
I am finding some issues with 7.0.27 such as Blackthorne's Castle and Maginicia are all kinds of wrong with floating bookcases invisible walls and the like.

is there a way to fix this or is there a lower client version I need to downgrade to and if so, how do I find that client version?

I had the same type of issue with the primeval lich area, not able to walk or move. Nothing i did seemed to work and i had to downgrade to 7.0.15. I can get you that client version if u want but im also anxious to hear if anyone knows a fix.
@Ravenwolfe Map issues with walking and not being able to access doors are found in mapdefinitions.cs
This is mine now (client, but the marked out part was mine with client
//TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = false; // OSI Client Patch
TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = true; // OSI Client Patch

//MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = true; // OSI Client Patch
MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = false; // OSI Client Patch

@sec_goat If you want to keep that client version, you can just re-place the trammel map for an older map where tram/fel is not destroyed.

I don't care about the client version number as long as the maps work and they include the SA content so that the servuo SA stuff works.
@sec_goat If you have an older client, then you can just copy and paste. can leave both and just change the older ones to newer numbers (map0.mul to map54.mul) and add it to your maps.
I would prefer to have the install file for a slightly older client so that I can get users to easily install it instead of having to have them overwrite the maps. I know at one point there had been some repositories kicking around of slightly older clients, any ideas?
@ravenwole I like that idea as I don't have to unpack the UOP files every time. Does it still give access to SA content?
@ sec_goat Sorry, I totally missed this post. Yes, 7.0.15 gives full access to SA areas. Let me know if you want it and I'll get you a dropbox link.

@Redmoon I tried the change in Mapdefinitions.cs that you suggested Redmoon, but that did not fix the problem with not being able to walk in the Primeval Lich area. I still can't figure out what the problem is there. I would love to figure it out because I prefer to use a newer client but I need to be able to use the Primeval Lich area.
@Redmoon I tried the change in Mapdefinitions.cs that you suggested Redmoon, but that did not fix the problem with not being able to walk in the Primeval Lich area. I still can't figure out what the problem is there. I would love to figure it out because I prefer to use a newer client but I need to be able to use the Primeval Lich area.[/quote]

The Primeval Lich area is in felucca 6967,997, -15 for me.
My guess is it has something to do with the new faction maps. I would try removing map0x.mul from your client folder (cut and paste into another folder on desktop to test). I did fix this issue when I was using client, but I can't remember exactly what I did. (could it be that you're going to the PLa but in termur instead of felucca?)

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