
Joshua submitted a new resource:

Level System Extreme - Raise the bar and give the players something to strive to achieve.

Level System Extreme!
Welcome to the Level System Extreme, this is the redesigned system that has undergone many evolutions over time and has come to where it is at now. When I first started creating and evolving a level system, it was simply because a decent supported version didn't exist. Sure there was plenty of half-put together systems still in existence however it was obvious to players these were not...

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Nice man! Been a long time since there has been an easily accessible complete level system and I have enjoyed seeing you evolve this over time. Great work!
So far a found a bug in titles.cs, a missing null point for playermobile, seems using mercs causes an issue, have some changes and bug fixes already going through. Will be posting an updates soon. I want to try to do a little more before pushing an update. By the way, if no one has noticed, I added a special level bag, that is new. Should check it out.
Joshua updated Level System Extreme with a new update entry:

Bug Patchs and Improvements

- Added Script CreatureDeathEventExt.cs - Talks to Level system without distro edits and now preserves level orb on pet death.
- Updated SetupInstructions to reflect CreatureDeathEventExt changes
- Updated Titles.cs instructions and modified , missing null check for playermobile.
- Updated LevelHandler.cs for exp skill gain issues.
- Updated SetupInstructions to reflect the skillcheck.cs edits, dialing 4 to 1 edit needed.
- updated FeatureHandlerExt.cs to remove a...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Wanted to give a heads up to anyone watching the thread. I would wait at least another week before potentially using this with any kind of production shard. To make the newest change 'pet bonuses' it involved a serialization change to LevelSheet and PetLevelOrb which means once you put these changes in, the existing items and their information stored will be lost. I'm going to really burn through the system and catch any more potential changes like this before the next release in a few days to make sure this won't happen again. If it does happen for any reason, it would then be the case jumps to give people a chance to get the changes before phasing out a serialization method. This time the changes were too big to do a case jump, so that is what happened. Sorry about that guys. Times like this I miss XML. =p
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Joshua updated Level System Extreme with a new update entry:

Features and Bugs

Additions: (serialization changes in LevelSheet and PetLevelOrb!! - Loss of Data will happen!!)
Added CreatureMovement.cs
Added PetFeatureHandlerExt.cs
Added StatBoostHandlerExt.cs
Updated LevelSheet.cs
Updated PetLevelOrb.cs
Updated NewPlayerStatsAndEquip.cs
Updated PetLevelGumpExt.cs
Updated CreatureMovement.cs to include LevelOrb check.
Updated SetupInstructions.cs
Updated LevelBag.cs - refactored code / added features (seralization change)
Updated LebelBagConfig.cs - Added in expansion...

Read the rest of this update entry...
So here is something interesting... Now for those that know me... I do my best coding and random A$$ 'Lets plug this here, and yank that wire there and Bam!' scenarios when I'm drunk. So... I seperated the attachment system from the xmlspawner to be independent. It WORKS now... So I like what I've done so far so I'm not likely going to do a (OMG LETS GO BACK TO ATTACHMENTS) kind of deal but I will likely.. very likely use this as a hybrid option and mix and match the two types I have to make the most of all the potential that exist and to once again pull back distro edits. soo... that is just a fun fun to note.

This will likely be part of the next release, all the names have been adjusted slightly so there should be no conflicts if you already have a working attachment system or xmlspawner system.
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Joshua updated Level System Extreme with a new update entry:

Feature Addition and Bug Fixes

Big Change. Moved LevelOrbs for pets into the pets 'bank'. Backpacks are no longer used for this. This means a lot of scripts that referenced the pets backpack has been updated to now reference the pets bank.

This has also removed the need to retrieve the level orb upon death which means we no longer use the event sync to handle that process. This also removed a distro edit from the packanimals and from the AnimalTrainer.cs since no backpack exist and the animal trainer doesn't check for...

Read the rest of this update entry...
getting the following while compiling.

ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Core - Level System\LevelCore.cs(376,17): warning CS0184: The given expression is never of the provided ('BaseOre') type [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Features - Expansions\PetLevelSystem\LevelHandlerPetExt.cs(81,26): warning CS0219: The variable 'pm' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Features - Expansions\PetLevelSystem\LevelHandlerPetExt.cs(119,26): warning CS0219: The variable 'pm' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Core - EventSyncs\CreatureMovement.cs(78,4): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Core - Level System\LevelReqTile.cs(71,13): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Features - Expansions\PetLevelSystem\PetLevelGumpExt.cs(116,18): warning CS0169: The field 'PetLevelGump.m_Master' is never used [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Features - Expansions\PetLevelSystem\PetLevelOrb.cs(36,15): warning CS0414: The field 'PetLevelOrb.proximityrange' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Misc\SkillCheck.cs(380,28): error CS0117: 'Configured' does not contain a definition for 'ct' [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Misc\SkillCheck.cs(381,21): error CS0103: The name 'ct' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Services\BulkOrders\Rewards\ConfirmBankPointsGump.cs(34,5): error CS0103: The name 'LevelHandler' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Items\Equipment\Armor\BaseArmor.cs(1858,8): error CS0103: The name 'cfe' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Items\Equipment\Clothing\BaseClothing.cs(394,8): error CS0103: The name 'cfe' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Items\Equipment\Jewelry\BaseJewel.cs(477,8): error CS0103: The name 'cfe' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Items\Equipment\Weapons\BaseWeapon.cs(778,8): error CS0103: The name 'cfe' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
    7 Warning(s)
    7 Error(s)
Okay so. here we go.

This is on me, will fix this in the next update.

            /* LevelSystemExt Start */
            Configured c = new Configured();
            if (c.GainExpFromBods == true)
                LevelHandler.BodGainEXP(user, (int)points);
            /* LevelSystemExt End */

Replace LevelHandler with LevelHandlerExt

The next issue with the skillcheck.cs
I double-checked the instructions and confirmed it against the Configured file and it does exist, please check that again to make sure there are no typos.

In the error with the basearmor/weapon/jewel and clothing.
You need to do the last part of the instruction that includes ' AddNameProperties ' as that has the line
ConfiguredEquipment cfe = new ConfiguredEquipment();

That should take care of those. I will include those alterations in the next update. If the problem with skillcheck doesn't resolve after going over it again, post the skillcheck.cs here so i can take a look.

Also to note, I am working on a massive update, why its been quiet for a bit, I'm developing a new in-game configuration system complete with GUI. So that should also help clear any confusion, so there will no need to fiddle with configuration files when it can be turned on or off with a push of a switch.
getting the following while compiling.

ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Core - Level System\LevelCore.cs(376,17): warning CS0184: The given expression is never of the provided ('BaseOre') type [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Features - Expansions\PetLevelSystem\LevelHandlerPetExt.cs(81,26): warning CS0219: The variable 'pm' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Features - Expansions\PetLevelSystem\LevelHandlerPetExt.cs(119,26): warning CS0219: The variable 'pm' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Core - EventSyncs\CreatureMovement.cs(78,4): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Core - Level System\LevelReqTile.cs(71,13): warning CS0162: Unreachable code detected [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Features - Expansions\PetLevelSystem\PetLevelGumpExt.cs(116,18): warning CS0169: The field 'PetLevelGump.m_Master' is never used [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Custom\Systems\Level\Features - Expansions\PetLevelSystem\PetLevelOrb.cs(36,15): warning CS0414: The field 'PetLevelOrb.proximityrange' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Misc\SkillCheck.cs(380,28): error CS0117: 'Configured' does not contain a definition for 'ct' [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Misc\SkillCheck.cs(381,21): error CS0103: The name 'ct' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Services\BulkOrders\Rewards\ConfirmBankPointsGump.cs(34,5): error CS0103: The name 'LevelHandler' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Items\Equipment\Armor\BaseArmor.cs(1858,8): error CS0103: The name 'cfe' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Items\Equipment\Clothing\BaseClothing.cs(394,8): error CS0103: The name 'cfe' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Items\Equipment\Jewelry\BaseJewel.cs(477,8): error CS0103: The name 'cfe' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
ServUO-master\Scripts\Items\Equipment\Weapons\BaseWeapon.cs(778,8): error CS0103: The name 'cfe' does not exist in the current context [C:\Users\Andre\OneDrive\Desktop\ServUO-master\Scripts\Scripts.csproj]
    7 Warning(s)
    7 Error(s)
Almost done with the next update. I have a few more control areas to finish up with and then link them to the remaining services. At this point, there is no minor merge. This is a complete replacement. Even the distro mods have changed slightly. Many improvements and bug patch outs and new features. There is a complete equipment level system that I'm 60% done with. I may or may not complete that before the next release.

