
Hello, everyone, I am not sure if this is the right thread but I am looking to customize the towns in my shard but when I try to unfreeze and remove walls it will not let me remove them I know it can be done because I have seen it what am I doing wrong any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am running a serve Uo server newest Updated one. Is it an issue with the server or my map files?
Have two UO .mul client folders.

Use one for the server (change it in the Config folder).
Use the other for the client on which you connect to a server (ex, in razor).

Go ingame, call unfreeze on a building.
This will take the items in the Server Client files, and generate static items ingame.
Erase those items, wipe them if you don't need aything in the area.
Save the server.
Close the server.
Go to the Server Client folder, copy the correct statics.mul and possibly also staidx.mul map to the Client folder.
Run the server.

See that nothing is there anymore.

Keep in mind that your client folder has to be updated manually.
When you do any actions ingame related to freeze/unfreeze, it will only affect the files in the directory you provided in the Config file.

Keep in mind that any edit is a potential mistake, so keep backups before starting a change-spree!

I hope that helps.
If you have any concerns or questions, do not hesitate to send feedback.
Thank you so much I will work on this tonight and let you know how it goes LOL
[doublepost=1552876655][/doublepost]HAHAHAHA it worked now lets see if I can get it built and put back to static correctly :)
[doublepost=1552887008][/doublepost]Ok regarding your Message about disabling saves where would you disable save what script? or can you do it in the server?
[doublepost=1552887383][/doublepost]I think I found it
[doublepost=1552894101][/doublepost]If I remember Correctly static Items do not lag people but to many nonstatic will? Sorry I am relearning everything I lost everything and had to start all over when my computer crashed
I don't know, i never crashed due to too much statics, and almost all my map and all my dungeons are made of static items, never once crashed.
The only case i can see crashing hard is overusing particle effects, that can be nefast and lead to crash if the window is left unattended for too long (from my experience).
Ok thank you everything I am putting in is static and I am going through and making sure all the new art I added has the correct tags to make them what they need to be.
we just had an issue recently with freezing/unfreezing with the server up --- definitely always backup the client files before you do anything with this. it can cause issues and be temperamental :p
thank you, Asteria I am having issues logging into any shard aside from my own I don't know why but as soon as I log in I lock up and crash. It is not just your shard I tried on a few others I still had accounts on not sure what is going on with it I have to figure out a fix because while I am building my own shard I enjoy playing on other shards LOL
Have two UO .mul client folders.

Use one for the server (change it in the Config folder).
Use the other for the client on which you connect to a server (ex, in razor).

Go ingame, call unfreeze on a building.
This will take the items in the Server Client files, and generate static items ingame.
Erase those items, wipe them if you don't need aything in the area.
Save the server.
Close the server.
Go to the Server Client folder, copy the correct statics.mul and possibly also staidx.mul map to the Client folder.
Run the server.

See that nothing is there anymore.

Keep in mind that your client folder has to be updated manually.
When you do any actions ingame related to freeze/unfreeze, it will only affect the files in the directory you provided in the Config file.

Keep in mind that any edit is a potential mistake, so keep backups before starting a change-spree!

I hope that helps.
If you have any concerns or questions, do not hesitate to send feedback.
This also includes freezing it I am guessing it will disappear until I update my clients map file?
[doublepost=1553325167][/doublepost]Ok so I can unfreeze things file but as soon as I freeze something to disappears and when I transfer the map files into the client tile nothing happened and when I log back in the tiles are still hidden until I unfreeze them again. Anyone that can help me figure out what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
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Your client doesn't have the right files.
The server files return the "hidden" tiles when you unfreeze, because it uses the right client files.
But your client doesn't see them, as either you didn't send the files to the right place, or you sent the wrong files.

What map is it?
it is all my maps the static and staidx files
[doublepost=1553361298][/doublepost]When I am using the files I change the same ones as I did when I unfroze them once I freeze them

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