
Massapequa submitted a new resource:

Leveled Spawn Controller - Create Spawns that increase in difficulty as you kill the monsters!

This is an item that controls the default Spawners that come with the emulator.
(This does not work with xmlSpawners. I may look into adding it later).

This is an item that simply holds a list of Spawners, and when activated, will cause them to spawn in order.
To use this item, create one, along with a Spawner for each level you want your spawn to be, then add the Spawn to the Controller's list.

Here's a video of the LeveledSpawnController in action - The Moonglow Graveyard now spawns...

Read more about this resource...
Very nice concept, basically a mini boss spawn nicely done. Maybe a reward at the end ? hmmz a treasure spawn at end.
Damn gonna have to work on getting this for RunUo 2.6 lol
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guess I have the wrong spawner :(
Hey Candy Apple, thanks for the comment!
It's hard to tell what the issue is by your picture.
Is the controller just continuously resetting?
Did you add creatures to each spawner to spawn before activating?
If you give me more details, be really interested in trying to get this working for you.
I will set 5 spawners in it and start it. Seems thoe they spawn really fast and Im not sure if in props to set each one. Like my spawner does not look like his. He has things at the bottom of it My spawner does not look the same and they all spawn at the same time lol
I will set 5 spawners in it and start it. Seems thoe they spawn really fast and Im not sure if in props to set each one. Like my spawner does not look like his. He has things at the bottom of it My spawner does not look the same and they all spawn at the same time lol
So, you may have an older version of the spawner is you have an old version of ServUO or RunUO.
As long as we can get it working, the the look won't matter that much.

So, it seems like it may be an issue with how your spawn handles its SpawnCount.
in the Timer of the Controller there's this line:
        Controller.Remaining = Controller.Spawners[Controller.CurrentLevel-1].SpawnCount;
This is how the controller knows how many creatures are left, and when it hits 0, it jumps to the next level.
I'm guessing that maybe the spawners you have handle that differently?

this is what SpawnCount in my version of Spawner.cs looks like:
        public int SpawnCount
                int count = 0;

                foreach (var so in m_SpawnObjects)
                    count += GetSpawnCount(so);

                return count;
if this isn't the issue, could you send me your Spawner.cs? I can try and spot something that way.

Also, did you have to change or delete anything in the LeveledSpawnController code to get it to compile?
No I have not changed anything :) I might be a bit to reply it is hubby day off :) So I'm cooking and thanks for your help in this
Meant to tell you I'm running servuo pub 54


  • Spawner.cs
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No I have not changed anything :) I might be a bit to reply it is hubby day off :) So I'm cooking and thanks for your help in this
Meant to tell you I'm running servuo pub 54
Hey no worries! Whenever you're able to reply.

So, from a brief scan of your Spawner.cs, it looks like it uses 'Spawned.Count; ' to keep track of the creatures that have been spawned, instead of 'SpawnCount'.

So, go to line 263 in LeveledSpawnController.cs,
    Controller.Remaining = Controller.Spawners[Controller.CurrentLevel-1].SpawnCount;
    Controller.Remaining = Controller.Spawners[Controller.CurrentLevel-1].Spawned.Count;
That should properly keep track of the currently spawned creatures.
if not, I'll mess around more with your Spawner.cs.
Good luck!
Hey no worries! Whenever you're able to reply.

So, from a brief scan of your Spawner.cs, it looks like it uses 'Spawned.Count; ' to keep track of the creatures that have been spawned, instead of 'SpawnCount'.

So, go to line 263 in LeveledSpawnController.cs,
    Controller.Remaining = Controller.Spawners[Controller.CurrentLevel-1].SpawnCount;
    Controller.Remaining = Controller.Spawners[Controller.CurrentLevel-1].Spawned.Count;
That should properly keep track of the currently spawned creatures.
if not, I'll mess around more with your Spawner.cs.
Good luck!
In my spawner.cs I do not see any of that :(
In my spawner.cs I do not see any of that :(
opps nm Im looking in the wrong area. Gonna see if I can figure out how this thing works lol :) I will get back to you and tyvm
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