Once everything is done, all changes can be done actively in-game without restarts to the server. The changes are immediate, and they affect all players, logged in or not. Under the hood, the code is intimidating, but it's coming together. It shouldn't be long now. If any other features come to mind or expansion/themes you would like to see, let me know.

Side Note: the other older XML level system, I'm considering taking it down entirely and leaving that Zip file dormant within this Zip as archived scripts for reference. This new system is a complete hybrid, between the forced usage of items and the reintegration of XML attachments but on a new scale. Because of the many edits, XML attachments need many of the features that the system once had no longer works, so that is why it's a hybrid setup between item and attachment. There IS a reason for the madness, I promise. lol

These are just a few screenshots of the main windows, there are a LOT of configuration windows, too many that I care not to screenshot. This is future proof, this is the final base that I will build onto moving forward. Serialization errors, and the like, will be avoided at all cost,s and everything will be much smoother for future development without destroying half the system. The Attachment system is a modified version of what XML attachments were to better accommodate how I needed to use them. They are also not going to conflict with existing XML spawners and even the older attachment systems.


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Going through the configuration panel and testing out features as I go through them, I noticed the Add to Max level with scrolls option may not be working correctly, this likely existed on the previous system as well. I'm working this out but wanted to mention this and ask if anyone else notices any bugs or items not working please post.
Joshua updated Level System Extreme with a new update entry:

Full Overhaul - Merge is not suggested!

Here comes the big update that I've boasted about. There is now an in-game control item to handle the system. Using [levelcontrol will start the Gump and add the item in the green acres area. The Gump has its own options to track the control item and teleport the GM to it or even bring it to the GM's pack.

The Level Bag is still an external config, that is still under review.
The Ability to add items to new players upon logging in has been commented out for now.

Added new features...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Forgot to include this in the setup text file, to use pet stealing the GM needs to make 'PetLockPicks' available. Either by putting them on a vendor or maybe making them loot.
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Added and fixed some items. Still working on the info gumps to offer helpful advice for each feature.
I wanted to toss some idea's out to see if there is an interest aside from current obvious enhancements.

Provide Rewards for Daily logins based on level
Higher Exp Gain if using a higher quality weapon
Higher Exp Gain to Player if Pet Level is X.

Pet Reclaim Chance if Pet is Stolen - If the pet is stolen, an Item will be generated in the pet owner's backpack. When the item is double-clicked and used ON the pet before the pet is taken out of the player's sight, then a series of checks start. If the pet's loyalty and happiness are high enough then there is a chance the pet will return to the owner after 'striking' the thief and paralyzing the thief for up to 30 seconds. The duration of the item that exists in the owner's backpack would be something like two minutes. If reclaim is successful then there would be no stat loss to the pet.

Added Pet Loyalty Bonus, the pet will randomly place in the owner's backpack when walking with it, gold, reagents, or something of simple value to 'show' its affections. If the loyalty is low (to the point it may abandon the owner) then perhaps it may randomly harm the owner or poison the owner instead. A tiered system.
Joshua updated Level System Extreme with a new update entry:

Various Fixes and Updates

- Adding a missing Pet Stat Gump
- Made Changes to distro edits, less now needed.
- Fixed DoSkillsGainExp playerlevel check

Various other scripts updated and improved.
No Serial Changes.
Advised to manual update or carefully merge files after comparison.

LevelSheetAtt1.cs - added - future feature
LevelSystemAttachExt - Updated...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Can I get your Server pack?
I can't download ServUo Version 0.5, Build 7514.41540 And UO Clinet Ver7.0.83.37.
I want to enjoy single play :D
In the distro folder I included a blank server you can use. It should work just fine on the newest servuo distro and the newest uo client.
was wondering what the bonus venders are suppose to sell? I have set one of each on my server and they all sell the same stuff.
It's discount but its also selective. You can say let only level 70 players buy x item. Kind of like a system to encourage leveling. You have to change what they are carrying, you can put unique items or whatever you need. They are meant to be adjusted to meet your needs. Not left as default.
Post automatically merged:

Now that I think about it, i could have just made one vendor to rule them all... Ohwell. Maybe when I come back to this. It should be easy to merge all the vendors into one and account for each level group.
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just one other question. How do you change what they sell.
In each vendor script there exist this line

public class InternalBuyInfo : List<GenericBuyInfo>

under this line is where you configure what they sell. You can look at other vendor scripts in the servuo distro for more examples. Their sell scripts are usually seperated from the vendor, i kept these together.
I have encountered some problems, how to deal with them

