
Tukaram submitted a new resource:

Lich Staff - Collectible pieces that combine into a weapon

This is an idea based on a weapon on an old shard I used to play (forget the name). There were 2 pieces of a staff you collected as loot. You could combine them into a new weapon.

This is a 3 piece weapon add on (a magic gem, and 2 broken pieces of a Lich staff). When you have each of the 3 parts you double click the gem and you will get the Lich Staff. You just drop these files wherever you put your custom scripts. Introduce them into the game in any way you want. They make a nice...

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Hmm... I just noticed that if you have just the gem, or the gem and the head of the staff, in you pack and double click the gem it says nothing. If you have the gem and the arm of the staff, double clicking the gem says "are you forgetting something". Something must be wrong with my if/else statement... Oh, and the Enchanted Shovel quest I borrowed the idea from does the same thing... something wrong with their if/else statement. Oh well... probably not a big deal.

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