm not completely happy with. If I can fix them, I'll update.
It's not like the OSI version was perfect.
The blue is supposed to be underwater but the client is interpreting everything as being on top of the surface...and casting a shadow...and extending on the land.
It looks fine in deep water but next to...

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Thagoras updated Kraken Replacement with a new update entry:

Fixed a few issues.

Recaptured and reprocessed. Removed the lower half and have properly colored primary tentacles....otherwise the animation sequences haven't been changed. There's still an issue with the mob dipping below the lowest water tiles...but other large mobs have that issue too. Still have a slight shadow problem in Orion but not so much in ClassicUO.
Looks more like it fits

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