ServUO - [ServUO - Ultima Online Emulation] Version 0.5, Build 7823.13718 - Build on 2021/6/2 7:37:16 UTC - Release
Core: Optimizing for 8 64-bit processors
Core: Compiled for .NET 4.7.2
Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 2 errors, 1 warnings

+ Customs/Core - Attachments/LevelSheetAtt1.cs:
CS0246: Line 10: The type or namespace name 'XmlAttachmentExt' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0115: Line 29: 'LevelSheetAtt1.OnAttach()': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 40: 'LevelSheetAtt1.OnDelete()': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 48: 'LevelSheetAtt1.Serialize(GenericWriter)': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 55: 'LevelSheetAtt1.Deserialize(GenericReader)': no suitable method found to override
CS0246: Line 13: The type or namespace name 'ASerial' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 17: The type or namespace name 'AttachableAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 17: The type or namespace name 'Attachable' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 23: The type or namespace name 'AttachableAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 23: The type or namespace name 'Attachable' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Customs/Core - System Control/LevelControlSys.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: The type or namespace name 'XmlAttachmentExt' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0115: Line 4064: 'LevelControlSys.OnAttach()': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 4074: 'LevelControlSys.OnDelete()': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 4084: 'LevelControlSys.Serialize(GenericWriter)': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 4653: 'LevelControlSys.Deserialize(GenericReader)': no suitable method found to override
CS0246: Line 4059: The type or namespace name 'ASerial' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4049: The type or namespace name 'AttachableAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4049: The type or namespace name 'Attachable' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4054: The type or namespace name 'AttachableAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4054: The type or namespace name 'Attachable' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
- Press return to exit, or R to try again.
In the readme file it says to put using Server.Engines.LevelSystemExtAtt; at the top under references for each edited file and to also include using Server.Items; for confirmbankpointsgump
I added the codes, but there were the same errors

ServUO - [ServUO - Ultima Online Emulation] Version 0.5, Build 7823.13718 - Build on 2021/6/2 7:37:16 UTC - Release
Core: Optimizing for 8 64-bit processors
Core: Compiled for .NET 4.7.2
Core: Server garbage collection mode enabled
RandomImpl: CSPRandom (Software)
Core: Loading config...
Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Failed with: 2 errors, 1 warnings

+ Customs/Core - Attachments/LevelSheetAtt1.cs:
CS0246: Line 10: The type or namespace name 'XmlAttachmentExt' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0115: Line 29: 'LevelSheetAtt1.OnAttach()': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 40: 'LevelSheetAtt1.OnDelete()': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 48: 'LevelSheetAtt1.Serialize(GenericWriter)': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 55: 'LevelSheetAtt1.Deserialize(GenericReader)': no suitable method found to override
CS0246: Line 13: The type or namespace name 'ASerial' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 17: The type or namespace name 'AttachableAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 17: The type or namespace name 'Attachable' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 23: The type or namespace name 'AttachableAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 23: The type or namespace name 'Attachable' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
+ Customs/Core - System Control/LevelControlSys.cs:
CS0246: Line 12: The type or namespace name 'XmlAttachmentExt' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0115: Line 4064: 'LevelControlSys.OnAttach()': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 4074: 'LevelControlSys.OnDelete()': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 4084: 'LevelControlSys.Serialize(GenericWriter)': no suitable method found to override
CS0115: Line 4653: 'LevelControlSys.Deserialize(GenericReader)': no suitable method found to override
CS0246: Line 4059: The type or namespace name 'ASerial' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4049: The type or namespace name 'AttachableAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4049: The type or namespace name 'Attachable' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4054: The type or namespace name 'AttachableAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
CS0246: Line 4054: The type or namespace name 'Attachable' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Scripts: One or more scripts failed to compile or no script files were found.
Post automatically merged:

Where can I find “xmlattachmentex”
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Sounds like you do not have
Features - Expansions\LevelSystemAttachExt
extracted or included
Hi have a problem: I do not find the file named ConfirmBankPointsGump.cs with the search in the folder.
I have found ConfirmHeritage, ConfirmReward, ConfirmTransferPetGump, ConfirmReleaseGump and others, But Nothing for ConfirmBankPointsGump.cs
How I can find also specific version about my ServUo? Thanks
i installed on servuo 57 followed the text installation files and wham.. ended up with a eventsink problem
LevelSystemExtAtt Attachment Error Report

RunUO Version 0.5.7394, Build 38978
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
.NET Framework: 4.0.30319.42000
Time: 12/17/2021 7:25:33 PM

Error deserializing particular attachments.

