
Can Set to have something for stealing with


but was wondering if there is a command to set it where a skill level is required kinda like "doom" like need 90 skill level or 120 ect.
is there such a command?
The best way to do stealable items is to script them as a BaseDecorationArtifact and add Weight to it.
The higher the Artifact Rarity number and Weight, will determine the fail success rate.
After you script them, you can put them on a xmlspanwer, Item/Movable/False/STEALABLE/True


[FlipableAttribute(0x6EB5, 0x6EB6)]
public class HhiGeniLantern : BaseDecorationArtifact

public override bool IsArtifact { get { return true; } }
public override int ArtifactRarity { get { return 12; } }

public HhiGeniLantern()
: base(0x6EB5)
this.Name = "Lantern";
this.Weight = 8.0;

public HhiGeniLantern(Serial serial)
: base(serial)

public override void Serialize(GenericWriter writer)
writer.WriteEncodedInt(0); // version

public override void Deserialize(GenericReader reader)
int version = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
Or just find StealableArtifactsSpawner.cs and add it.
Example code:

 private static readonly StealableEntry[] m_Entries = new StealableEntry[]
            // Doom - Artifact rarity 1
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(317, 56, -1), 72, 108, typeof(RockArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(360, 31, 8), 72, 108, typeof(SkullCandleArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(369, 372, -1), 72, 108, typeof(BottleArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(378, 372, 0), 72, 108, typeof(DamagedBooksArtifact)),
            // Doom - Artifact rarity 2
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(432, 16, -1), 144, 216, typeof(StretchedHideArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(489, 9, 0), 144, 216, typeof(BrazierArtifact)),
            // Doom - Artifact rarity 3
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(471, 96, -1), 288, 432, typeof(LampPostArtifact), GetLampPostHue()),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(421, 198, 2), 288, 432, typeof(BooksNorthArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(431, 189, -1), 288, 432, typeof(BooksWestArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(435, 196, -1), 288, 432, typeof(BooksFaceDownArtifact)),
            // Doom - Artifact rarity 5
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(447, 9, 8), 1152, 1728, typeof(StuddedLeggingsArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(423, 28, 0), 1152, 1728, typeof(EggCaseArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(347, 44, 4), 1152, 1728, typeof(SkinnedGoatArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(497, 57, -1), 1152, 1728, typeof(GruesomeStandardArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(381, 375, 11), 1152, 1728, typeof(BloodyWaterArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(489, 369, 2), 1152, 1728, typeof(TarotCardsArtifact)),
            new StealableEntry(Map.Malas, new Point3D(497, 369, 5), 1152, 1728, typeof(BackpackArtifact)),
public StealableEntry(Map map, Point3D location, int minDelay, int maxDelay, Type type, int hue)

Then use command [GenStealArties to see your.

Active Shards


Total amount