Specific Attachment Errors:
Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlData - Missing a serial constructor?
Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2.XmlDialog - Missing a serial constructor?
Level Control Gump is bugged and its blank now
latest version of servuo and latest version of Ultima online
it was working until i restart the server

OUT OF SUBJECT : SAO is one of my bests in my list

Edit : i deleted the level control token and typed [levelcontrol and it created a new one now gump is ok but it says toggeled and it doesnot change . checked the pets names etc

Another edit : i got it working . if u guys already have XmlAttach . they cross with the ones in Level System Extreme
what u need to do is removed the attachments from feature folder and edit other folders for your already existing XmlAttach in your serveruo

But right now server is having some issues it started lagging . ping is wavy and frezing the server . i pinged the server manually there and it seems like something in the server side is causing lagg . checked deserialize and serialize in levelsys.cs but cant see a problem . save times didnt changed much it was 0.4 to 0.6 now its around 0.5 to 1.2

Using 32 GB RAM Xenon Cpu Host Computer
Running with Windows 10 PRO


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// needed for deserialization
public XmlAttachmentExt(ASerial serial)
m_Serial = serial;

this line on xmlattachmentext.... seems to have a missing constructor somewhere? gives me a memory out of range array...
i can not see no xmlspawners either.. somehow they are all invisible now..
servuo .5 build 8024.18458
and for the xmldialog issue i added reader/write references to m_DataValue

got to fix this critical serialization / deserialization issue
// needed for deserialization
public XmlAttachmentExt(ASerial serial)
m_Serial = serial;

this line on xmlattachmentext.... seems to have a missing constructor somewhere? gives me a memory out of range array...
i can not see no xmlspawners either.. somehow they are all invisible now..
servuo .5 build 8024.18458
and for the xmldialog issue i added reader/write references to m_DataValue

got to fix this critical serialization / deserialization issue
okay u need to replace XmlAttachentExt with XmlAttachent if u allready have xml attach installed . there is xml files inside level system extreme features folder (there is a folder contains xmlattachext) u need to remove them ( u have xml dialog so u already have xml attach ) so just remove them . Replace the references u added while doing distro edits with using Server.Engines.XmlSpawner2. once u start it will throw errors and says cant find xmlattachext or xmlattachmentext replace them with xmlattach or xmlattachment

Serialize and deserialize fails cause there is 2 attach file doing same thing but not throwing error cause using diffrent namespaces
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Thank you everyone for contributing to upcoming issues as they make themselves known, I'm current working on another project, I will be returning to this one in a short while to touch up a few things and incorporate some suggestions/fixes. Hope you all have a great new year!
Here we go its for the ones already have the xmlattach installed and having deserialize and serialize issue


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Here we go its for the ones already have the xmlattach installed and having deserialize and serialize issue

tried this rar and get attach missing and assembly errors.
i think the main problem is ASerialize.. its doesnt properly sync for deserializatin.. out of memory array
added to serialize on xmlspawner2
m_DataValue = reader.ReadString();
m_Name = reader.ReadString();
all on version 0

this cured the xmldialog issue...

but xmldata im incompetent to understand but see the issue here

// a serial constructor is REQUIRED
public XmlData(ASerial serial) : base(serial)
need a constructor to serialize? ASerial here on xmldata has nothing to sync to...
cant find a constructor to sync with ASerial to fix the issue ...visualstudio cheater..
hmm that rar worked for me perfectly with 0 errors i dunno man

xml attach uses Aserial at all there is no way it cant find
i wonder did u do the distro edits again ?
cause u need to
Hi. I just extracted this to my custom folder. Maybe I came in the middle of the discussion, but this is what I read in the instructions. "Once you extract LevelSystemExtreme into the customs folder and make the edits, it's ready to go. Log in to the server as a GM or higher and use [levelcontrol ." I 1) Don't see a file that explains what edits I need to make (per the instructions) 2) I logged in to my server and typed [levelcontrol but nothing happens. What am I missing? Thanks!

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